Connect-R feat. Nane - Drogul Meu Neinterzis - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect-R feat. Nane - Drogul Meu Neinterzis

Drogul Meu Neinterzis
My Unprohibited Drug
Noi suntem droguri
We are drugs
Nici macar nu ne placem, dar ne place ce facem
We don't even like each other, but we like what we do
Noi suntem droguri
We are drugs
Nici macar nu vorbim, de ce sa vorbim ca deja ne simtim
We don't even talk, why should we talk since we feel like
Tu si cu mine, facem un rau care ne face bine
You and me, we do harm that does us good
Uuu... si nici legea firii nu poate sa puna catuse iubirii
Uuu... and even the law of the wild cannot put handcuffs on love
Nici macar nu o sa tina si cine-i de vina nici nu mai conteaza
We won't even last and who is to blame doesn't even matter
Cand mintea e plina si ochii sunt goi nici nu mai lumineaza
When the mind is full and the eyes are empty, it doesn't even shine anymore
Avem doza minima sa ne jucam mima mai mult nu se poate
We have a minimum dose to act, it can't be more
Am zis ca te las eu de-o parte, da mi-e clar nu se poate
I said I'd let you go, but it's clear I can't
Faci tu ceva ce-mi place mie
You do something that I like
Faci tu ceva de nu-ti rezist
You do something that I can't resist
Tu esti si rau dar esti si bine
You are both bad and good
Esti drogul meu neinterzis
You are my unprohibited drug
Esti cel mai dulce compromis!
You are the sweetest compromise!
Vrea la Playa in Portorico
Who wants to go to Playa in Puerto Rico
Bronzul, apa de latino
Tan, Latino water
Escale pe la Mexico
Stops in Mexico
Fashon killa' la Milano
Fashion killer in Milan
Cum de m-a prins, cum m-a convins sa-i fac cadouri vacante de vis
How did she catch me, how did she convince me to give her gifts, vacations of dreams
Toale, esarfe si harfe de miss
Clothes, scarves, and handbags for a miss
O fi de la vrajeala sau fundu ala in jeans
Could it be witchcraft or that butt in those jeans
Asta-i drogul meu si cred ca nu mai pot sa scap
This is my drug and I don't think I can escape
Am antecedente ma simt super slab
I have a history of feeling super weak
Domnisoara, spune mi ce mi-ai pus in ceai
Miss, tell me what you put in my tea
Sau in supa dupa ca ma simt prea high
Or in my soup because I feel way too high
Ai tu mii de idei stii
You have a thousand ideas, you know
Sa ma faci sa ma intorc orice ar fi
To make me come back, no matter what
Sa pierd controlul si noapte si zi
To lose control, night and day
Si jur m as oprii dar...
And I swear I would stop but...
Faci tu ceva ce-mi place mie
You do something that I like
Faci tu ceva de nu-ti rezist
You do something that I can't resist
Tu esti si rau dar esti si bine
You are both bad and good
Esti drogul meu neinterzis
You are my unprohibited drug
Esti cel mai dulce compromis!
You are the sweetest compromise!
Droguri... droguri... droguri
Drugs... drugs... drugs
Incerc sa ma las de tine de ceva timp
I've been trying to quit you for some time
Ca tu nu schimbi nimic, in schimb vrei numai sa ma schimbi
Because you never change anything, instead you only want to change me
Si ma plimbi prin toate tripurile care-mi strica filmul
And you take me through all these trips that ruin my film
Cobor la prima babe, coboara tu la primul
I'll get off at the first chick, you get off at the first guy
Candva nu ma saturam de prezenta ta
Once, I couldn't get enough of your presence
Dar parca nu mai e la fel si mi-o da altcumva
But it's not the same anymore and it gives me something else
Nu mai am acelasi high nici cand aud "te iubesc"
I don't have the same high anymore, not even when I hear "I love you"
Probabil asta patesti cand il folosesti prea des
That's probably what happens when you use it too often
Faci tu ceva ce-mi place mie
You do something that I like
Faci tu ceva de nu-ti rezist
You do something that I can't resist
Tu esti si rau dar esti si bine
You are both bad and good
Esti drogul meu neinterzis
You are my unprohibited drug
Esti cel mai dulce compromis!
You are the sweetest compromise!

Writer(s): Stefan Cherescu

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