Collie Herb - Los - traduction des paroles en anglais

Los - Collie Herbtraduction en anglais

I bi so wie tod xi - jetzte widr do
I be like death itself - now here again
Jetzt widr ready, widr guet zum go
Now again ready, again good to go
Jetzt wärde widr Riddims vonenang gno
Now again, riddims are taken apart
Äbis vermisst ha? Lug i glaub scho
Missed something? Look, I think so
I glaub i bruch das ischs was mi usmacht
I believe I need this, it's what makes me
Usem Bett springe loht weni ufwach
Jumping out of bed when I wake up
Mini Musig mini Medi, mini Medizin
My music my media, my medicine
Mini Zone nume positivi Energie
My zone only positive energy
Mach was i fühl i wasi lieb investier
Do what I feel in what I love to invest
Bechunnt jede do was er verdient?
Does everyone get here what they deserve?
I weiss nid i gönnes jedem, wünsch jedem nume s'Best
I don't know, I grant it to everyone, I just wish everyone the best
Best Ort do, die best Zyt isch jetzt
The best place to be, the best time is now
Hane Traum ohni Ablaufdatum
Got dreams with no expiration date
Setzne i Tat um
Put into action
I lo aues los, luege was no blibt
Letting it all go, seeing what remains
Dreads hani gschnitte doch be immer no dr glych
I cut my dreads, but still the same
Fokussiert uf mis Ziu, bhaute s'Aug ufem Pris
Focus on my goal, keep my eyes on the prize
Denn do hett aues sini zyt
Because everything has its time here
Ei Hang am Mix, die angri a de Keys
One hand on the mixer, the other on the keys
Text i mim Chopf uf de lippe Melodie
Lyrics in my head, melody on my lips
Egau äb sit Tag 1 am Start oder jetzt grad neu drbi
Whether from day 1 at the start, or just new here
Nume liebi für d'Fam und mis Team
Only love for d'Fam and my team
Vom Dorf i di chli Stadt, när i die gross
From village to small town, then big city
Jetzt ghöri e Beat usem Lärm i dr Stross
Now I hear music from the noise in the street
Jetzt wird dr Schatte ufem Asphaut zu dr Linie im Chopf
Now shape of the shadow on the asphalt become lines in my head
Zuekunft goht uf am Horizont
The future's coming on the horizon
Misch dr Henny mitem Cranny und das Weed mitem Tabak
Mixing the Henny with the Cranny and the weed with the tobacco
Mängisch tröimi no vom Afang
Sometimes I still dream of the beginning
Ha die Freud nid verlore mit de Johr
I haven't lost my joy over the years
Immer widr was Neus und i red nid vo de Hoor
Always something new, and I don't mean the hair
Müesse lehre au mou wägzlo
I gotta learn to let go sometimes
Ha müesse lehre do mi Wäg z'go
I have to learn to go my way
Und i lehre und i lehre und i lehre und i lehre nie uus
And I learn and I learn and I learn and I learn and I never end
I lo aues los, luege was no blibt
Letting it all go, seeing what remains
Dreads hani gschnitte doch be immer no dr glych
I cut my dreads, but still the same
Fokussiert uf mis Ziu, bhaute s'Aug ufem Pris
Focus on my goal, keep my eyes on the prize
Denn do hett aues sini zyt
Because everything has its time here
Ei Hang am Mix, die angri a de Keys
One hand on the mixer, the other on the keys
Text i mim Chopf uf de lippe Melodie
Lyrics in my head, melody on my lips
Egau äb sit Tag 1 am Start oder jetzt grad neu drbi
Whether from day 1 at the start, or just new here
Nume liebi für d'Fam und mis Team
Only love for d'Fam and my team

Writer(s): Patrick Bütschi

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