Chemistry - mirage in blue - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chemistry - mirage in blue

mirage in blue
Mirage in Blue
藍に染まるインディゴの空 秘密めいた逃げ水の向こう
The indigo sky turns blue, and the water shimmers like a mirage beyond the secret water
通り過ぎたバスの埃に 閉じた瞼青く透けるよ
I close my eyes in the dust of the passing bus, and they turn blue and transparent
落書きがまだ残る 防波堤に続く道
My path leads to the breakwater, where the graffiti still remains
二人戯れた桟橋を 今も裸足で歩いている
I still walk along the pier where we used to play, barefoot
The water shimmers, beckoning me with its light
夏の蜃気楼 走る風に心寄せて
My heart is carried by the summer mirage, by the running breeze
仕舞い忘れてた 夢を抱き限りのない南風に
I hold the dream that I had forgotten into the endless southern wind
I run endlessly, without end
灼けた肩と乾いた喉を 癒すように草は薫るよ
The grass heals my sunburned shoulders and dry throat
木漏れ日すくい集め 胸の中吸い込んだら
I breathe in the sunlight that I gather through the trees
夏が紡ぎ出す 青い風に頬を染めて
My cheeks are flushed by the blue wind that summer weaves
いずれ終わりなき 時の中で想い馳せた まだ見ぬ果て
Someday, in the endless time, I will think of the end that I have not yet seen
I will run endlessly, forever
水平線を染める夕陽に 何故心は奪われる
My heart is captured by the sunset that paints the horizon
The nostalgic scent of the distant sun still lingers
夏の蜃気楼 走る風に心寄せてく
My heart is carried by the summer mirage, by the running breeze
仕舞い忘れてた 夢を抱き限りのない南風に
I hold the dream that I had forgotten into the endless southern wind
I run endlessly, without end
いずれ終わりなき時の中で 想い馳せた まだ見ぬ果て
Someday, in the endless time, I will think of the end that I have not yet seen
I will run on forever, endlessly

Writer(s): 浅田 信一, Kazuya, 浅田 信一, kazuya

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