Co'Sang - Nun Me Parla 'E Strada - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Co'Sang - Nun Me Parla 'E Strada

Nun Me Parla 'E Strada
Don't Talk to Me About the Streets
Ma sai parlà sul e reat e retat e 5 a matin??
Do you even know how to talk about crime and raids at 5 in the morning??
Hogan interactive,a cagnam stu pakkettin...
Hogan Interactive, wrapping up this little package...
Ma ke dic? Io agg subit a sti bukkin
What are you saying? I've suffered at the hands of these cops
Refus energie. Confus ki er i...
Refused energy. Confused about who I am...
Di certo non l′MC cattivo che sta su ogni mensile
Certainly not the bad MC you see in every magazine
Nn e consider sferr sfior e tunsill nun si nuje
Don't consider scratches, grazed tonsils, you're not us
Tenimm e vas int e vasc, e kil e hash e i kalash...
We've got vases in vases, kilos of hash and Kalashnikovs...
Volgar e de classe... è prp nata galassia
Vulgar and classy... a galaxy was just born
E prp a te pruas,tro.a te pror sul? Nn ce pruva
And it's trying to test you, baby, trying to test you on your own? Don't even try
A band trase int a bank senz bandan
The gang enters the bank without bandanas
O maresciall int a mansard senz o mandat
The marshall in the attic without a warrant
Mentr io regn o bikkier a ki è chiu viecch...
While I raise a glass to whoever's older...
Si nun so bollicine e ferrari magari è campari e gin
If it's not champagne and Ferraris, maybe it's Campari and gin
Me par ke a cumpagna toje se fa parikki gir,
Seems like your girlfriend is making the rounds,
Se fa metter incint pe nu par e ricchin
Getting knocked up for a couple of rich guys
Va vicin e vir ke è comm ric io.
Come closer and see how rich I am.
Crudo più di un film, un Rotewailer che squarta un Pit
Raw like a movie, a Rottweiler tearing apart a Pitbull
Il cane che scatta al click per l'infame che fa scappare il biz
The dog that snaps at the click for the snitch who makes the deal disappear
L′invidia fa schiattare, metto tante collane perché mi piace sferragliare
Envy makes them burst, I wear so many chains because I like to rattle
Due canne d'erba e non fanno una di charas buona
Two joints of weed don't make good hash
Due donne insieme e non fanno una vera donna
Two women together don't make a real woman
Al Nokia parla pulito, rumori nei transistors
Speak clearly on the Nokia, noise in the transistors
Agenti atmosferici che interferiscono
Atmospheric agents interfering
Sbirri con più gadget dell'Ispettore Gadget
Cops with more gadgets than Inspector Gadget
Legano un gaggio che fa più basi di Joe di Maggio
They arrest a guy who makes more beats than Joe Di Maggio
Un altro striscia la carta: colpo gobbo!
Another one swipes the card: crooked move!
Lei gobba su un colpo grosso come la striscia di Gaza
She bends over for a hit as big as the Gaza Strip
Dopo una lecca di C, lui fa cilecca: strisciatene a casa!
After a lick of C, he fails: crawl back home!
Lei trova un altro che la diverta e la strada è questa
She finds another one who amuses her and that's the way it goes
Sopravvivenza e mentalità Gescal
Survival and Gescal mentality
Faccio si si con la testa.
I'm nodding my head yes yes.
Bell veng e to veng... nn me parla e strad
Beautiful come and go... don't talk to me about the streets
Berett all′inguine, e ramm na cinquin estratt
Beretta at the groin, and the copper with a drawn fifty
Si estrane ai fatti, e clan rànno e sfratti
If you're a stranger to the facts, the clans will evict you
- "Callate!!!! "- Ma ch ha itt kist?
- "Shut up!!!!" - What's wrong with this guy?
Nn o sacc però sòn nfame
I don't know, but they sound infamous
E criatur nost a scol disegnan alber e pistol e
And our kids at school draw trees and guns and
Sott all′alber e pistol disertn e scol e
Under the trees and guns they desert school and
E che guaglion int e local semp a coppie
And those kids in the clubs always in pairs
Che curtiell sott l'assorbent
With knives under the absorbent
Bypassamm a sicurezz
We bypass security
Tu vuò arraggiuna cu mme?
You want to reason with me?
E sapè e lame sott e scell
And you know the blades under the saddles
Spar int o o per,rà o colp int o mar ross
Shoot in the open, make a hit in the Red Sea
Tu Te fatt nu mes e galer pe na panett e fumm
You did a month in the slammer for a bit of smoke
Ma qnd si asciut si diventat guaglion e chies
But when you got out you became a church boy
Nun veng ra capital finanziaria io ma ra capital
I don't come from the financial capital, but from the capital
Re funeral che capital filtrat
Of funerals, that filtered capital
Cu poki sord e tant fras
With little money and lots of talk
Tagliam e scell ke iesc
We cut the saddles, they come out
Tras o doppio e che sord
Pass the double and that money
Accattamm e case
We buy houses
E vuje v′accurtellat ke matit
And you guys stab each other with pencils
Che facc nn convint Int e video purtropp è democrazia
What I do doesn't convince In the videos unfortunately it's democracy
Aropp ki mor pe me tutt quant co rap e miez a via
After those who die for me, everyone with rap in the middle of the street
Fratè te chied nu piacer nun me parlà e strad...
Brother, do me a favor, don't talk to me about the streets...

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