Guess Who feat. Cheloo - Fericit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Guess Who feat. Cheloo - Fericit

Nu cer decat un petic de cer liber
I only ask for a piece of free sky
Si sa am timp sa ma reconsider
And to have time to reconsider myself
In loc sa ma desonsider
Instead of letting myself down
Cu un caracter de fier
With a character of iron
As fi ruginit pana acum
I would have rusted by now
Dar am trecut peste apa de foc, praf si fum.
But I went through water of fire, dust and smoke.
A mai ramas un pic de magie
There's still a bit of magic left
Si cine stie?
And who knows?
Poate va-ncepe intr-un final sa-mi rezulte si mie,
Maybe it will finally start working out for me too,
Visele mele se lovesc de ziua de maine
My dreams collide with tomorrow
Daca as orbi nu mi-ai intinde in mortii tai o bucata de paine.
If I were blind, you wouldn't hand me a piece of bread in your death.
N-am puteri speciale sa mentin legaturi superficiale
I don't have special powers to maintain superficial connections
Si sunt scarbit de mimici artizanale
And I'm disgusted by artisanal mimics
Daca as putea citi in priviri
If I could read your eyes
Ai uita sa respiri
You'd forget to breathe
Caci as practica stilul liber latir in direct la stiri
Because I would practice freestyle barking live on the news
Intoarce-mi spatele prietene
Turn your back on me, friend
Asta-i un monolog
This is a monologue
Nu-ti bag in rana un cutit, iti bag un ciob
I don't stick a knife in your wound, I stick a shard
Am sa-ti iau inapoi tot ce ti-am dat cu mana mea
I'll take back everything I gave you with my own hand
Ce p*** mea
What the f***
Prietenul sa merite apoi sa vrea
A friend should deserve and then want
Nu confunda dreptul cu darul
Don't confuse the right with the gift
Tu care-mi pui gandind jegos pe masa intors paharul
You who put the dirty thinking glass upside down on my table
Ma culc suparat
I go to sleep upset
A doua a zi ma scol tot incruntat
The next day I wake up still frowning
Inca o zi de c***t inconjurat de oameni de c***t.
Another shitty day surrounded by shitty people.
Voi care zambiti de dragul aparentelor
You who smile for the sake of appearances
Sa stiti ca ma-nraiesc, in nici un caz, in nici un caz nu mor.
Know that I get angry, I don't die, in no case, in no case.
Sunt moment-n viata cand e necesar sa vrei
There are moments in life when it's necessary to want
Sa pui gunoaie-n cutia milei
To put trash in the charity box
Si toti banii sa-i bei,
And drink all the money,
Iti ramane doar sa te razbuni pe tine
All you have left is to take revenge on yourself
Caci e mai usor sa fi rau cand vrei sa fi bun si n-ai cu cine...
Because it's easier to be bad when you want to be good and you have no one to be with...
Sunt moment-n viata cand e necesar sa vrei
There are moments in life when it's necessary to want
Sa pui gunoaie-n cutia milei
To put trash in the charity box
Si toti banii sa-i bei,
And drink all the money,
Iti ramane doar sa te razbuni pe tine
All you have left is to take revenge on yourself
Caci e mai usor sa fi rau cand vrei sa fi bun si n-ai cu cine...
Because it's easier to be bad when you want to be good and you have no one to be with...
Unu- cateva foi
One - a few sheets
Sterg o mie de nevoi
Wipe away a thousand needs
Nu-nerca sa-ti gasesti norocu-n lanul de trifoi
Don't try to find your luck in the clover field
Doi- n-o sa vezi fericirea printr-un geam mat
Two - you won't see happiness through a frosted window
Cum n-o sa vezi in masini straine oameni in halat.
Just as you won't see people in robes in foreign cars.
Am inhalat destul aere de oameni cool
I've inhaled enough cool people airs
Ce cred c-ajung in Rai si dau de-o usa pe are scrie pull
Who think they'll get to Heaven and find a door that says pull
Ai planurile-n cap doar atunci cand il pui pe perna
You only have plans in your head when you put it on the pillow
Nu visa la occident
Don't dream of the West
Cand nu stii nu stii limba materna
When you don't know your mother tongue
Prietenii au mai multi bani au tot ce vor
Friends have more money, they have everything they want
Deci isi permit
So they can afford it
Tu esti sarac ai doar un san in spate
You're poor, you only have one breast in your back
Dar esti cinstit
But you're honest
Cui ii pasa?
Who cares?
Acum ca sa ai o casa
Now to have a house
Sa ai ceva-n plasa nu e loc sa spui lasa
To have something in the bag, there's no room to say let it go
In orice batatura sta mai mult de-un gram de ura
In every yard there's more than a gram of hate
Stai, stai cu nasu-n bautura ca mai mult n-o sa a-a-ai
Stay, stay with your nose in the drink because you won't have more to a-a-have
Decat sa dai pune deoparte in final sa vezi ce mai ramane...
Than to give, put aside, in the end to see what's left...
Un copil ramane-o afacere proasta
A child remains a bad deal
Cand esti in somaj
When you're unemployed
Intre frati ramane discriminarea la partaj
Discrimination remains between siblings in the division
Din scoala, ramai cu gandul c-ai fost la dresaj
From school, you're left with the thought that you were at dressage
In viata fericirea ramane un film de scurt metraj...
In life, happiness remains a short film...
Sunt moment-n viata cand e necesar sa vrei
There are moments in life when it's necessary to want
Sa pui gunoaie-n cutia milei
To put trash in the charity box
Si toti banii sa-i bei,
And drink all the money,
Iti ramane doar sa te razbuni pe tine
All you have left is to take revenge on yourself
Caci e mai usor sa fi rau cand vrei sa fi bun si n-ai cu cine...
Because it's easier to be bad when you want to be good and you have no one to be with...
Sunt moment-n viata cand e necesar sa vrei
There are moments in life when it's necessary to want
Sa pui gunoaie-n cutia milei
To put trash in the charity box
Si toti banii sa-i bei,
And drink all the money,
Iti ramane doar sa te razbuni pe tine
All you have left is to take revenge on yourself
Caci e mai usor sa fi rau cand vrei sa fi bun si n-ai cu cine...
Because it's easier to be bad when you want to be good and you have no one to be with...

Writer(s): Cheloo

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