Cheetah - Bend Over - traduction des paroles en anglais

Bend Over - Cheetahtraduction en anglais

Bend Over
Bend Over
생각보다 높지 여긴 숨가뻐
I'm higher than you think, it's breathless here
상상에 맡겨 존재하기도 바뻐
I'm also struggling to exist because of your imagination
So I have been drunken
So I have been drunken
I have been crazy
I have been crazy
I have been I have been
I have been I have been
There you know Oh where
There you know Oh where
I mean Just Bend Over
I mean Just Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over
Bend Over
꿈은 전에 꿨지 이건 현실
I had a dream before, this is reality
이미 이뤘으니 과거
Since it has already happened, it's in the past
다시 꿈꿀래
I want to dream again
Back to the future
Back to the future
Get off my back
Get off my back
그만해 지겨워 back off
Stop annoying me, all of you back off
누가 잘났는지
Who is better?
Huh 그건 됐고
I Huh, that's enough
이상해 머리 속이 어지러워
It's strange, my head is dizzy
이게 병이라고 치면 고칠 있어
If this is a disease, it can be cured
궁금해서 검사도 했어
I was curious so I did a test
하나 빼먹었지만 정상
I missed one, but I'm normal
근데 니가 갇혀있는 Social media에
However, I don't understand your abdominal pain
있는 사람 보며 느끼는 복통을
From watching people on your imprisoned Social media
공감 못해 어쩌면 소시오
I'm maybe sociopathic
혼자 내가 잘났단 뻔한 얘긴
Me alone, it's obvious that I'm good
패스하고도 쉬워
Passing is also easy
알잖아 어쩔 없이
You know, it's like your destiny
결국 박수 받아
Eventually receiving applause
그건 like John Nash uh
Like John Nash uh
머린 크게 맞고도
My head was hit hard
아직 머리
But it's still above your head
설마 어디서 아는
Surely not again, somewhere you know everything
떠든 아니지
Making noise
생각보다 높지 여긴 숨가뻐
I'm higher than you think, it's breathless here
상상에 맡겨 존재하기도 바뻐
I'm also struggling to exist because of your imagination
So I have been drunken
So I have been drunken
I have been crazy
I have been crazy
I have been I have been
I have been I have been
There you know Oh where
There you know Oh where
I mean Just Bend Over
I mean Just Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over
Bend Over
Yeah life is ice-cream 녹기 전에
Yeah life is ice-cream, before it melts
충분히 있길
May I fully enjoy it
언젠가 먹고 거야
Some day I'll eat it all
치토스와 곁들여
Along with Cheetos
오늘 머리는 휴가 보냈어
My head is on vacation today
방금 몸짓은 너무 뻔했고
Your gestures were too obvious just now
에피타이져 즐겼으면 달콤하되
I wish you enjoyed the appetizer, it's sweet but
무게감 있게 J walker walker
Heavy, J walker walker
Walker Hang on
Walker Hang on
다들 Work on work on
Everyone Work on work on
Work on move
Work on move
Wake up 정신차려 계속
Wake up, stay awake, continue
그러다간 Back up extra
Then Back up again
Walk in walk in walk out
Walk in walk in walk out
싫으면 어서 들이켜
If you don't like it, quickly scream
벌컥 벌컥 벌컥
Again buzz buzz buzz
노는 체력 또한 유명하지
I'm also famous for my stamina
If you want to follow
필요해 Red bull 이나
You need Red bull or
Bulk up Bulk up Bulk up
Bulk up Bulk up Bulk up
가려졌던 베일을 꺼풀 벗겼을
I just peeled off one layer of the hidden veil
감춰진걸 아닌 누구도 몰랐을
No one knew what was hidden, except me
I got money I got fame
I got money I got fame
I got the plan cuz I got a brain
I got the plan cuz I got a brain
Yeah I got brain
Yeah I got brain
That′s how it's done
That′s how it's done
생각보다 높지 여긴 숨가뻐
I'm higher than you think, it's breathless here
상상에 맡겨 존재하기도 바뻐
I'm also struggling to exist because of your imagination
So I have been drunken
So I have been drunken
I have been crazy
I have been crazy
I have been I have been
I have been I have been
There you know Oh where
There you know Oh where
I mean Just Bend Over
I mean Just Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over
Bend Over
Myself 자신을 다시 넘어
Myself, surpass myself again
I′ll go run a couple miles once more
I′ll go run a couple miles once more
Myself 자신을 다시 넘어
Myself, surpass myself again
I'll go run a couple miles once more
I'll go run a couple miles once more
No more
You No more
생각보다 높지 여긴 숨가뻐
I'm higher than you think, it's breathless here
상상에 맡겨 존재하기도 바뻐
I'm also struggling to exist because of your imagination
So I have been drunken
So I have been drunken
I have been crazy
I have been crazy
I have been I have been
I have been I have been
There you know Oh where
There you know Oh where
I mean Just Bend Over
I mean Just Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over Bend Over Bend Over
Bend Over
Bend Over
Bend Over
Bend Over

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