Esta tentación que me vuelve loco y me desespera, y es que tu cintura es una locura me vas atrapando me vas elevando
This temptation that drives me crazy and drives me to despair, and your waist is a madness that traps you and elevates you
Y es es tu cuerpo nena que respira vida nena y es que tienes todo en esta vida pa gozar
And that's your body, baby, that breathes life, baby, and you have everything you need to enjoy this life
Baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me
Dance that rhythm, honey, dance so you could dance me
Acerca te un poquito Salomé
Come a little closer, Salome
Baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me
Dance that rhythm honey, dance so you can dance me
Regala me tu hechizo de mujer
Give me your women's magic
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Tu bajaste desde el cielo
You came down from heaven
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Y me echas te al candelero
And you put me in the limelight
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Tu bajaste desde el cielo
You came down from heaven
Hay hay hay mira niña si te quiero
Hey hey hey look girl I want you
Pero ven y baila sigete acercando
But come on and dance come closer
Y es que tu sabor el Caribe al sol seguimos gozando
And your flavor is the Caribbean in the sun as we continue to enjoy
Tu ritmo se ve mi amor cuando cae tu sudor y tus movimientos parecen mas que un gato sagrado
Your rhythm shows my love when your sweat falls and your movements seem more like a sacred cat
Y es que tu cintura de silueta y luna
And that's your waist of silhouette and moonlight
Me va atrapando me va alucinando
It's trapping me it's driving me crazy
Y es que soy tu cuerpo nena que respira vida nena y es que tienes todo en esta vida pa gozar
And that's your body, baby, that breathes life, baby, and you have everything in this life to enjoy
Baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me acercate un poquito Salomé
Dance to that rhythm, honey, dance to that rhythm, you dance me and come a little closer, Salome
Baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me
Dance that rhythm honey, dance so you can dance me
Regalame tu hechizo de mujer
Give me your women's magic
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Tu bajaste desde el cielo
You came down from heaven
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Y me echaste al candelero
And you cast me into the limelight
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Tu bajaste desde el cielo
You came down from heaven
Hay hay hay
Hey hey hey
Mira niña si te quiero
Look girl I want you
Te quiero...
I love you...
Baila que baila
Dance that dance
That's it
Hay hay hay Salome
Hey hey hey Salome
Hay hay hay Salomé
Hey hey hey Salome
Baila me como quieras baila me que tu ritmo me vuelve loco Salomé
Dance me the way you want to dance me that your rhythm drives me crazy Salome
Es que tu cintura esa es mi locura
It's your waist that's my madness
Me vas a atrapando me vas elevando
You are going to trap me you are going to elevate me
Y es que soy tu cuerpo nena
And that's your body baby
Que respira vida nena
That breathes life baby
Y es que tienes todo en esta vida pa gozar
And you have everything you need in this life to enjoy
Baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me
Dance to that rhythm, honey, dance so you could dance me
Acercate un poquito Salomé baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me Regálame tu hechizo de mujer baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me acercate un poquito Salomé baila que ritmo tesoro baila que baila me regalame tu hechizo de mujer
Come a little closer, Salome, dance that rhythm, honey, dance so you can dance me, give me your women's magic, dance that rhythm, honey, dance so you can dance me, come a little closer, Salome, dance that rhythm, honey, dance so you can dance me, give me your women's magic
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