Clannad - Chuaigh Mé 'Na Rosann - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Clannad - Chuaigh Mé 'Na Rosann

Chuaigh Mé 'Na Rosann
I Went to Rossan
Chuaigh ′na Rosann ar cuairt
I went to Rossan for a visit
Gur bhreathnaigh uaim an spéir
And looked out from me the sky
Is thart fa na h-oileain ó thuaidh
And around by the northern islands
Mar eilit agus cu 'na diaidh
Like a deer with a hound behind
duirt gach duine fa′n chuan
Everyone said about the harbor,
Nuair a tharlaigh anuas fa'n chéidh
When I happened below under the quay
Nach maith a aithnim ar do ghruaim
"I well recognize your gloom,
Gur fear thu a bhfuil a' tóir ′do dhiaidh
You're a man who is being pursued."
Casadh dom a′ cailin deas óg
I met a pretty young girl,
Ach ma casadh 'si a labhair go gar
But if I did, she spoke harshly,
Ma′s fear thu a bhain do mhnaoi óig
"If you're a man who stole his young wife,
Cha mholaim rómhór do thrade (cheird)
I don't recommend your trade too much."
Chonnaic fear ar thir mór
I saw a man on the mainland,
'S é ag siul gan bhróg inné
Walking without shoes yesterday,
Is dóigh liom gur thusa ′n fear óg
I think you're the young man,
'S go bhfuil ort an tóir ′do dhiaidh
And that you are being pursued."
D'fhreagair 'n ainnir dheas óg
I answered the pretty young girl,
Ghlac si go mór mo scéal
She took my story greatly,
Stad de do mhagadh nios
"Stop your mocking any more,
ni duine den tseort sin
Or I'm not a man of that sort."
Ach suigh thus′ anall ′e mo chóir
But sit down here beside me,
Is bi thus' ar aon nós lion féin
And be at ease anyway,
rachaidh os coinne do shrón′
Or I will go before your face,
Amach go tir mór le léim
Out to the mainland with a leap."
Thit muid i dtuirse 's i mbrón
We fell into weariness and sorrow,
Is d′fhiafraigh an óig-bhean diom
And the young woman asked me,
Ca bhfuigheas muid gloine le h-ól
"Where can we get a glass to drink
A thógfas an brón d'ar gcroi?
That will lift the sorrow from our hearts?"
Ta teach beag ar leath-taoibh an róid
There's a small house on the side of the road,
Agus coinnionn i gcónai braon
And it shelters in any downpour,
Gabh thusa ′gus rappail an bord
Go and knock on the door,
'S ni dhiolfaidh do phócai aon phingin
And your pockets will not pay a penny."
Tharlaigh muid 'steach i dtoigh ′n óil
We happened into the drinking house,
Agus b′fhaiteach go leor le sui
And I was quite anxious to sit,
Ar eagla go dtiocfadh an tóir
For fear the pursuit would come,
Is go mbainfi an óig-bhean diom
And the young woman would be taken from me."
Nuair a fuair muid gach ni mar ba chóir
When we got everything as it should be,
Is mheas gur chóir duinn sui
And I thought it was right for us to sit,
duirt si: Bi thus' ag gabhail cheoil
She said: "Be playing music,
′S ni dhiolfaidh do phócai aon phingin
And your pockets will not pay a penny."
Cha rabh mis' i bhfad ag gabhail cheoil
I wasn't long playing music,
Gur chruinnigh go leor ′un toigh'
When many gathered to the house,
Achan fhear is a ghloine ′n a dhorn
Every man with his glass in his hand,
Le comhmóradh a thabhairt don dis
To commemorate the two of us.
Bhi biotailte fairsing go leor
There were bottles aplenty,
A rabh beagan da ól sa tir
That had a bit to drink in the country,
'S da dtarraingeoinn-se galun Ui Dhomhnaill
And if I drew a gallon of O'Donnell,
B'fhurast mo scór a dhiol
It would be easy to pay my score.
Nuair a lig muid duinn tuirse is brón
When we let go of weariness and sorrow,
d′fhiafraigh an óigh-bhean diom
The young woman asked me,
Ca mbionn tu ′do chónai sa la
Where do you spend your day
Nuair nach gcoinnionn tu cró duit féin?
When you don't earn a shelter for yourself?"
Bim-se seal 'dtoigh an óil
I spend time in the drinking house,
Cha deanaim-se lón don phingin
I don't make a living for a penny,
A′ meid udaidh a shaothraim sa la
Whatever I earn in the day,
A chathamh le spórt san oich'
I spend it with fun in the night."
Ma′s fear thu a leanas don ól
If you're a man who follows drinking,
Cha mholaim rómhór do thrade
I don't recommend your trade too much,
chan iarrfainn ar dhuine de do sheort-sa
Or I wouldn't ask a man of your sort
Toiseacht le buaidhreadh an tsaoil
To start with the troubles of the world."
Is fearr duinn fanacht go fóill
It's better for us to stay a while,
Go ndeanaidh muid lón don phingin
Until we make a living for a penny,
Is go rabh againn an t-ór
And until we have the gold,
Is cuidiu d'ar gcóir arist
And a share for ourselves again."
Le fanacht go ndeanaidh muid lón
To stay until we make a living,
Caithfear cuid mhór d′ar saol
We must spend a lot of our lives,
Is fearr duinn toiseacht go h-óg
It's better for us to start young,
'S beidh cuidiu d'ar gcóir arist
And we will have a share for ourselves again."
Do leithéid char casadh go fóill
The likes of you I haven't met yet,
Dom i mbealach na i ród ′mo thriall
In a path or on the road of my journey,
′S da mbeinn-se i mBéal-an-Átha Mór
And if I were in Ballina,
Gheobhainn cailini óg' ar phingin
I would get a young girl for a penny."


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