Co'Sang feat. Lucariello - 'O spuorco - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Co'Sang feat. Lucariello - 'O spuorco

'O spuorco
The Dirt
Fu n'attim e uaglion attuorn
It was a moment, and the kids around
Gess bianc n'terr e l'uocchij mai chius
White chalk on the ground and eyes never closed
Guard confus e vis nfus e l'uommene
Confused looks and blurred visions, and the men
Ancor no sapev quant è dens o sang p'nnanz
Didn't yet know how thick the blood is beforehand
N'terr e pier e chi er viv aier
On the ground, stones, and those who were alive yesterday
Mo chier sul acqua sant comm piogg p sti ser
Now seek only holy water like rain for these evenings
Nda l'arij o nomm alluccat
From the balconies, the name shouted
Affollat e balcun re vocc chiene
Crowded balconies and mouths full of words
Vir sti prievt fier ra messa nov
See these proud priests from the new mass
Addo è permess parlà e scol comm foss na parol e salvezz
Where it's allowed to speak and listen as if it were a word of salvation
Ij song n'ossess e spiss nun song ij
I am obsessed and often it's not me
Appriess e sbaglij astip e fras p' fa crur e pur e figlij mij
Behind mistakes, I gather phrases to make my children's hearts pure
A presenz ro stat è spugliat comm a st'alber sfunnat e cavr
The state's presence is stripped like these hollowed-out trees
Primm s lavn e po pavn e po restn e primm che rispost pa
First they wash, then they pave, then they stay, and before the bread answers
Mort e penn scrivn tutt chell che pe lengue è assai fort
Death and pens write everything that's too strong for tongues
O iuoc è spuorc e po o'sapon sap buon che scorr for
The game is dirty, and then the soap smells good as it flows away
E rint ancor gelosij unit a invidij.
And inside, still jealousies united with envies.
Lucariello: Rit.
Lucariello: Chorus
O' spuorc e tutt e iuorn ij o chiamm o putrid
The dirt, every day I call it putrid
Chi è pur sur e sput, chi nu salut è pcchè nun è mai carut
Those who are pure spit on it, those who don't greet because they're never kind
E nuij che figlij mbracc astrignut e che bracc tignut
And we, with children held tight in our arms, arms held high
Guardamm a rind all'uocchij e chi nun s'illud
Look into our eyes, and don't be fooled
Si astrign o fierr nu vai n'terr, nisciun c'ha mai crerut
If you squeeze iron, you don't go to the ground, no one ever believed
Marianell simm crisciut
Marianell, we grew up
E zingr n'hann mai rerut
And the gypsies never laughed at us
Fann e milizij p mantener e vizij
They make up militias to maintain their vices
E sold a llor
And money for them
E pietr prezios pe z'zzos anzios che dicen: ancor!
And precious stones for anxious ladies who say: more!
Pe chest n'atu pate mor
For this another father dies
S fa viern rind e cas e bell e buon
Winter is made inside the houses of the beautiful and good
O suon re disc, o sient o vient sischij arind e rient?
The sound of records, do you hear the wind whistling inside the cracks?
Pe dint a ll'uocchhij e guard arind e vir nient
Look inside the eyes and see nothing
Prettament chi ce sent riegn e tribunal
Precisely those who hear reign and judge
Ben o mal viv vit normal
Good or bad, live a normal life
Condizionat a na condizional cur poc e mod e dorm cu una nov
Conditioned to a conditional cure with little style and sleep with someone new
Proprij comm a chi è gentil e rir e mov e fil
Just like those who are kind and laugh and move the thread
Ij scriv o schif e si nu capisc po m cumpiatisc
I write the disgust, and if you don't understand, then pity me
Tu ca nun si nisciun, ca nu t scit, ca nu vir
You who are nobody, who doesn't know, who doesn't see
Pann pulit ngopp a carn sporc
Clean cloth on dirty flesh
O contraffatt contr a ll'art pur
The counterfeit against pure art
E finchè a mort nun m cocc ij parl e pens crur
And until death takes me, I speak and think raw
Luchè: Rit.
Luchè: Chorus
O' spuorc e tutt e iuorn ij o chiamm o putrid
The dirt, every day I call it putrid
Chi è pur sur e sput, chi nu salut è pcchè nun è mai carut
Those who are pure spit on it, those who don't greet because they're never kind
E nuij che figlij mbracc astrignut e ce bracc dignut
And we, with children held tight in our arms, arms held high
Guardamm a rind all'uocchij e chi nun s'illud
Look into our eyes, and don't be fooled
Cuorp spuorc e anim brillant comm a luce e nu diamant
Dirty bodies and souls shining like the light of a diamond
Quant e lor chin d'or comm e sant se lavn e mman Co'Sang e ancor
While those full of gold like saints wash their hands with Co'Sang, and again
Piezz e me rind a ll'uocchij e chi m'è nemic
Pieces of me in the eyes of those who are my enemies
Chill che mene'n na vita nterr sott o fuoc spuorc da vocc do fierr
Those who lead an underground life under the dirty fire of the iron's mouth
Pierdt e scuordt e sta lot
Lost and forgotten in this fight
Iuoc a mille, pigl'l mman stu mmal
I play a thousand, take this evil in your hands
Figlij e puttan ca si ioc'n' ogni iuorn o riman
Children of whores who play every day or stay
Illus ra luce sporc ro sol ngopp a lam
Illusions of the dirty light of the sun on the blade
Amor comm a' rragg,
Love like a ray,
Ij tagg vist nfacc e si l'annascunn, stu spuorc esc ancor chiù for
I cut faces, and if they hide them, this dirt comes out even stronger
Comm a na malatij ca quann pigl fa saglì
Like a disease that when it takes you, it makes you climb
Ngopp o' rulor
On the roller
S mor e s nasce, hashish rind è mman e sti uagliun
One dies and is born, hashish in the hands of these boys
Che guardann o'mar annanz a lun
Who watch the sea before the moon
Cercn o 'ppulit rint a ll'uocchij doc' e na criatur
They seek the clean in the sweet eyes of a creature
E mo chiur cu nu penzier sta strof:
And now, hearts with a thought, this verse:
P chi ha iucat spuorc e manc aropp muort arrepos...
For those who played dirty and even after death have no rest...
Ntò: Rit.
Ntò: Chorus
O' spuorc e tutt e iuorn ij o chiamm o putrid
The dirt, every day I call it putrid
Chi è pur sur e sput, chi nu salut è pcchè nun è mai carut
Those who are pure spit on it, those who don't greet because they're never kind
E nuij che figlij mbracc astrignut e ce bracc dignut
And we, with children held tight in our arms, arms held high
Guardamm a rind all'uocchij e chi nun s'illud
Look into our eyes, and don't be fooled

Writer(s): Riccardi Antonio

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