Clint Eastwood - Dave's Past - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Clint Eastwood - Dave's Past

Dave's Past
Dave's Past
Estoy triste, creo que soy un inutil
I'm sad, I think I'm useless
Pero se que todo va a cambiar, mientras el futuro se acerca
But I know everything is going to change, as the future gets closer
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Estoy triste creo que soy un inutil
I'm sad I think I'm useless
Pero se que todo va a cambiar, mientras el futuro se acerca
But I know everything is going to change, as the future gets closer
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Al fin estoy libre de esta pricion
I'm finally getting free of this prison
Ahora el tiempo no es nada solo es una ilusion
Now time is nothing, it's just an illusion
No debo estar aqui
I don't belong here
Ni me debes temer
And You shouldn't fear me
Reparo muy bien, nada veras caer
I fix things really well, nothing you can see will fall
Implejible soy, sabes que estarias bajo mi control
I'm irreplaceable, you know that you will be under my control
Veo yodo aqui mira claro te lo dejare
I see everything here, let me make this clear
Sientate escoje bien perderas igual
Sit down and choose wisely, you will lose anyway
Pues estoy manejando el ritmo ya veras
Because I am controlling the rhythm, you shall see
Si imaginas que estas triste yo tambien
If you imagine you are sad, I am too
Es muy simple ves?
It's very simple, you see?
Que es?
What is it?
Que es?
What is it?
Ficcion? mistico? puede ser
Fiction? Mystical? Maybe it could be
Espiritual? no lo se
Spiritual? I don't know
Pero llegare cuando enloquescas siempre
But I will arrive whenever you go crazy
La muerta sabes que es algo inevitable
Death, you know, is something inevitable
Pero para ti la vida es invaluable
But for you, life is priceless
Te gusta? entiendo aun no te emociones
Do you like this? I understand, don't get excited yet
Por que te poseo con solo mirarte
Because I possess you by just looking at you
Estoy triste, creo que soy un inutil
I'm sad, I think I'm useless
Pero se que todo va a cambiar, mientras el futuro se acerca
But I know everything is going to change, as the future gets closer
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Estoy triste creo que soy un inutil
I'm sad I think I'm useless
Pero se que todo va a cambiar, mientras el futuro se acerca
But I know everything is going to change, as the future gets closer
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
La ciencia es lo basico y necesario para mostrarte
Science is the basic and necessary thing to show you
Todo el engaño el ritmo
All the deception, the rhythm
Tienes o tienes es mentir estoy en ello
You have it or not, it's a lie, I'm working on it
Todo arbol que vi
Every tree that I see
Todo niño en paz
Every peaceful child
Toda nube gris
Every gray cloud
En tus ojos esta destruccion y muerte ves?
In your eyes is this destruction and death, you see?
Todo es oscuridad
Everything is dark
Corrupcion en la ciudad
Corruption in the city
Sin mentiras creeras
Without lies, you will believe
"Aqui esta russel no su cuerpo pero nos guiara"
"Here is Russell, not his body, but he will guide us"
Sabras la verdad intenta concentrarte
You will know the truth, try to concentrate
Por que no me veras, solo perciviras
Because you will not see me, you will only perceive
Termine, estare junto a russel soy su mentor en esto
I'm done, I'll be next to Russell, I'm his mentor
Los destrozare y recuerda que te lo eh dicho todo
I will destroy them, and remember I told you everything
Ya veras sobreviviras posible no no no
You'll see, you'll survive, possible, no, no, no
Te crees alguisn duro pues lo comprobaras
You think you are a tough guy, then you'll find out
No llores y recuerda
Don't cry and remember
(En tu mente esta)
(In your mind)
Estoy triste, creo que soy un inutil
I'm sad, I think I'm useless
Pero se que todo va a cambiar, mientras el futuro se acerca
But I know everything is going to change, as the future gets closer
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Estoy triste creo que soy un inutil
I'm sad I think I'm useless
Pero se que todo va a cambiar, mientras el futuro se acerca
But I know everything is going to change, as the future gets closer
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
El futuro
The future
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
El futuro
The future
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now
Se acerca ya
It's getting closer now

Writer(s): Clint Eastwood

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