Cheb Ruben - Alberto Murroni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cheb Ruben - Alberto Murroni

Alberto Murroni
Alberto Murroni
Yo, yo
Yo, yo
Lanzo cuchillos como Alberto Murroni
I throw knives like Alberto Murroni
Estos games no son funny
These games aren't funny
Vistes skinny, antes Karl Kani
You wear skinny jeans, once upon a time it was Karl Kani
Sigues grabando mierda, no me culpes a
You keep making crap, don't blame me
Quítame la vida como el pus de la herida
Take my life like a wound's puss
Como de España a Cernuda, canción desesperada como Neruda
Like from Spain to Cernuda, a hopeless song like Neruda
Hacíamos equipo como Foyone y Gharuda
We made a great team like Foyone and Gharuda
Paloma Chamorro y la movida
Paloma Chamorro and the movement
Ahora ya ni me saluda
Now we don't even greet each other
Yo escribiendo best-sellers, ella leyendo a Maluma
I'm writing best-sellers, she's reading Maluma
Lo tiro a lo Panenka, a media altura
I shoot like Panenka, at half-height
Le brillaban los ojos, besando largo en la parada
Her eyes were shining, we kissed for a long time at the bus stop
Camino a casa interminable
An endless journey home
Luego en la cama pensando en pedirle la mano a su padre
Then in bed, thinking about asking her father for her hand
Pero la mano era suya
But it was her hand
Tiro a fallar buscando el triple, he perdido demasiadas veces ya
I shoot to miss, looking for a triple, I've lost too many times already
Ah, ah, lo he visto todo
Ah, ah, I've seen it all
Esa puta solo es otra puta que se cree modelo
That bitch is just another bitch who thinks she's a model
Hablando con Dios en los momentos malos
Talking with God in difficult moments
Rezando al demonio en los buenos
Praying to the devil in the good ones
Recuerdo, malditos domingos tristes
I remember, miserable Sundays
Recuerdo, maldito día del año
I remember, cursed day of the year
Recuerdo, maldita estación de Atocha
I remember, wretched Atocha station
En la que sentiste mi mano en tu coño chorreando
Where you felt my hand on your soaking pussy
No si volverá, pero no creo
I don't know if she'll come back, but I don't think so
Asunto feo, asusta y da miedo
It's an ugly situation, scary and terrifying
Pensar que me verá y me hará el lío
Thinking that she'll see me and give me a hard time
De mandarme a paseo
Tell me to get lost
Yo me he vuelto un extraño
I've become a stranger
Fui un señor, ahora to' lo contrario
I used to be a gentleman, now I'm everything but that
Dices que esta bilis no la mereces
You say that I don't deserve this bile
¿Prefieres acaso mis heces?
Would you prefer my feces?
Yo, tiburón de agua dulce
I'm a shark in fresh water
Mi mar ha matado a mis peces
My sea has killed my fish
Dices que tengo un problema importante
You say I have a major problem
Efectivamente, un problema de narices
Indeed, a “big nose” problem
Escribo resentido
I write resentfully
Sacando partido al hecho de que te hayas ido
Taking advantage of that you left
De enzarpada con mis hermanitos
Partying with my “brothers”
Esperando al dominicanito
Waiting for the “little Dominican boy”
Me dicen "no me lo explico"
They tell me "I don't get it"
Lo que trae este me suena exquisito
What he brings me sounds delicious
Disfrútatelo, paleto
Enjoy it, asshole
No lo etiquetes (Yo no lo etiqueto)
Don't label it (I don't label it)

Writer(s): cheb ruben

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