Clara Peya - Oceanes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Clara Peya - Oceanes

En som moltes però minoria,
Among many, yet a minority,
Les que hem entès que el món canvia.
We who have understood that the world changes.
Fa massa que el patriarcat ens obstrueix totes les vies
Patriarchy has obstructed all our paths for too long
I mira tu, bastard, covard
And look at you, bastard, coward
Si encara creus que la nostra meta és ser donzelles esperant
If you still believe our goal is to be damsels in waiting
Que arribi un proxeneta.
For a pimp to arrive.
A mi les dones que m′agraden són les que fan soroll quan riuen
The women I like are the ones who make noise when they laugh
Les que es pelen els genolls i mengen mel, pa i olives,
Those who skin their knees and eat honey, bread, and olives,
Que porten cabells curts i rabiosament negres
Who wear short and furiously black hair
I no els atura cap llop ni els mana cap tipus de bèstia.
And are stopped by no wolf or commanded by any kind of beast.
Que per ser una gran princesa no cal viure en un palau
To be a great princess, you don't need to live in a palace
Ni anar sempre amb vestits roses ni fer petons a gripaus
Nor always wear pink dresses or kiss toads
Ni ser fràgil, delicada, esperant un príncep blau,
Nor be fragile, delicate, waiting for a prince charming,
Ni ser rossa com fil d'or ni ser sosa fins la mort.
Nor be blonde as gold thread or be bland until death.
Que el que volem en aquest món són més princeses cavaller,
What we want in this world are more knight princesses,
Que trepitgin fort al caminar i beguin birra per sopar,
Who stomp their feet when they walk and drink beer for dinner,
Que parlin pels descosits i donin la seva opinió,
Who speak their minds and give their opinion,
Que s′enfadin i plorin i els hi agradi l'acció.
Who get angry and cry and enjoy action.
Facin olor a vora de foc,
May they smell like the edge of a fire,
Dormin a qualsevol lloc,
Sleep anywhere,
Triïn amb qui es fan petons,
Choose who they kiss,
Si amb fades nimfes o bruixots,
Whether fairies, nymphs, or wizards,
Es saltin totes les normes,
Break all the rules,
Rebentin panys de les portes.
Burst the locks of the doors.
Una mirada inundada de cada record que ens fa fortes
A look flooded with every memory that makes us strong
I si creus que és ficció,
And if you think it's fiction,
Només tenim una opció,
We only have one option,
Que fa massa temps que em dura el desig irrefrenable
The irrepressible desire has lasted too long in me
Que el món sigui una plaga de princeses indomables.
For the world to be a plague of indomitable princesses.
Oceanes, les filles de l'aigua,
Oceans, the daughters of water,
Beuen de tot arreu
They drink from everywhere
Per nodrir-se i així alimentar-me.
To nourish themselves and thus feed me.
Les dones d′entranya
Women of deep soul
De pell dura i esperit transparent
With hard skin and a transparent spirit
On voler emmirallar-me.
Where I want to see myself reflected.
Mirades que es mullen
Looks that get wet
Quan segueixen camins començats per germanes i bruixes
When they follow paths started by sisters and witches
I trenquen esquemes.
And break schemes.
Les princeses cavaller tenen les mans plenes de nafres
Knight princesses have their hands full of wounds
De tant treballar la terra, saltant murs, pujar als arbres.
From working the land, jumping walls, climbing trees.
Volen com ocells,
They fly like birds,
Estan de guàrdia per si arriben ells.
They are on guard in case they arrive.
S′enamoren com salvatges,
They fall in love like savages,
Són panteres pels hostatges.
They are panthers for the hostages.
Que el que volem en aquest món són més princeses oceanes,
What we want in this world are more ocean princesses,
Que cridin i es banyin transparents i despullades.
Who shout and bathe transparent and naked.
Que el seu mar ple d'onades netegi l′odi i el rancor.
May their sea full of waves cleanse hatred and rancor.
Quin honor formar part d'aquesta tribu eclèctica,
What an honor to be part of this eclectic tribe,
Dialèctica, pacífica, però parla′ns amb respecte.
Dialectical, peaceful, but speak to us with respect.
Que és difícil ser filla d'una societat infecta.
It's hard to be the daughter of an infected society.
Per elles tot es mira, no existeixen els defectes.
Through them everything is seen, there are no defects.
I si creus que és ficció,
And if you think it's fiction,
Només tenim una opció,
We only have one option,
Que fa massa temps que em dura el desig irrefrenable
The irrepressible desire has lasted too long in me
Que el món sigui una plaga de princeses indomables.
For the world to be a plague of indomitable princesses.
Oceanes, les filles de l′aigua,
Oceans, the daughters of water,
Beuen de tot arreu
They drink from everywhere
Per nodrir-se i així alimentar-me.
To nourish themselves and thus feed me.
Les dones d'entranya
Women of deep soul
De pell dura i esperit transparent
With hard skin and a transparent spirit
On voler emmirallar-me.
Where I want to see myself reflected.
Mirades que es mullen
Looks that get wet
Quan segueixen camins començats per germanes i bruixes
When they follow paths started by sisters and witches
I trenquen esquemes.
And break schemes.
Són llavors que germinen amb força i neden com feres.
They are seeds that germinate with strength and swim like beasts.
Com feres.
Like beasts.

Writer(s): Clara Peya

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