Connect - Kad Smo Bili Klinci - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect - Kad Smo Bili Klinci

Kad Smo Bili Klinci
When We Were Kids
Evo bas sam neki dan iza zgrade pingas halo
Just the other day, behind the building, playing ping pong, you know
Sa ekipom dos'o se izcilat' malo
Came with the crew to chill out a bit
Poslije dosli klinci tu iz Maslacka
Later, the kids from Maslacka came
Dodavali nam loptice, igrali skrivaca
They were passing us balls, playing hide-and-seek
Pa si mislis kako super im je
And you think how great it is for them
Rade sto god hoce, jos im sve kupe strine
They do whatever they want, their aunts buy them everything
Cijeli dan se igraju dok neko drugi brine
They play all day while someone else worries
Kako naci posao, kao ja, na primjer
How to find a job, like me, for example
I ja bih htio imat' opet sedam, osam godina
I wish I could be seven, eight years old again
Bit' cijeli zmazan, imat' poderana koljena
Be all dirty, have scraped knees
Je'n, dva, tri, stalno igrat' bilo cool mi je
One, two, three, playing all the time was cool for me
A danas vozim auto da me pijan neko ubije
And today I drive a car, risking someone drunk killing me
Bilo mi je prije bolje
It was better for me before
Svi te ljudi duplo vise vole
All those people love you twice as much
Kad si lima, ne treba ti love
When you're a kid, you don't need money
Ruke, noge, ledja te ne bole
Your arms, legs, back don't hurt
Ne's 'oces, sam' places
You don't want to, you just cry
Radis sve po svojem
You do everything your own way
A danas moras ucit' preko ljeta
And today you have to study during the summer
Doma tlace da si nis' bez fakulteta
At home they pressure you, saying you're nothing without a degree
Pazis kaj radis jer svako gleda
You watch what you do because everyone's watching
Najradje bi opet bio klinac, je l' da
I'd rather be a kid again, wouldn't you?
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Bilo nam je bolje kad smo bili klinci
We were better off when we were kids
Jer tada oko mene svi su bili pozitivci
Because back then everyone around me was positive
I ponekad pozelim da smo opet klinci
And sometimes I wish we were kids again
A sjecanja ozive kada vidim nas na slici
And the memories come alive when I see us in a picture
Rekli su mi, pazi, decko
They told me, watch out, boy
Nista u zivotu nije vjecno
Nothing in life is eternal
Budi pametan i zivi sretno
Be smart and live happily
Svako sanja i svako bi htio nesto
Everyone dreams and everyone wants something
A ko klincu nikad nista nije tesko
And as a kid, nothing is ever hard
Ak' me pitas, osmijeh necu sakrit'
If you ask me, I won't hide my smile
U djetinjstvo htio bi se vratit'
I'd like to go back to childhood
Bolje nesto, desava se cesto
Something better, it happens often
Kad si mali svaki bed izgleda ti smjesno
When you're little, every trouble seems funny to you
A mi tada radili smo razne stvari
And back then we did all sorts of things
Mazni auto doma dok ti zaspe stari
Steal a car at home while your parents are asleep
Uzeli kurtone i balone sto ih rade
We took the kurtons and balloons they make
Punili ih vodom pa ih bacali sa zgrade
Filled them with water and threw them from the building
Crvene petarde palili na sibice
We lit red firecrackers on matches
Igrali u lunicu video igrice
Played video games at the arcade
Pa se sjetim kad je bilo dobro sve
And I remember when everything was good
Dole ispred zgrade svi igrali smo nogomet
Down in front of the building we all played football
I bili smo bezbrizni i sretni
And we were carefree and happy
A danas imamo probleme i nekad nam ne ide
And today we have problems and sometimes things don't go our way
A ko djeca smo stalno bili vani
And as kids we were always outside
Ma, danas je dobro, al' di su oni dani
Well, today is good, but where are those days
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Jos se sjecam dana kad sam bio djecak
I still remember the days when I was a boy
Nikad dosadno mi bilo nije, stalno sretan
I was never bored, always happy
Zivot tezak, al' ja to ne osjecam
Life is hard, but I don't feel it
Zelim da mi kupi stari sve kaj mi obeca
I want my old man to buy me everything he promised me
Zelim puno stvari, makar i bez kesa
I want a lot of things, even without money
Al' nije tako jednostavno naucit' kaj ne znas
But it's not so easy to learn what you don't know
Ko da nismo znali, svijet je kao velik
As if we didn't know, the world is like big
A sada kako starim, to me vise ne veseli
And now as I get older, it doesn't make me happy anymore
Kad smo bili mali zvali su nas djaci
When we were little they called us students
Sto sam vise odrastao, zovu nas ludjaci
The more I grew up, they call us crazy
Kazu radi, moras odmah, pos'o nadji
They say work, you have to right away, find a job
Makar mlad si pa nemas pojima kaj to znaci
Even though you're young and have no idea what that means
Pusti, idem dalje, sad nije vazno di sam
Let it go, I'm moving on, now it doesn't matter where I am
Kada imam neko znanje pa sa tim razmisljam
When I have some knowledge and I think with it
Ne popustam, kaj ne trebam ne slusam
I don't give in, I don't listen to what I don't need
Bilo mi je prije bolje, sad se ipak gustam
It was better for me before, now I still enjoy myself
Daj da kazem to dok nisam odrastao
Let me say this before I grow up
Daj da nadjem nes' cem' sam dorastao
Let me find something I'm grown up for
Znam da vratit' se ne mogu, al' nije vazno
I know I can't go back, but it doesn't matter
Zivot ide dalje, zivjeti se mora, znam to
Life goes on, you have to live, I know that

Writer(s): Bojan Salamon, Ivan Dražić, Juraj Blažević, Matko Sasek, Selmir Mujagić

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