I don't want them to come out tell me when it will be
El dia que tanto esfuerzo de algo me valga
The day that so much effort is worth something to me
Hoy me salgo del arca y sin embargo mi espalda es la que carga las penas de lo que me hace falta y yo interno traduce mis propias dudas y elije a tus amigos que no sean los hijos de juda
Today I'm leaving the ark and yet my back is the one that carries the weight of what I lack and I internally translate my own doubts and select your friends so that they are not the sons of Judas
Con lo que dudas estas bien no esperes nada a cambio puedes pasar un par de años esperando lo que nunca llegara hoy llegara y luego te hara volar y te fallara levantara y ya te cambiara la cara
With what you doubt you are fine do not expect anything in return you can spend a couple of years waiting for what will never come today it will come and then it will make you fly and it will fail you it will lift you up and it will change your face
Y hara una mascara en los ojos del resto no valoramos lo perfecto amamos lo inperfecto
And it will make a mask in the eyes of the rest we do not value what is perfect we love what is imperfect
Pensemos almenos el contenido y no en embase y ya es hora que tu y tu corazon hagan las pases
Let's at least think about the content and not the container and it's time for you and your heart to make peace
Para ser lo que quieres ser debes hacer y crecer y ser ese ser que siempre soñaste tu ser
To be what you want to be you must do and grow and be that being that you always dreamed of being
Si es la luz quieres cuando cierras los ojos
If it is the light you want when you close your eyes
Mira tu entorno no no no tu entorno de otoño
Look at your surroundings no no no your autumn surroundings
Tu eres marchita y has subido por el chorro barroroso colores plomos cuandome asomo
You are withered and you have come up through the muddy stream gray colors when I peek out
Echo de menos
I miss
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