黃凱芹 - 教我如何不爱他 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 黃凱芹 - 教我如何不爱他

Teach Me How Not to Love Him
Teach me how not to love him
(男)大地静不了 任我躺卧
(Male) The earth can't be still let me lie down
But she keeps melting like snowflakes I can't keep her
没法一世抱着过 还有一刹笑着过
Can't hug her for life let's have a moment and laugh
凭这感觉爱下过 难道我会 愉快得多
Because of this feeling I've loved Will I be happier?
(女)大地静下了 没法安坐
(Female) The earth has settled down Can't sit still
Especially him while the snowflakes block my eyebrows and avoid me
轮廓一再震撼我 情绪一再跃动过
The outline shocks me again and again My emotions keep jumping
时间不会算白过 长夜再冷 亦有心火
Time will not be wasted The long night is cold There is also a fire in the heart
(Female) How can I not love him
Can't life only have one of him
(合)到了没法相处 再去记它好处
(Both) When we can't get along Let's remember its merits
Use memories to create this self-deceiving joke
(Male) How can I not love him
What deviation has fate planted
(合)用最多的心血 换最深的积雪
(Both) With the most effort In exchange for the deepest snow
From now on when I meet sparks again
I will also light up this scar
(女)但愿冒着雪 亦要相聚
(Female) I wish I could brave the snow And we must meet
But he looks like an illusion Buried in the years
忘记知觉错或对 时间总会过下去
Forget what's right or wrong Time will always pass
还会找哪个伴侣 难道我会 独个隐居
Will I find another partner Will I have to live alone
(合)如何可以不爱她 莫非生命只配有一个他
(Both) How can I not love her Can't life only have one of her
到了没法相处 再去记它好处
When we can't get along Let's remember its merits
Use memories to create this self-deceiving joke
(男)哦 可以不爱他(女)爱着他
(Male) Oh I can not love her(Female) Loving her
What deviation has fate planted
(合)用最多的心血 换最深的积雪
(Both) With the most effort In exchange for the deepest snow
From now on when I meet sparks again
I will also light up this scar

黃凱芹 - compilation

1 只想一生跟你走
2 Hello Merry X'mas
3 焚情
4 浪漫咖啡屋
5 流离所爱-黄凯芹余剑明
6 流离所爱(Vs余剑明)
7 流离所爱
8 没结果的一些感情live
9 没结果的一些感情
10 每当变幻时
11 每一个晚上
12 望星星
13 最后一次心动
14 更好世界
15 曲中情
16 晚秋Finale
17 易爱难收
18 日安忧郁
19 无名小子
20 爱很简单
21 教我如何不爱他
22 生活情趣
23 留住所爱
24 难忘记
25 问青空(伴奏版)
26 问青空
27 铁塔凌云
28 这是爱
29 谁明白爱
30 谁会记得我
31 请您记住我
32 请您回来
33 解情还须系情人
34 若生命等候
35 胭脂非福
36 缱绻
37 绝对自我
38 组曲(雨季不再来..等)
39 祝福
40 相逢恨晚
41 用一首歌的时间怀念你
42 执迷不悔(国语)
43 我的爸爸
44 感受
45 再见Chases (Encore)
46 再见! 我的爱人
47 再见
48 再会了
49 其实你想不想我走
50 偶然(国语)
51 俩心落寞
52 你留我在此
53 伤感的情人
54 伤感的恋人
55 从没这般相信
56 今夜可否留低
57 五月的圣诞树
58 乍暖还寒
59 一个人睡
60 I believe
61 Hello Merry X
62 再见了!我的同学
63 危情
64 哪有一天不想你
65 情未了-黄凯芹周慧敏
66 情未了
67 情心缘浅
68 情归何处
69 快乐王子
70 忘记你我做不到
71 忘情水
72 弥月醉巴黎
73 静夜的单簧管
74 开心的时候离开
75 希望你快乐
76 如果这是情
77 如果我有事
78 如果你知我苦衷
79 天职
80 堕入爱河
81 四季歌
82 唱一首好歌
83 幻影

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