Yo voy a echar al hueco, vamos a ver si me adivinan.
I'm going to throw it in a hole, let's see if you can guess it.
Voy a empezar por los homofóbicos que discriminan, comenzando por Justo Orozco pa' que se caye, lo echo chingo y lo echo encima a Mateo Quintavalle.
I'm going to start with the homophobic discriminators, starting with Justo Orozco so he falls in, I'm going to throw a lot and throw Mateo Quintavalle on top of him.
Voy a echar al hueco a todos los tombos pendejos, a los polinacia, al los polinarcos y al ""
I'm going to throw all the stupid cops in a hole, the police narcotics, the police narcs and the
Palidejo, a los imbéciles que le tiran
Pale face, to the imbeciles who throw
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