Chinaski - Na, ná, nááá - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chinaski - Na, ná, nááá

Na, ná, nááá
Na, na, naaa
Haló, priateľ môj,
Hello, my friend,
Vraj sedíš vo vlaku.
I hear you're already on the train.
Jó, jedu za tebou stovky kiláků.
Yeah, I'm coming to see you, hundreds of miles.
Naši chystajú,
Our parents are already preparing,
Obľúbené koláče.
Your favorite cakes.
Tu vaši pohostinnost,
Your family's hospitality,
Znám ještě z totáče.
I still remember from the communist era.
Teším sa na teba,
I'm looking forward to seeing you,
Môžeme debatovať do rána,
We can chat until the morning,
Nad ránem jen tak zpívat
And sing casually in the early morning
Nezávazně Ná, ná, ná.
Without obligation Na, na, na.
Mnoho priateľských slov,
With lots of friendly words,
Jedu za tebou.
I'm coming to see you.
Uži si cestu, jej krásu pokojne.
Enjoy the journey, and take it easy.
Prý naši otcové byli spolu na vojně.
I heard our fathers served in the army together.
Počul som, vraj sa smiali tak, že plakali.
I've heard they laughed so hard they cried.
A všechny ženské, co s nimi byly, roztály.
And all the women they were with melted away.
Bylo jim dobře a taky kalili do rána.
They had a great time and drank until the morning.
Nad ránom spievali nezáväzne Ná, ná, ná.
And in the early morning they sang casually Na, na, na.
Mnoho priateľských slov,
With lots of friendly words,
Jedu za tebou.
I'm coming to see you.
Dodnes sa diví celý svet,
To this day, the whole world wonders,
Jak se rozejít bez krve, naposled a poprvé,
How it's possible to separate without bloodshed, for the last and first time,
Málokto vrátil by to späť,
Not many would go back,
Dneska sme každý vlastním pánem,
Today we are each our own masters,
Za to díky, čus a ámen.
Thanks for that, and goodbye and amen.
Haló, příteli,
Hello, my friend,
Prý sedíš ve vlaku.
I hear you're already on the train.
Človeče, to je dial'ka,
Man, that's a long way,
vím, 600 kiláků.
I know, 600 miles.
Užij si Moravy a taky těš se na Prahu
Enjoy Moravia and look forward to Prague
Máte tam niečo ako naše plte na Váhu?
Do you have something like our rafts on the Vah River?
Jo, máme tady všechno a taky kalíme do rána,
Yes, we have everything here and we also party until the morning,
Nad ránom spievate nezáväzne Ná, ná.
And in the early morning we sing casually Na, na, na.
Mnoho priateľských slov,
With lots of friendly words,
Jedu za tebou.
I'm coming to see you.
Dodnes sa diví celý svet,
To this day, the whole world wonders,
Jak se rozejít bez krve, naposled a poprvé,
How it's possible to separate without bloodshed, for the last and first time,
Málokto vrátil by to späť,
Not many would go back,
Dneska sme každý vlastním pánem,
Today we are each our own masters,
Za to díky, čus a ámen.
Thanks for that, and goodbye and amen.
Těším sa na teba, môžeme debatovat do rána,
I'm looking forward to seeing you, we can chat until the morning,
Nad ránem jen tak zpívat nezávazně Ná, ná, ná.
And sing casually in the early morning Na, na, na.
Mnoho priateľských slov,
With lots of friendly words,
Jedu za tebou.
I'm coming to see you.
Dodnes sa diví celý svet,
To this day, the whole world wonders,
Jak se rozejít bez krve, naposled a poprvé,
How it's possible to separate without bloodshed, for the last and first time,
Málokto vrátil by to späť,
Not many would go back,
Dneska sme každý vlastním pánem,
Today we are each our own masters,
Za to díky, čus a ámen.
Thanks for that, and goodbye and amen.
Těším sa na teba, môžeme debatovat do rána,
I'm looking forward to seeing you, we can chat until the morning,
Nad ránem jen tak zpívat nezávazně Ná, ná, ná. Mnoho priateľských slov,
And sing casually in the early morning Na, na, na. With lots of friendly words,
Jedu za tebou...
I'm coming to see you...

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