Connect-R - Repetent - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect-R - Repetent

Ce nu intelegi se repeta, evident
What you don't understand is repeated, evidently
Mama sa ma ierti dar sunt iarasi repetent
Mama, forgive me, but I failed again
Ce nu intelegi se repeta, evident
What you don't understand is repeated, evidently
Mama sa ma ierti dar sunt iarasi repetent
Mama, forgive me, but I failed again
M-am nascut in ciresari
I was born in Ciresari
Intr-o zi de noua
On the ninth day
Si noua vieti de-as mai avea
And even if I had nine more lives
Nu mi-as dori alta mai noua
I wouldn't want a new one
Un om mai nu stiu cum, mai altfel, mai diferit
A man who is somehow different
Am primit tot ce am dorit, Doamne cum m-ai nimerit
I received everything I wished for, Lord, how you have favored me
Si sunt fericit, dar ma complic cu lucruri simple
And I am happy, but I make things difficult for myself
Loiali pentru loiali, loial pentru tine
Loyal to the loyal, loyal to you
Nu reusesc sa vad contrastul
I can't see the contrast
Fire pamanteasca, conectata la un asfel
Earthly nature, connected to something like this
Oare cum sa tin balansul
How can I keep my balance?
Cum sa mai plutesc cand eu nu stiu care e dansul
How can I float when I don't know the steps?
Care-i pasul, dar pasul e sa plec
What are the steps, but the step is to leave
De obicei eu plec, atunci cand nu mai inteleg
Usually I leave when I no longer understand
Ce nu intelegi se repeta, evident
What you don't understand is repeated, evidently
Mama sa ma ierti dar sunt iarasi repetent
Mama, forgive me, but I failed again
Ce nu intelegi se repeta, evident
What you don't understand is repeated, evidently
Mama sa ma ierti dar sunt iarasi repetent
Mama, forgive me, but I failed again
Am mai iesit cu tati la o bere doua
I went out with my dad for a beer or two
Am vorbit de una-alta pana pe la 8 sau 9
We talked about this and that until about 8 or 9
Imi spunea ca ii e dor de pustiul lui de la Dristor
He told me he missed his little boy from Dristor
I-am vazut oful in ochi ca izvora din interior
I saw the sadness in his eyes as it flowed from within
L-am intrebat daca mai sunt la fel, mi-a zis ca da
I asked him if they were still the same, he said yes
Si ca in ochii lui la fel mereu ma voi vedea
And that in his eyes he will always see me the same
Dar in oglinda mea reflexia e diferita
But my reflection in the mirror is different
Sunt deja altcineva, tati viata te mai schimba
I'm already someone else, Dad, life changes you
Dar de o vreme ma cam plimb
But I've been wandering around for a while
Acelasi parter se repeta, se preschimba
The same old ground floor repeats itself, transforms itself
Acelasi ADN vad ca tinde sa se extinda
I see the same DNA spreading
Tati stai chill, pustiul tau o sa se prinda
Dad, chill, your boy will get it
Uita-te ce am in gradina
Look what I have in the garden
Tati are floare care creste si il schimba
Dad has a flower that grows and changes him
Tati are soare fara dragoste sublima
Dad has sun without sublime love
Tati are soare fiindca am soarele in brate
Dad has sun because I have the sun in my arms
Mama sa ma ierti dar sunt iarasi repetent
Mama, forgive me, but I failed again
Mama sa ma ierti dar sunt iarasi repetent
Mama, forgive me, but I failed again

Writer(s): Connect-r

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