comix - comiczoo - traduction des paroles en anglais

comiczoo - Comixtraduction en anglais

まず園内に入るには 空腹と逃げ場所と十分な水分を持参してほしい
First, to enter the park Empty stomach and a place of escape and plenty of water
I don't think it's bad
I think this place is the comfort I experienced long ago
昨日聞いた音楽か 昔に聞いた音楽か
Music I heard yesterday or music I heard long ago
あるいは夢の中 とにかく今も鳴っている
Or in a dream, but it's still ringing now
This won't open any more or close anymore
Let alone changing the outline as much as you think
しかしあの数秒を再現しようと ずっと誰もが夢中なんだ
But everyone is crazy about trying to reproduce those few seconds
Anyway, nothing is decided from the beginning
If you don't prepare for expectations and anxiety, the meaning of the curtain is nothing
Sensitivity doesn't matter anymore
もっともっとすごいのがあると思う いや絶対あるね そうだろう
I think there's something more, no, there definitely is, don't you think?
The world is literally a series of stories
It's like an adventure through countless vectors without a map
Let's say we're all the main characters
The center of the world exists right below us
いつか俺も絶対に死ぬ そう魂の根っこまで消える
Someday I'll definitely die, down to the roots of my soul
If I dawdle, I'll be swallowed by time all at once
文学、統計、歴史、予言者より 真っ黒い空がワクワクさせる
Literature, statistics, history, prophets, a pitch-black sky excites me more
どうにだってなるんだそう 真っ黒い空がワクワクさせる
It's gonna be alright, a pitch-black sky excites me more
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
変わらない過去なんて どうだっていいさ
Unchanging past, whatever
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
Let's overturn everything from now on
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
Let's change old shoes to new ones
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
Let's Keep on singing your boogie
今から全て ひっくり返そうぜ
Let's overturn everything, from now on
惰性を震わせて もっと広げて振り回して
Shake off inertia, spread it wider and swing it around
目の前にあるもの全部 壊してみたいんだろ
You want to break everything in front of you, don't you?
このまま消えるまで どうかこのまま消えるまで
Until it all disappears, please disappear as it is
証明なんかより 楽しみたいもんだな
I'd rather have fun than proof
まっ二つに割れたような 感覚に首ひっかかった
I got caught around my neck with a feeling like it was split in two
演奏 演奏 演奏 演奏
Play, play, play, play
覚束無い走者も 弦の持たない演奏者も
Clumsy runners and performers without strings
口のない代弁者も 二人目の傍観者も
Silent advocates and second spectators
生まれて死ぬだけさ それとなくやってくだけさ
Just live and die, just get by nonchalantly
疑わない形と 従わない形で
In a shape you don't doubt, in a shape you don't obey
一つだけ俺に捧げよう この素晴らしい世界に捧げよう
Let me offer you just one thing, to this wonderful world
最高 最高 最高 最高
The best, the best, the best, the best
漫画みたいにやりてぇな 開放 妄想 炎上
I want to do it like a comic, release, delusion, inflammation
イメージとユーモアと 楽器を武器にして
Use images, humor, and instruments as weapons
この黒いモヤモヤを 頑と打ち砕く
This black haze, break it down
I want to do it like a comic
あれもこれも全部 手に取ってもいいか
I can have all of that too
箍を外したんなら 何したって何を描いたって
I took off the lid, so I can draw anything
Two, four, and six sounds sway and intertwine
三角形 五本指で七つのコード 戯れてんだ遊んでるんだ
Triangle, five fingers, seven chords,戯れてんだ遊んでるんだ
クソにされるほどマヌケじゃない 黒いのさえ楽しもう
I'm not that goofy to be shit on, let's enjoy even the black
粗末や邪魔をするような奴は この園内に足を踏み入れるな
Anyone who does something rough or troublesome, don't step into this park
園内に足を踏み入れるな この園内に足を踏み入れるな
Don't step into the park, don't step into this park
漫画みたいに 漫画みたいにやりてえな
Like a漫画, like a漫画, I want to do it
開放 妄想 炎上 comiczoo
Release, delusion, inflammation comiczoo

Writer(s): 宮本 康太

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