Chukky feat. Soriano - Jerga - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chukky feat. Soriano - Jerga

Miles de formas de hablar,
Thousands of ways to speak,
Le pegamos la patada al diccionario, hacemos uso popular,
We kick the dictionary, we use popular slang,
No es hablar mal,
It's not bad speaking,
"Illo" y "acho" son sinónimos, la Real Academia ya lo debe decretar.
"Illo" and "acho" are synonyms, the Royal Academy should decree it already.
Nos comemos el final de la palabra, no dejamos na',
We eat the end of the word, we leave nothing,
Si te quieres enterar pégate pa' acá,
If you want to understand, come closer,
Esto es real, esto se habla en la calle,
This is real, this is spoken on the streets,
El acento a tu dialecto es lo que le da la sal.
The accent is what gives your dialect its flavor.
Por eso mata al rey y vente para Murcia,
So kill the king and come to Murcia,
Aquí damos cobijo a los héroes, no denuncia,
Here we shelter heroes, no snitching,
Paraíso de los delincuentes y las furcias,
Paradise for delinquents and harlots,
Con paparajotes como no has probado nunca, zagal...
With paparajotes like you've never tasted before, lad...
Una peonza es una zompa, tron,
A spinning top is a zompa, dude,
Y si la peonza es mu' gorda pos' es un trompón,
And if the spinning top is really big, it's a trompón,
Yellas llevaban tutú y ellos usaban yoyó,
They wore tutus and they used yoyos,
Todos jugando a la rayuela y comiendo limón.
Everyone playing hopscotch and eating lemon.
Lo que llamas saltamontes es un charate,
What you call a grasshopper is a charate,
Yo digo hincharse a porrazos y karate,
I say beat each other up and you say karate,
No llevo tenis ni bambas, no, yo llevo bambos,
I don't wear tennis shoes or sneakers, no, I wear bambos,
Los tuyos tienen calle pero los míos tienen campo.
Yours have street but mine have field.
Aquí no existe ni la popa ni la proa,
Here there is neither stern nor bow,
Hay dos direcciones, solamente son "pa' acá" y " pa' allá",
There are two directions, only "this way" and "that way",
Bicicleta es una marinera sin anchoa,
A bicycle is a marinera without anchovy,
Y a eso que llamas alcaparras son las tápenas.
And what you call capers are tápenas.
Y es que el más cerdo de los cerdos es murciano,
And the fact is that the most pig of the pigs is Murcian,
Por eso aquí el animalico se llama marrano,
That's why here the animal is called marrano,
No digo alcachofa yo digo alcancil,
I don't say artichoke I say alcancil,
Y calendario suele ser un almanaque por aquí.
And calendar is usually an almanac around here.
Tenemos hasta una frase que la dije sin querer,
We even have a phrase that I said unintentionally,
Que no tiene consonantes y es: "oe oio eee" (os he oído eh)
That has no consonants and it's: "oe oio eee" (I heard you eh)
Nos comemos los finales, hasta para hablar de "usté"
We eat the endings, even to talk about "you"
Y no decimos "¿me lo puedes repetir?", decimos "¿eh?"
And we don't say "can you repeat that?", we say "eh?"
Miles de formas de hablar,
Thousands of ways to speak,
Le pegamos la patada al diccionario, hacemos uso popular,
We kick the dictionary, we use popular slang,
No es hablar mal,
It's not bad speaking,
"Illo" y "acho" son sinónimos, la Real Academia ya lo debe decretar.
"Illo" and "acho" are synonyms, the Royal Academy should decree it already.
Nos comemos el final de la palabra, no dejamos na',
We eat the end of the word, we leave nothing,
Si te quieres enterar pégate pa' acá,
If you want to understand, come closer,
Esto es real, esto se habla en la calle,
This is real, this is spoken on the streets,
El acento a tu dialecto es lo que le da la sal.
The accent is what gives your dialect its flavor.
No digo men, yo digo churra,
I don't say dude, I say churra,
No digo brother, si no hermano,
I don't say brother, I say hermano,
No digo hood digo capucha, ¿estamos?
I don't say hood I say capucha, are we clear?
No me he criao en el Bronx, en Queen, o en Brooklyn
I wasn't raised in the Bronx, Queen, or Brooklyn
No se mu' bien que es el Puddin,
I don't know what Puddin is,
¡ni tu tampoco lo sabes hermano!
neither do you bro!
Yo no cago en el water, yo cago en el retrete,
I don't poop in the water, I poop in the toilet,
Manteca colorá, no crema de cacahuete,
Manteca colorá, not peanut butter,
Yo llevo un niqui, un chaleco, no un sweter,
I wear a niqui, a vest, not a sweater,
Llevo botines no bambas, no exageramos, lo he dicho mil veces.
I wear boots not sneakers, let's not exaggerate, I've said it a thousand times.
Pa ti está guay, pa mi está flama
For you it's cool, for me it's fire
Aquí no estafan, aquí te tangan,
Here they don't scam, here they tanga,
Te mangan las gafas de sol de guaperas,
They steal your cool sunglasses,
No estamos siempre de siesta en la cama,
We're not always napping in bed,
Estamos cantando flamenco y vestimos siempre chaqueta torera.
We're singing flamenco and always wear a bullfighter jacket.
No hay balcones hay terrazas,
There are no balconies, there are terraces,
Tampoco hay playa, bueno,
There is no beach either, well,
Hay un río con guiris viendo la puesta,
There is a river with tourists watching the sunset,
Y si me aceptas un consejo como amigo
And if you take my advice as a friend
No respondas "¿dónde vas?" en Sevilla o te llevas esta.
Don't answer "where are you going?" in Seville or you'll get this.
Miles de formas de hablar,
Thousands of ways to speak,
Le pegamos la patada al diccionario, hacemos uso popular,
We kick the dictionary, we use popular slang,
No es hablar mal,
It's not bad speaking,
"Illo" y "acho" son sinónimos, la Real Academia ya lo debe decretar.
"Illo" and "acho" are synonyms, the Royal Academy should decree it already.
Nos comemos el final de la palabra, no dejamos na',
We eat the end of the word, we leave nothing,
Si te quieres enterar pégate pa' acá,
If you want to understand, come closer,
Esto es real, esto se habla en la calle,
This is real, this is spoken on the streets,
El acento a tu dialecto es lo que le da la sal.
The accent is what gives your dialect its flavor.

Writer(s): Chukky

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