Chinaski - Game Is Over - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chinaski - Game Is Over

Game Is Over
Game Is Over
Když vostuda, tak pořádná
When the shame is real, it's over the top
Když vyvádět, tak do rána
When you act out, it's until the break of dawn
Ale kdo je tady dneska normální
But who is normal around here today?
Když průser, tak totální
When there's trouble, it's always total
Když vejplata, tak mizerná
When the paycheck comes, it's meager
Když vostuda, tak příšerná
When the shame is real, it's horrendous
Jenom zíráš, a je ti jasný jen
You just stare, and the only thing that's clear
Že to bude další libovej den
Is that it's going to be another great day
Není, kam bys couvla
There's nowhere to retreat
Radši bys nebyla
You'd rather not exist
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Hra skončila
The game has ended
Když na Smíchov, tak taxíkem
When to Smíchov, it's by taxi
Když zavírat, tak žolíkem
When the closing time comes, it's with a joker
Když hrát, tak v tejdnu sedm dní
When you play, it's seven days a week
Když tyjátr, tak národní
When it comes to theater, it's the national one
Není, kam bys couvla
There's nowhere to retreat
Radši bys nebyla
You'd rather not exist
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Hra skončila
The game has ended
Další libovej pitomej den
Another great, stupid day
Hlava sto devadesát BPM
Head at a hundred and ninety BPM
Studenej pot, voči jako tenisáky
Cold sweat, eyes like tennis balls
Jen sedět a hučet
Just sit and hum
Jako piliňáky
Like a pill
Game is over- Insert coin
Game is over - Insert coin
Tohle je ztracenej boj
This is a lost cause
Člověku se někdy zachce bejt neschopnej
Sometimes you just want to be incompetent
Jakýkoli akce
Any action
Není, kam bys couvla
There's nowhere to retreat
Radši bys nebyla
You'd rather not exist
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Hra skončila
The game has ended
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Každýmu co jeho jest
To each his own
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Porota žádá výjímečnej trest
The jury requests an exceptional punishment
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Štěstí votočilo zády
Luck has turned away
Bohužel game is over
Unfortunately, game is over
Musíš stát na správný straně barikády
You have to stand on the right side of the barricade

Writer(s): pavel grohman, michal malatny, ondřej škoch

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