Chukky - Mi Herencia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chukky - Mi Herencia

Mi Herencia
My Inheritance
No si puedo rapear esto, no creo, se me coge un nudo y.
I don't know if I can rap this, I don't think so, it ties me up in knots.
Tiene setenta años, aunque no aparenta apenas cincuenta...
She's seventy years old, although she looks nothing like she's fifty...
Me regaló ese don, tampoco aparento mis treinta,
She gave me that gift, I don't look my thirties either,
Me tuvo tarde, pero fui buscao me dijo siempre:
She had me late, but she was looking for me, she always said:
"Papá quiso un varón y naciste tú, ¡mira que suerte!"
"Daddy wanted a boy and you were born, how lucky!"
Me ha enseñao a mirar de frente,
She has taught me to look ahead,
A esquivar obstáculos, a salvar los embrollos, y a ser valiente.
To avoid obstacles, to overcome hurdles, and to be brave.
Camina siempre sonriente y habla con tol mundo,
She always walks around smiling and talks to everyone,
Me regaló su carisma y su don de gentes,
She gave me her charisma and her gift of people,
Me canta todas las mañanas,
She sings to me every morning,
Cuida a su marío, sus plantas y a mis hermanas,
She looks after her husband, her plants and my sisters,
Por la tarde ensaya con mi padre, mientras cocinaba
In the afternoon she rehearses with my father, while she was cooking
Es una señora de antes, ama de casa, jamás una esclava,
She is a lady of the old days, a homemaker, never a slave,
Perdió a su mami y aún conserva sus recetas,
She lost her mommy and still keeps her recipes,
Tiene un buen hombre que la cuida y la respeta,
She has a good man who takes care of her and respects her,
Si tuve grescas siempre me calmó con besos,
If I had fights, she always calmed me down with kisses,
"No eres malo nene, solo travieso, se te irá cuando crezcas"
"You're not bad, honey, just naughty, it will go away when you grow up"
Me regaló la armonía que hay en mi voz,
She gave me the harmony that is in my voice,
Su forma de entender la vida y explicarla,
Her way of understanding life and explaining it,
Y hoy estoy aquí escribiendo esta canción
And today I am here writing this song
Que no quiero escribirtecuando ya no estés aquí para escucharla
Which I don't want to write when you are no longer here to hear it
Es la mejor herencia que puede existir,
It's the best legacy that could exist,
Te doy las gracias madre por dejarla en mí,
Thank you, mother, for leaving it in me,
No quiero bienes materiales
I don't want material goods
Porque todo lo que quiero está en mi sangre
Because everything I want is in my blood
Y eso sólo te lo debo a ti.
And that I owe only to you.
Es la mejor herencia que puede existir,
It's the best legacy that could exist,
Te doy las gracias padre por dejarla en mí,
Thank you, father, for leaving it in me,
No quiero bienes materiales,
I don't want material goods,
Porque todo lo que quiero está en mi sangre
Because everything I want is in my blood
Y eso sólo te lo debo a ti
And that I owe only to you
Tiene setenta y cinco, y se levanta pronto de la cama,
She's seventy-five, and she gets up early from bed,
La costumbre de currar to su vida a las seis de la mañana,
The habit of working all her life at six in the morning,
No baja al bar se queda en casa,
She doesn't go down to the bar, she stays at home,
Jamás le gritó a mi madre y nunca le puso una mala cara,
She never shouted at my mother and never gave her a bad look,
Me ha enseñao a tener constancia,
She has taught me to be consistent,
Ensaya to los días de su vida desde su infancia,
She has been rehearsing every day of her life since her childhood,
Tiene alma de músico, y habla consigo mismo,
She has the soul of a musician, and she talks to herself,
Me regalo el sentido del ritmo, le doy las gracias.
She gave me the sense of rhythm, and I thank her.
Es un hombre serio, criao en la postguerra,
She is a serious woman, brought up in the post-war years,
De cuando se decía que los hombres no lloraban, sacaban sus garras,
From when it was said that men did not cry, they showed their teeth,
No le he visto llorando nunca,
I have never seen her cry,
Sólo llora por las manos, tocando melodías tristes en su guitarra,
She only cries for her hands, playing sad melodies on her guitar,
Vive en su mundo que se encuentra muy lejos de aquí.
She lives in her own world, which is far away from here.
Me regaló ese don para evadirme y escribir,
She gave me that gift to escape and write,
"Donde aprendiste ese lenguaje niño,
"Where did you learn that language, child,
Será en la calle porque aquí en nuestra casa nunca se ha hablao así"
It must be in the street because we never spoke like that in our house"
No cree en dios, porque muy joven le robó a sus padres,
She doesn't believe in god, because he robbed her parents at a very young age,
Yo pienso igual si existe un dios debe ser miserable,
I think the same way, if there is a god, he must be miserable,
Prefiero hoy que a mañana cuando te escriba
I'd rather today than tomorrow when I write to you
No quiero esperar que ya no estés y que no lo escuches desde arriba.
I don't want to wait until you are no longer here and hear it from above.
Y bueno, poco más que añadir. eso. daros las gracias por.
Well, there's little more to say. that. thank you for.
Porque lo que yo tengo, no se paga con dinero, ¡qué coño!, ni con tol dinero del mundo se puede pagar esto. ¡os quiero!
Because what I have cannot be paid for with money, damn it! Nor with all the money in the world can this be paid for. I love you!

Writer(s): Chukky

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