Citybois - Jakke - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Citybois - Jakke

Træder inde klubben, som jeg plejer
Stepping into the club, just like I always do
Min baby står og danser for hun ejer
My baby's dancing, owning the floor, it's true
Hele gulvet for sig selv, ja, hun gør det godt
The whole space is hers, yeah, she's doing it right
Hun ligger hotellet, når hun vågner op
She'll be at the hotel when she wakes up in the light
For jeg ved du ska' med hjem
'Cause I know you're coming home with me tonight
Sig til når vi rykker, du står med din booty og rykker
Just say when we're leaving, you're shaking your booty just right
Du ku' gøre det natten lang
You could do it all night long
Vi danser til min egen sang
We're dancing to my own song
Følg med, du skal med mig nu
Come with me, you're coming with me now
Du sejler rundt, det' sent nu
You're drifting away, it's late now
Du vil gerne drik' videre, det' et minus
You wanna keep drinking, that's a minus
Tænk længere, pige, for det' et cirkus, ja
Think ahead, girl, 'cause it's a circus, yeah
Og pige vær ærlig nu og her
And girl, be honest, right here, right now
Gi' mig et svar, gi' mig lidt mer'
Give me an answer, give me a little more
Det' ikk' en leg, jeg lover dig
This ain't a game, I promise you
Hvis du vil ta' med mig
If you wanna come with me
Smider jeg alt for dig
I'll drop everything for you
Dropper mine venner
Ditch my friends, it's true
Jeg tror de forstår mig
I think they'll understand
Klokken den er mange
The clock is ticking, it's getting late
La' mig hent' din jakke
Let me get your jacket, don't wait
Jeg vil ikk' ha' en anden
I don't want anyone else
Forsvind med mig i natten
Disappear with me into the night
Sofaen når vi kommer hjem, ska' vi chill der?
The sofa when we get home, shall we chill there?
Hører højt musik, måske Bon Iver
Listen to loud music, maybe some Bon Iver
Vi ku' ogs' ta' hjem til dig (åh-åh)
We could also go to your place (oh-oh)
La' os lave nogle fejl
Let's make some mistakes
Du' et mærkevare, pige
You're a luxury brand, girl
Du' en Valentin jakke
You're a Valentin jacket
Og jeg ved du bedre end Rihanna
And I know you better than Rihanna
Vi ku' læg' i ske i nat
We could spoon all night long
Vi har 100 ind' Snapchat
We have 100 streaks on Snapchat strong
Følg med, du skal med mig nu
Come with me, you're coming with me now
Du sejler rundt, det' sent nu
You're drifting away, it's late now
Du vil gerne drik' videre, det' et minus
You wanna keep drinking, that's a minus
Tænk længere, pige, for det' et cirkus, ja
Think ahead, girl, 'cause it's a circus, yeah
Og pige vær ærlig nu og her
And girl, be honest, right here, right now
Gi' mig et svar, gi' mig lidt mer'
Give me an answer, give me a little more
Det' ikk' en leg, jeg lover dig
This ain't a game, I promise you
Hvis du vil ta' med mig
If you wanna come with me
Smider jeg alt for dig
I'll drop everything for you
Dropper mine venner
Ditch my friends, it's true
Jeg tror de forstår mig
I think they'll understand
Klokken den er mange
The clock is ticking, it's getting late
Jeg hent' din jakke
I gotta get your jacket, don't wait
Jeg vil ikk' ha' en anden
I don't want anyone else
Forsvind med mig i natten
Disappear with me into the night
Du siger, du har smidt din billet væk
You say you've lost your ticket, that's a shame
Ka' du husk' dit nummer? Var det nummer ét?
Can you remember your number? Was it number one?
Hvordan kom du herhen? Ska' vi tag' taxa hjem?
How did you get here? Should we take a taxi home?
Jeg har brugt hele natten dig, komme lidt
I've spent the whole night on you, come on
Og nu siger du din veninde, hun er blevet væk
And now you say your friend, she's gone astray
La' os droppe al den snak
Let's drop all the talk
La' mig nu hent' din jakke
Let me get your jacket, let's walk
Hvis du vil ta' med mig
If you wanna come with me
Smider jeg alt for dig
I'll drop everything for you
Dropper mine venner
Ditch my friends, it's true
Jeg tror de forstår mig
I think they'll understand
Klokken den er mange
The clock is ticking, it's getting late
Jeg hent' din jakke
I gotta get your jacket, don't wait
Jeg vil ikk' ha' en anden
I don't want anyone else
Forsvind med mig i natten
Disappear with me into the night
Hvis du vil ta' med mig
If you wanna come with me
Smider jeg alt for dig
I'll drop everything for you
Dropper mine venner
Ditch my friends, it's true
Jeg tror de forstår mig
I think they'll understand
Klokken den er mange
The clock is ticking, it's getting late
Jeg hent' din jakke
I gotta get your jacket, don't wait
Jeg vil ikk' ha' en anden
I don't want anyone else
Forsvind med mig i natten
Disappear with me into the night

Writer(s): sylvester sivertsen, thor farlov, anthon edwards

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