Clara - Sempre és Nadal si tu ets al meu costat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Clara - Sempre és Nadal si tu ets al meu costat

Sempre és Nadal si tu ets al meu costat
Christmas Is Always with Me if You Are by My Side
Ja fa massa temps
It's been too long,
Que no encerto el regal,
Since I've gotten you the right gift,
I no vull que torni a passar.
And I don't want that to happen again.
Tu, que sempre penses en tothom,
You, who always think of everyone,
Et mereixes molt més que una cançó.
You deserve much more than a song.
Aquesta nit, et vull fet
Tonight, I want to make you
El millor regal.
The best gift.
Sense llaços ni paper d'embolicar.
Without ribbons or wrapping paper.
El porto aquí, on neixen les emocions.
I carry it here, where emotions are born.
A dins una capseta imaginària,
Inside an imaginary box,
Que porta el teu nom.
With your name on it.
Vull dir-te que sempre és nadal
I want to tell you that it's always Christmas
Si tu ets al meu costat.
If you are by my side.
Sempre ho ha sigut i sempre ho serà.
It always has been and always will be.
I ets l'estrella que guia el meu camí.
And you are the star that guides my path.
I en cara que et soni molt tòpic t'ho vull dir:
And even if it sounds like a cliché I want to tell you:
- "Que m'encanta el petó quan em dius bonanit
- "How I love the kiss when you say goodnight
I les abraçades de cada matí.
And the hugs every morning.
I els papers que m'escrius quan discutim,
And the notes you write me when we argue,
I que tantes vegades he tornat a llegir".
And that I've reread so many times".
No hi ha Nadal
There is no Christmas
Si tu no ets al meu costat.
If you are not by my side.
No hi ha rialles
There is no laughter,
Ni tinc ganes de cantar.
And I don't feel like singing.
I aquesta nit
And this night
En què va néixer un infant,
When a child was born,
Només la sento del tot veritable,
I only feel it's completely real,
Si tu ets al meu costat...
If you are by my side...

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