Chystemc - Mi Fe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Chystemc - Mi Fe

Mi Fe
My Faith
Siempre que el sendero se ve árido, tu barrio te levanta el ánimo
Whenever the path seems arid, your neighbourhood lifts your spirits
Mi corazón magnánimo me dará vigor
My magnanimous heart will give me strength
No ponguí care' weon y pon el microphone en ON
Don't be a weedy whiner, put the microphone on ON
No funciono con menos presión
I don't function with less pressure
¡Pero llego! ¿¡Cuánto más po' Diego?!
But I'm coming! How much more po' Diego?!
Es que en alguna weá me pego
Because in some crap I hit
Como stencil, Chystemc en el juego
Like a stencil, Chystemc in the game
Prendo mi fuego y lo restrego en tu ego ciego
I start my fire and rub it on your blind ego
Y me lo llevo de paseo
And I take it for a ride
Al lugar más austral; que no saldrá en Nat Geo
To the most austral place; that won't appear in Nat Geo
El plan que planteo, fue campeón en fanfarroneo
The plan I'm envisioning, was the braggart's champion
Cual Alfa Romeo me rodeaba
Like an Alfa Romeo I was surrounded
Pero aquella calzada no era tan guapa
But that road was not so beautiful
Y ciertas etapas te sacan fuera del mapa
And certain stages take you off the map
Se fue mamá, hoy estará iluminada
Mom is gone, today she will be enlightened
De alma sagrada; calma, yo cuidaré de papá
With a sacred soul; calm, I will take care of dad
Convertí mi dolor en mi fuerza; canalicé mi fe, ni me di cuenta
I converted my pain into my strength; I channelled my faith, I didn't even realize it
Dear God, where has gone my faith? Dear God, where has gone my faith?
Dear God, where has my faith gone? Dear God, where has my faith gone?
Convertí mi dolor en mi fuerza; canalicé mi fe, ni me di cuenta
I converted my pain into my strength; I channelled my faith, I didn't even realize it
Dear God, where has gone my faith? Dear God, where has gone my faith?
Dear God, where has my faith gone? Dear God, where has my faith gone?
Sumiso sumido en crisis
Submissive, sunk in crisis
Creo que eso hace zigzaguear al MC entre el no, no y el sí,
I think that makes the MC zigzag between no, no and yes, yes
Se fundió el fusil, repararlo es fácil
The gun melted, it's easy to fix
Inventóme calma; la suspicacia es dócil
I invented calmness; suspicion is docile
Añoro sobredosis
I long for an overdose
De silencio que atesoro con la elegancia de un fósil
Of silence that I adore with the elegance of a fossil
Con Hip Hop me auto-hipnotizo
With Hip Hop I auto-hypnotize myself
Mi vida es una movie y yo no vi la sinopsis
My life is a movie and I didn't see the synopsis
Si hay posibilidad de dosificar mis emociones
If there is a possibility of dosing my emotions
No la desperdicio
I don't waste it
Pongo en posición mi bolígrafo y mi croquis, 'to
I put my pen and my sketches in position, 'to
Fluyo mejor con vicio
I flow better with a vice
El plan, desmantelar prejuicios
The plan, to dismantle prejudice
Nada va a negar tu entrada el día del juicio
Nothing will deny your entrance on the day of judgment
Gran misión para un pecador de oficio
Great mission for a sinner by trade
Ayer mandé a tu municipio mi munición
Yesterday I sent my ammunition to your municipality
Convertí mi dolor en mi fuerza; canalicé mi fe, ni me di cuenta
I converted my pain into my strength; I channelled my faith, I didn't even realize it
Dear God, where has gone my faith? Dear God, where has gone my faith?
Dear God, where has my faith gone? Dear God, where has my faith gone?
Convertí mi dolor en mi fuerza; canalicé mi fe, ni me di cuenta
I converted my pain into my strength; I channelled my faith, I didn't even realize it
Dear God, where has gone my faith? Dear God, where has gone my faith?
Dear God, where has my faith gone? Dear God, where has my faith gone?

Writer(s): Diego Alberto Raul Torres Rojas

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