Sou igual vivendo o irreal perguntem no funal pras cores as cores
I am living the unreal ask the colors at the end the colors
Sao parte do total ja se tornou banal me sentir mal me sinto mal
They are part of the whole, it has become commonplace I feel bad, I feel bad
As cores la fora me disseram pra continuar
The colors outside told me to continue
Elas me disseram pra continuar
They told me to continue
E eu ja superei;, mas eu queria suas mãos nas minhas
And I've already overcome it, but I wanted your hands in mine
Revelar as fotos que tiramos e ninguem sabia
Revealing the photos we took and no one knew
Dessa sua partida
Of when you left
Da sua partida
Of when you left
E se foi se jogou no mar aberto de ilusões
And it was gone, you threw yourself into the open sea of illusions
E as ondas te acertaram como eu planejei
And the waves hit you as I had planned
Eu exagerei um sentimento tão forte eu sei que tive sorte
I exaggerated a feeling so strong I know I was lucky
Aquele não era o que eu sou
That was not what I am
Agora sei tudo o que eu sou e o que me tornou
I know everything now what I am and what made me
Tão igual vivendo o irreal perguntem no final pras cores as cores sao parte do total ja se tornou banal me sentir mal me sinto mal as cores la fora me disseram pra continuar elas me disseram pra continuar e eu ja superei Mais eu queria suas mãos nas minhas revelar as fotos que tiramos e ninguem sabia dessa sua partida da sua partida
So much the same living the unreal ask the colors at the end the colors are part of the whole it has already become commonplace to feel bad I feel bad the colors outside told me to continue they told me to continue and I already overcame it But I wanted your hands in mine reveal the photos we took and no one knew of when you left of when you left
Porque eu fiz parecer voce eu tento outra vez mais nao vou esquecer tudo o que eu falei te fazia chorar não podia falar
Because I made it look like you I'll try again but I won't forget everything I said made you cry couldn't talk
Só te peço perdao hoje canto pra que ouça dos ceus que eu nao duvidei do amor
I just ask your forgiveness, today I sing so that you can hear from the heavens that I never doubted love
Ohhh ohhh ohhh
Oh oh oh oh
Tao igual vivendo o irreal
So much the same living the unreal
Tao igual vivendo o irreal
So much the same living the unreal
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