Connect - Poziv Doma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect - Poziv Doma

Poziv Doma
Call Home
Htjeli su ic' na more
They wanted to go to the sea
Bilo je ljeto, nema skole
It was summer, no school
Uzeli auto, nesto love
Took the car, some money
Starci naravno sve dozvole
Parents of course allowed everything
A ja sam tad vec bio dole
And I was already down there
Treb'o sam se bas nac s njim
I was supposed to meet him
Htio je doc do nas i
He wanted to come to us and
S nama ostat' dan, dva, tri
Stay with us for a day, two, three
Javio se vecer prije
He called the night before
U deset krece reko mi je
Leaving at ten, he told me
Jedva ceka sutra sto nikad nije
He can't wait for tomorrow like never before
I da negdje oko tri je dole
And that he'll be down there around three
To je bilo prosle godine
That was last year
Kad se sjetim odma' zlo mi je
When I remember, it makes me sick
Njih cet'ri u autu koji je
The four of them in the car that was
Dobio nedavno od rodbine
Recently received from relatives
On je naprijed sjedio
He sat in the front
Jedan drugi decko je vozio
Another guy was driving
Njega nisam tol'ko dobro znao
I didn't know him that well
Al' cuo sam tek je polozio
But I heard he just passed his test
A ova dvojica bila su iza
And these two were in the back
Lima kaj igra sicu sa mnom
Lima who plays dice with me
I onaj kaj ga upozn'o nisam
And the one I haven't met
Al' znam ga vidjet' tu i tam uglavnom
But I know him, see him here and there mostly
Zivot cijene nema
Life has no price
Sve se mijenja
Everything changes
Kada se igras braco
When you play, brothers
Ko je kriv nije vazno
Who is to blame is not important
I sta je bilo ja znam zasto
And what happened, I know why
Svi mladi rade to
All young people do that
Stali su kupili alkohol
They stopped and bought alcohol
Izgleda da nisu znali
It seems they didn't know
Sto ce se desit za sat i pol s njima
What would happen to them in an hour and a half
Dodaj gasa kol'ko ide
Step on the gas as much as it goes
Bolje malo brze pa stici nigdje
Better a little faster and get nowhere
Mi smo mladi nek svi nas vide
We are young, let everyone see us
U lijevu traku da vas sve prestignem
In the left lane to overtake you all
Ali zasto bas vi, zasto bas ti
But why you, why you
Sve je trebalo bit bolje
Everything was supposed to be better
Kad se sjetim sve me boli
When I remember, it all hurts me
Od ovog nije moglo bit gore
It couldn't be worse than this
Zivot cijene nema
Life has no price
Sve se mijenja
Everything changes
Da li znas zasto
Do you know why
Zivot cijene nema
Life has no price
Sve se mijenja
Everything changes
Kad se igras braco
When you play, brothers
Zivot cijene nema
Life has no price
Sve se mijenja
Everything changes
Da li znas zasto
Do you know why
Zivot cijene nema
Life has no price
Sve se mijenja
Everything changes
Sve se mijenja
Everything changes
Ta je lijeva strana bila kobna
That left side was fatal
Tu je pros'o kotac kamiona
That's where the truck's wheel passed
Hitna im nije pomoc mogla
The ambulance couldn't help them
Makar je stigla odma
Even though it arrived immediately
Prezivio vozac i
The driver survived and
Onaj decko iza njega
The guy behind him
Prebrza voznja, alkohol
Speeding, alcohol
I dvojice vise nema
And two are gone
Sad on sam sebe krivi
Now he blames himself
Jer mu frendovi nisu zivi
Because his friends are not alive
Napravio je sranje
He messed up
Nista ga nije moglo smirit
Nothing could calm him down
Reko je da ce poludit
He said he would go crazy
Samo Bog mu moze sudit
Only God can judge him
Nisam vjerov'o kad je rek'o
I didn't believe it when he said
Da ce se jednog dana ubit
That he would kill himself one day
Nemoj sad sebe krivit sam
Don't blame yourself now
Sine moj pa moras zivit, znaj
My son, you have to live, you know
Rek'o mu je te veceri stari
His father told him that night
Da bi mog'o smirit ga
So he could calm him down
Znaj tata da vas volim ja
Know dad that I love you
Sto god da se tu dogadja
Whatever happens here
Pozdravi mi mamu i seku
Say hello to mom and sister
Reci da ih volim ja
Tell them I love them
Tata pada na koljena
Dad falls to his knees
Nemoj to sine, moli ga
Don't do that son, he begs him
Onda zatvara i pripazi
Then he closes and watch out
Pokraj svakog prozora
By every window
Nece ti pomoc to nista
That won't help you
Mama je pocela vristat
Mom started screaming
Samo da zadrzi sina
Just to keep her son
Samo da ostane s njima
Just to stay with them
Al' ja sad idem sorry
But I'm going now, sorry
Pusti me van gotovo je
Let me out, it's over
Ja znam da me ta sjecanja bole
I know those memories hurt me
I mislim da je tako bolje
And I think it's better that way
Znam da ga je to tlacilo
I know it was weighing on him
I znam da puno mi je znacio
And I know he meant a lot to me
I znam da nisam mogo vjerovat
And I know I couldn't believe it
Kad sam cuo da se bacio dole
When I heard he jumped down
U tjedan dana tri sprovoda
Three funerals in a week
Pa ga pitaj kaj ima novoga
So ask him what's new
Jedini osto ziv od onoga
The only one left alive from that
Nece van kad zovem ga
He won't come out when I call him
Znam da srce boli ga
I know his heart hurts
Jer mali sada sam je osto
Because the little one is now alone
Putem do mora razbijeni auto
A wrecked car on the way to the sea
Dvije smrti i samoubojstvo
Two deaths and a suicide
Nema ga nigdje a znam prije
He's nowhere to be found and I know before
Stalno je mali visio u kvartu
The little one was always hanging out in the neighborhood
Cuo sam ja da doma brije
I heard he shaves at home
S nikim ne prica i sjedi u mraku
Doesn't talk to anyone and sits in the dark
Htjeli su provod a dobili sprovod
They wanted a party and got a funeral
I ne ide sada van iz sobe
And now he doesn't leave his room
Koliko je puta u tome tjednu
How many times that week
Svojoj ekipi isao na groblje
He went to the cemetery to see his crew
E, a sta se desilo
Hey, and what happened
S tim malim poslije
To that little one afterwards
Sreo sam ga nedavno
I met him recently
Vidio ga predamnom
Saw him in front of me
I pit'o sam ga kako sada
And I asked him how now
Stvari gleda on
He sees things
Reko mi je samo ovo
He just told me this
Jura pazi kako vozis
Jura be careful how you drive
Vidis kako lako neko
You see how easily someone
Sranje se dogodi
Shit happens
Onaj kaj se ubio je
The one who killed himself
Sebe smatro krivim
Blamed himself
U njegovoj je smrti
In his death
Naso razloga da zivi
He found a reason to live
I ovo sta ja vama pricam
And what I'm telling you
Njegova je zbilja
Is his reality
Sudbina je okrutna
Fate is cruel
A zivot nije igra
And life is not a game
Aha, jesi cuo
Aha, did you hear
Zato pazi kako vozis
So be careful how you drive
'Ajmo nazad
Let's go back
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

Writer(s): Bojan Salamon, Ivan Dražić, Jura Blazevic, Matko Sasek, Selmir Mujagić

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