Citybois - CHECK KAT BEG - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Citybois - CHECK KAT BEG

(PFTD on the beat!)
(PFTD on the beat!)
Cheques dekat bag
Cheques in the bag
Semua silau tengok ice on my neck
Everybody blinded by the ice on my neck
Dari tepi nampak billyz in the cut
From the side, you can see the billyz in the cut
Kalau nampak Citybois jangan dekat
If you see Citybois, stay away
Jumpa aku dekat city
Meet me in the city
Semua lampu aku nampak
I see all the lights
Galas kat belakang takde resah
Scratches on the back, no worries
Kerja aku pull up pastu dapat
I pull up and get to work
Check apa ada kat dalam
Check what's inside
Check kat bag spend that check
Check the bag, spend that cheque
Gang kat depan I bet
My gang is up front, I bet
Welcome dekat Kliraq
Welcome to Kliraq
Takleh nak check me
You can't check me
Two cellphone takleh call
Two cellphones, can't call
Budak lu takleh on
Your boy can't turn up
Jumpa tempat sama
Meet at the same place
Takyah nak recce
No need to recce
She wanna fuck with me bila dia nampak bag
She wanna fuck with me when she sees the bag
Nampak lampu terang aku nak elak the flash
I see bright lights, I'm avoiding the flash
Takyah tanya aku macam mana aku act
Don't ask me how I act
I been in the game berapa lama where I'm at
I been in the game for so long, where I'm at
Beg berat macam ni pasal barang dah lekat
Heavy bag like this 'cause the stuff is stuck
Dekat show dua sesi malam aku tak larat
Two shows tonight, I ain't leaving early
After party aku takde sebab nak balik awal
After party, I got no reason to go home early
Banyak kali janji hits sebab berani buat
Promised hits many times, 'cause I'm bold enough to do it
Off these bitches I go
Off these bitches I go
Do the money making for my clothes
Do the money making for my clothes
Take me out to the store
Take me out to the store
Know I can just simply choose one of those
Know I can just simply choose one of those
Collect semua price tag sampai tangan dah penuh
Collect all the price tags till my hands are full
Kalau nampak Citybois- Sorry
If you see Citybois - Sorry
You know apa aku simpan
You know what I'm keeping
Dalam bag check balik takut ada tinggal
In the bag, check again, afraid I left something
Dalam purse aku ada few notes tak pakai
In my purse, I got a few unused notes
Nak sikit? Bila wealthy aku bagi lipat
Want some? When I'm wealthy, I'll give you a fold
Leher icy tapi tak cukup sejuk sebab spotlight panas
Icy bling, but not cold enough 'cause the spotlight's hot
Hidup aku macam movie bila action aku buat
My life is like a movie, when there's action, I do it
Aku tak nampak sebab Chanel shade buat semua gelap
I can't see 'cause my Chanel shades make everything dark
Tengok lampu aku silau
The lights blind me
Luggage bag aku pull out
I pull out my luggage bag
Cheques dekat bag
Cheques in the bag
Semua silau tengok ice on my neck
Everybody blinded by the ice on my neck
Dari tepi nampak billyz in the cut
From the side, you can see the billyz in the cut
Kalau nampak Citybois jangan dekat
If you see Citybois, stay away
Jumpa aku dekat city
Meet me in the city
Semua lampu aku nampak
I see all the lights
Galas kat belakang takde resah
Scratches on the back, no worries
Kerja aku pull up pastu dapat
I pull up and get to work
Check apa ada kat dalam
Check what's inside
Bila ada show dengan CTB (woioi)
When there's a show with CTB (woioi)
Aku ready kan drip
I get my drip ready
Bila pull up show (what)
When I pull up to the show (what)
Sarung Raf
Wearing Raf
Lenjan waktu moshpit (powww)
Hit it hard during the moshpit (powww)
Jangan pernah tanya apa ada kat dalam bag aku (no no)
Don't ever ask what's in my bag (no no)
Cus if kau check balik pun sure kau tak jumpa apa kat situ (mana)
Cus even if you check it, you won't find anything in there (where)
Now tengok leher aku
Now look at my neck
Finger ice sejuk (brrrr)
Finger ice is cold (brrrr)
Tengah on stage
On stage
Mataku silau bila dorang suluhkan lampu (pow pow)
My eyes are blinded when they shine the light (pow pow)
Now dorang wonder pasal aku
Now they wonder about me
Takleh complain sebab laku (jangan)
Can't complain 'cause I'm popular (don't)
Orang sibuk drop hits baru (yea yea yea)
People are busy dropping new hits (yea yea yea)
Ko still busy record aku dgn crew (brrraaa)
You're still busy recording me and my crew (brrraaa)
Check dalam duffle ku tak nak Zeti Aziz
Check inside my duffle, I don't want Zeti Aziz
Cuma nak purple bands kush aku manis
Just want my purple bands, my kush is sweet
I don't give a damn mana yang datang, tepis
I don't give a damn who comes, I swat them away
Takyah buka zip takut nanti lu yang nangis
Don't open the zip, or you'll be the one crying
Big chains in the game
Big chains in the game
Ice on my neck
Ice on my neck
Big name on da city
Big name in da city
Spotlight punca fame
Spotlight is the reason for fame
Don't shoot kalau the same
Don't shoot if it's the same
Reach the K dalam Citybois
Reach the K in Citybois
Jangan dekat takut nanti
Don't come close or else
Semua silau and steal yo gurl
Everyone will be blinded and I'll steal your girl
Jumpa aku dekat city
Meet me in the city
Apa ada kat dalam?
What's inside?
Mana aku jalan
Wherever I go
Kalau apa yang aku nak
If what I want
Harap pergi, balik dapat
Hopefully, I leave and come back with it
If job datang rapat
If a job comes close
Nak kejar masa takleh lambat
Gotta chase time, can't be late
Pergi balik awal
Leave and come back early
Apa kat minda takleh kawal
What's on my mind, I can't control
I gotta keep what's in my head
I gotta keep what's in my head
I gotta keep what's in my head
I gotta keep what's in my head
Takleh sorok if you see my face
Can't hide it if you see my face
Rasa cam semua orang hate
Feels like everyone hates
Bila nak okay? Aku wait
When will it be okay? I wait
Sumpah ni what the.
I swear this is what the.
Cheques dekat bag
Cheques in the bag
Semua silau tengok ice on my neck
Everybody blinded by the ice on my neck
Dari tepi nampak billyz in the cut
From the side, you can see the billyz in the cut
Kalau nampak Citybois jangan dekat
If you see Citybois, stay away
Jumpa aku dekat city
Meet me in the city
Semua lampu aku nampak
I see all the lights
Galas kat belakang takde resah
Scratches on the back, no worries
Kerja aku pull up pastu dapat
I pull up and get to work
Check apa ada kat dalam
Check what's inside

Writer(s): Pftd

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