Cheloo - Înoată Sau Mori - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cheloo - Înoată Sau Mori

Înoată Sau Mori
Swim or Die
Iarba merge cu bere, berea merge cu vin
Weed goes with beer, beer goes with wine
N-am nevoie de palate ridicate cu chin
I don't need palaces built with pain
Cum sa traim simplu? E complicat sa va spun
How to live simply? It's complicated to tell you
Va pun problema la fel ca pan' acum.
I put the question to you as I have done before.
Asta e genu' de drum care dispare-n soare
This is the kind of road that disappears into the sun
Cand dai de urmele tale fugind de ninsoare
When you find your tracks running away from the snowfall
Totul a devenit ieftin, o sa platim scump
Everything has become cheap, we're going to pay dearly
O sa m-arunc de pe bordura-n cap, speriat de vant
I'm going to throw myself off the curb and into traffic, scared of the wind
Simt ca m-am nesimtit si-mi place cum sunt
I feel like I've been rude and I like it
In sfarsit recunosc ca sunt ceea ce cant
Finally I admit that I am what I sing
Vorbesc despre ura de parca ar fi vie,
I talk about hatred as if it were alive,
Nu incerca sa respiri aerul cuvenit mie
Don't try to breathe the air that's rightfully mine
Daca te-ai bagat in c***t, inoata sau mori
If you've gotten yourself into shit, swim or die
Asta e sfatul cu care inveti aici sa zbori
That's the advice with which you learn to fly here
Pot sa te fac sa dai fericit din cap
I can make you nod your head with joy
Sa te fac sa te-ascunzi, tremurand cu ochii-nchisi sub pat
Make you hide, trembling with your eyes closed under the bed
Radem de tine sau radem cu tine
We laugh at you or we laugh with you
Iti dam tripuri si filme cu mortaciuni pe patine
We give you trips and movies with ghouls on skates
Tipete, urlete, spume, ura traita intens
Screams, howls, foam, hatred lived intensely
Batai, minciuni, bani, pareri de rau fara sens
Beatings, lies, money, regrets without meaning
Lacrimi, frustrare, uitare si lipsuri,
Tears, frustration, forgetting and privations,
Nopti la PC cu vodka rece, Coca-Cola si chipsuri
Nights at the PC with cold vodka, Coca-Cola and chips
M-am intrecut cu gluma
I've outdone myself with the joke
Si-am castigat intotdeauna
And I've always won
Am baut si partea ta dar ti-am lasat spuma
I drank your share too, but I left you the foam
Ce e femeia azi? O gonflabila cu pareri
What is woman today? An inflatable with opinions
Ce e femeia batuta azi? T***a de ieri
What is a beaten woman today? Yesterday's slut
Psihologia voastra pare simpla ca muia
Your psychology seems as simple as pussy
Cand va ia dracu de c***e si... ALELUIA
When the devil takes you by the balls and... HALLELUJAH
Am violat-o pe mata, catarat intr-un tuja
I raped your cat, climbing a thuja
Si-am gasit o alta rima nasoala in afara de Puya
And I found another bad rhyme apart from Puya
Ai zice ca sunt praf? Nooo, sunt foarte bine
Would you say I'm useless? Nooo, I'm very well
De la 3 am bagat sase jointuri pline
I've smoked six full joints since 3am
Am o problema cu circulatia si habar n-am ce fac
I have a problem with circulation and I have no idea what to do
Si-mi circula numai ganduri proaste prin cap
And I only have bad thoughts circulating through my head
Sunt zile in care constat ca nu doare
There are days when I realize it doesn't hurt
Umilintele nu trec si sunt pierdut in uitare
Humiliations don't pass and I'm lost in forgetting
Obsedat de mandrie, is obsedat de onoare
Obsessed with pride, I'm obsessed with honor
Si e foarte trist mama, m-au facut mare
And it's very sad, Mom, they made me big.

Writer(s): Catalin Stefan Ion

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