ClariS - treasure - traduction des paroles en anglais

treasure - Claristraduction en anglais

君と過ごした時間は 一秒も忘れない
I will never forget the time we shared
この心が この感情が
This heart, this feeling
Calls out your name
一つまた季節が 過ぎ去ろうとしているけど
Another season is about to pass us by
話せなくて もどかしくて 淋しさに負けそうで
Even though I can't speak, I'm impatient and lonely
感じてる想いは 言葉なんかに出せなくて
I can't express the feelings I'm feeling in words
違う道を進む君に 何も伝えられなかった
I couldn't tell you anything as you went down a different path
一人じゃ抱えきれない 愛しさがなんか怖い
I am scared of the love that I can't hold
君と過ごせる今が このまま続けばなんて
I wish this moment with you would last forever
優しいその笑顔 揺れ動くこの心
Your gentle smile, my heart wavers
渡すはずの手紙 ずっと握りしめたまま
The letter I was supposed to give you, I still hold it tightly in my hand
The cherry blossoms change color for the two of us
強がりだけ膨らんだまま 手を振る度また
My stubbornness only grows, as I wave
I feel like crying
君と過ごした時間は 一秒も忘れない
I will never forget the time we shared
この心が この感情が
This heart, this feeling
Calls out your name
一人きりの部屋で 下を向いて 膝を抱え
In my room alone, I look down and hug my knees
小さな窓 開けて少し ため息を逃がした
I open a small window and let out a sigh
感じてる想いは もう言葉にも出せなくて
I can't even express my feelings in words anymore
もっと強く君の事を 焼き付けていれば良かった
I wish I had burned you more strongly into my memory
日記に挿すしおり 机に置いたボタン
The bookmark in my diary, the button on my desk
欲張りすぎた時間 一つ一つ覚えてる
I remember each and every moment of the time I was too greedy
夜の空に響く 懐かしいこのメロディ
This nostalgic melody echoes through the night sky
ただ近くにいれば それだけで幸せだった
Just being near you, that alone made me happy
泪も枯れる程 泣き明かしたなら
Even if I cry until my tears run dry
この痛みも この淋しさも
This pain, this loneliness
I thought I could overcome
The bitterness of unrequited love
No one else can fill it
I keep searching for you
辛い事だけじゃないよ 大切なものは全て
It's not just the painful things, everything that was important
この胸の奥 いつまでもね 輝き続ける
Will continue to shine in the depths of my heart forever
流した泪もきっと いつか宝物になる
Even the tears I shed will surely become treasures someday
私の道はまだ 続いているから
My path still continues
A sepia-toned mental photograph
I never knew
That falling in love with someone could be so painful
君と過ごした時間は 一秒も忘れない
I will never forget the time we shared
この心が この感情が
This heart, this feeling
Calls out your name
The cherry blossoms change color for the two of us
強がりだけ膨らんだまま 手を振る度また
My stubbornness only grows, as I wave
I feel like crying
届かない想いは ほら形を変えてく
My unrequited feelings change shape
These days of loving you
Will always remain in my heart

Writer(s): 重永 亮介, 重永 亮介

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