Connect - Nebo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect - Nebo

Op, op, op, op, yeah, 'ajmo
Op, op, op, op, yeah, let's go
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
I dok nebo divno je
And while the sky is beautiful
Meni sivo bice i bilo je
To me it will be and was gray
Osjecaj ko pad sa visine je
The feeling is like falling from a height
Al' glavno da se rimuje
But the main thing is that it rhymes
Jeb'o bager, imam sve
Fuck the excavator, I have everything
Rijeci koje ruse zidove
Words that break down walls
Slusaj, zivot je prekratak za ic' unatrag,
Listen, life is too short to go backwards,
Ja sam otis'o malo
I went a little
I naucio sam taj podatak
And I learned that fact
Svi ostave nesto, meni treba i ostatak
Everyone leaves something, I need the rest too
Ali vratit cu se kad tad
But I'll be back someday
Im'o neke stvari, sjeb'o sve
I had some things, I screwed everything up
Kak' se kaze, ali bar sam udeblj'o se
As they say, but at least I gained weight
Znas, uglavnom, sve u svemu
You know, basically, all in all
Da na greskama se uci
That you learn from mistakes
Al' ne na svojim, vec na tudjim
But not on your own, but on someone else's
Ili budes prao sudje
Or you'll be washing dishes
Kad te sjebe pravosudje
When the justice system screws you over
Ili budes posten
Or you'll be honest
Ali takvog nisam vid'o duze
But I haven't seen one like that for a long time
Zato, druze, zbog tebe i problema
Therefore, friend, because of you and problems
Ne pecaj u rijeci koje nema, jesi cuo
Don't fish in a river that doesn't exist, you hear
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Volim pjevat', al' u studiju
I love to sing, but in the studio
Neki vole pjevat' kad svrate i na muriju
Some people love to sing when they visit the police too
Zato bolje suti ako brijes nesto sljakat'
So you better shut up if you're planning on doing something
Da te ne bi sjeb'o neki papak
So that some idiot doesn't screw you over
Tako je i meni jedan slozio sranje
That's how one guy arranged shit for me too
Sad zao mi je staraca i zbog toga srame
Now I'm sorry for my parents and ashamed because of that
Jer su vjerovali, covjece, sve bi dali da
Because they believed, man, they would give everything so that
Nisam narko, a ja ovako lijepo
I wasn't a junkie, and I'm so beautiful like this
Zavrsim tranu kod Naletilica i ekipe
I end up in a trance at Naletilic's and the crew's
A sad me moze vadit' samo Papa i Stipe
And now only the Pope and Stipe can get me out
Sreca mi okrenula ledja, ispadam iz igre
Luck turned its back on me, I'm out of the game
Ti sad drzis se za malu, ja za kite
You hold on to the little one now, I hold on to the kites
Slusaj, mislio sam sranja cu
Listen, I thought I would just
Samo na telki gledat'
Watch shit on TV
Nemoguce postalo je moguce
The impossible became possible
I mo's se jebat'
And you can fuck off
Lijep dan, a na vrata mi banula, ko
Nice day, and she slammed on my door, like
Buraz, cijela Hainzlova
Dude, the whole Hainzlova
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
I dok gledam u dvoriste
And while I'm looking at the yard
Kisa pada, a pod nogama mi gori sve
Rain is falling, and everything is burning under my feet
Brate, bar se nadam
Brother, at least I hope
Da mi barem kaznu poniste
That you at least cancel my sentence
Al' to je nemoguce
But that's impossible
Jos mi vise produze na zalbu
They extend me even more on appeal
Sto sam pred'o jucer
What I passed yesterday
To je strasno, kad budem izas'o
It's terrible, when I get out
To ne zna ni dragi Bog, i on me tu nas'o
Not even dear God knows, and he found me here
I tad sam ovdje zapeo, zavrsio kao pjesnik
And then I got stuck here, ended up as a poet
A vani cu izac' kao dusevni bolesnik
And I'll come out as a mentally ill person
Nekad mi je tesko
Sometimes it's hard for me
Al' to rijesim vjezbom
But I solve that with exercise
Jer ne mozes ak' nema struje
Because you can't if there's no electricity
Brige gasit' pjesmom
Extinguish worries with a song
Pomalo je tjesno
It's a little tight
Budem se navik'o na to
I'll get used to it
Al' mozda brijem
But maybe I'm shaving
Jer to ne moze bas niko
Because not everyone can do that
I da imam krila, pa da poletim
And if I had wings, so I could fly
Ne bi ih ni skriv'o, ne bi mogao odoljeti
I wouldn't even hide them, I wouldn't be able to resist
Ovdje ne bi bio, ne bi trosio si godine
I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be wasting years
Ovdje mi je lose, tu se ni's ne vidi s poniske
I feel bad here, you can't even see anything from the lowlands
Kao prvo, ti mi doma sve pozdravi
First of all, say hello to everyone at home for me
A odvjetniku javi
And let the lawyer know
Ja se raspadam iznutra
I'm falling apart inside
Kao bivsa Jugoslavija
Like the former Yugoslavia
Ne mozes izac'
You can't go out
Kad je zatvorena kapija
When the gate is closed
Na sudu su nam rekli
They told us in court
Da tu ne postoji mafija
That there is no mafia here
Ja ne vjerujem njima
I don't believe them
Ko nijednom tipu
Like not a single guy
A sumnjam da im vjeruju
And I doubt they believe
Jelavic i Pripluz
Jelavic and Pripluz
Dok iz druge sobe
While from the other room
Samo cujes plac i lavez
You only hear crying and barking
Ko ranjena zivina
Like a wounded poultry
Sto je strpana u kavez
That is crammed into a cage
Kao riba sto ne pliva
Like a fish that doesn't swim
Jao, braco mila
Oh, dear brothers
Ja se osjecam ko ptica
I feel like a bird
Koja ne moze rasirit' krila
That can't spread its wings
Mojih ljudi uvijek cu se sjetit'
I will always remember my people
Mislim, jeb'o nebo
I mean, fuck the sky
Kada ne mogu poletit'
When I can't take off
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

Writer(s): Bojan Salamon, Ivan Dražić, Juraj Blažević, Natko Smoljan, Selmir Mujagić

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