I dream about it, I dream about it, I can't help but die
Mais pourquoi? Moi, qui n'avais plus que toi
Why? Me, who had nothing but you
Dis-moi, tu es partie avec lui, avec lui
Tell me, you left with him, with him
Et pourtant, je le sais qu'un jour tu reviendras
And yet, I know that one day you'll come back
Mais pour moi, désormais, c'est fini
But for me, it's over
J'en rêve, j'en rêve, oui, j'en crève
I dream about it, I dream about it, yes, I can't help but die
Mais pourquoi? Moi, qui n'avais plus que toi
Why? Me, who had nothing but you
Dis-moi, tu es partie, tu es partie
Tell me, you left, you left
Et je m'ennuie et je m'ennuie
And I'm bored, and I'm bored
Et pourtant, chaque nuit
And yet, every night
Je serre fort contre moi
I hold close
L'oreiller comme si c'était toi, c'était toi
The pillow like it was you, it was you
Et pourtant, je le sais qu'un jour tu reviendras
And yet, I know that one day you'll come back
Mais pour moi, désormais, c'est fini
But for me, it's over
J'en rêve, j'en rêve, j'en crève
I dream about it, I dream about it, I can't help but die
Mais pourquoi? Moi, qui n'avais plus que toi
Why? Me, who had nothing but you
Dis-moi, tu es partie, tu es partie
Tell me, you left, you left
Et je m'ennuie et je m'ennuie.
And I'm bored, and I'm bored.
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The lyrics of this song are distributed legally on the Internet under a licensing agreement between the companies Gracenote, Inc. and Wikia, Inc. See the Terms of Use.
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