Clipper - Vuela - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Clipper - Vuela

Sample ("No sois mas que una pandilla de cretinos, y sabeis porqué?
Sample ("You are nothing more than a bunch of morons, and you know why?
Porque no teneis huevos para ser lo que
Because you don't have the guts to be what
Quisierais ser, necesitais personas como yo.")
You would like to be, you need people like me.")
Cautela, no hay mas cinderelas en la lleca,
Caution, there are no more Cinderellas on the block,
Peca mirando a la meca con todo y beca,
Sin looking at Mecca with everything and a scholarship,
Seca de esperar que tus ojos se achispen
Dry from waiting for your eyes to squint
Que en este anden se alisten se moldeen como chicle.
To line up on this platform, mold themselves like gum.
Al repique de mi cora pedile que te explique
At the beat of my heart, I asked it to explain to you
Porqué va a mil por hora en esta cabeza sin cacique,
Why it's going a thousand miles an hour in this headless head,
Casi que me caigo pero esta vez había algo,
I almost fell but this time there was something,
Esta vez había algo.
This time there was something.
Responsable de mi libertad y de mis límites,
Responsible for my freedom and my limits,
No se cuanto vas a aguantar, no te limites
I don't know how much longer you're going to hold on, don't limit yourself
Mi amante falso, como diamante falso,
My fake lover, like a fake diamond,
Si me dice que es conde, querrá decir que esconde algo.
If he tells me he's a count, it means he's hiding something.
Esta rara sensación me hace senir el cuerpo extraño,
This strange sensation makes my body feel strange,
Estaba por caer pero esta vez había algo.
I was about to fall but this time there was something.
Estaba por caer pero esta vez había algo.
I was about to fall but this time there was something.
Vuela, otro rato conmigo,
Fly, another time with me,
Despega, tus suelas del piso,
Take off, your soles from the floor,
Si llega el momento preciso
If the right time comes
Prometo mostrar las claves del acertijo.
I promise to show you the keys to the riddle.
Vuela, otro rato conmigo,
Fly, another time with me,
Despega, tus suelas del piso,
Take off, your soles from the floor,
Si llega el momento preciso
If the right time comes
Prometo mostrar las claves del acertijo.
I promise to show you the keys to the riddle.
Vengo a volar no me digas que no puedo,
I came to fly, don't tell me I can't,
Sin encender el fuego pa prender tu tonto juego,
Without lighting the fire to start your silly game,
Prefiero distraerme con la cabeza en alto,
I prefer to distract myself with my head held high,
Y atenta bien pilla a lo que estoy pensando.
And pay close attention to what I'm thinking.
Ahí! quietito usted no toque nada!,
Hey! You stay still, don't touch anything!
Que hay mucha herida abierta y poca pena contada,
Because there are many open wounds and little sorrow told,
Llegando tarde pero quizá la mejor del curso,
Arriving late but maybe the best of the course,
Culpo a mis errores de enseñarme siempre a sustos
I blame my mistakes for always teaching me with scares.
Asuntos, cursos que asumo abruptos cultos,
Issues, courses I assume abrupt cults,
Agudos cálculos pa llenar la panza con lo justo,
Acute calculations to fill my belly with just enough,
Respiro humo entre el reflejo de los astros consumo
I breathe smoke between the reflection of the stars, I consume
Un poco de su energía para transmitirla al público
A little of their energy to transmit it to the public.
Sigo haciendo rap siempre dando el 10 bro,,
I keep rapping, always giving 10 bro,
A tu empresa, no le pienso dar ni el diesmo,
To your company, I don't plan to give even a dime,
Asumo riesgos, solo si es con vos o no?
I take risks, only if it's with you or not?
Asumo riesgos solo si es con vos amor.
I take risks, only if it's with you, my love.
Vuela, otro rato conmigo,
Fly, another time with me,
Despega, tus suelas del piso,
Take off, your soles from the floor,
Si llega el momento preciso
If the right time comes
Prometo mostrar las claves del acertijo.
I promise to show you the keys to the riddle.
Vuela, otro rato conmigo,
Fly, another time with me,
Despega, tus suelas del piso,
Take off, your soles from the floor,
Si llega el momento preciso
If the right time comes
Prometo mostrar las claves del acertijo.
I promise to show you the keys to the riddle.

Writer(s): Josefina Marlene Tomás Araya

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