Connect - Prijateljska Ljubav - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect - Prijateljska Ljubav

Prijateljska Ljubav
Friendly Love
Kisa pada vani i losih decki ima vani
It's raining outside, and there are bad boys out there
Da nebi bilo beba bolje ostani
To avoid getting pregnant, you better stay in
Ja necu te dirat znas da se sramim
I won't touch you, you know I'm shy
Necu se ni skidat spavat cu u pidami
I won't even undress, I'll sleep in my pajamas
Napravit cu ti sendvic od majoneze
I'll make you a mayonnaise sandwich
Ne spreham te bez veze poslje mozemo gledat zvjezde
I'm not spraying you for no reason, later we can watch the stars
A ti si ziher mislis da ja zelim da te bubam beba nemoj biti luda
And you're probably thinking that I want to bang you, baby, don't be crazy
To je prijateljska ljubav
This is friendly love
Beba pazi
Baby, be careful
Javit ces mami di si zato jer smo pokisli
You'll tell your mom where you are because we got wet
A ja dat cu ti sve jer ti si moja frendica
And I'll give you everything because you're my friend
Ne brini se znas s kim si
Don't worry, you know who you're with
Znam da ti tata pizdi a ti si
I know your dad is pissed and you are
Nemoj mislit da te samo zelim jebat sad
Don't think I just want to fuck you now
Zelim samo bit ljubazan i pozvat te kod sebe tu u stan
I just want to be nice and invite you to my place, here in the apartment
Nemoras prati sudje sve je cisto znas da sam uredan
You don't have to wash the dishes, everything is clean, you know I'm tidy
Vrijeme je vani dusu dalo da se odmoris i spavas malo
The weather is perfect to rest and sleep a little
Kasno je i vani svijet je zao
It's late and the world outside is evil
Tebi nebi nikad valja porekao
I would never deny you anything
Curo pomogni mi jer desio mi se zajeb
Girl, help me because I have a problem
Ciferslus mi je malo zakacio jaje
My zipper caught my egg a little
Mala predugo te znam i ja nisam takav frajer
Girl, I've known you for too long and I'm not that kind of guy
Samo pusti neka traje ova ljubav sto ti dajem
Just let this love I give you last
Ljubav sto ti dajem
The love I give you
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love
Ti si crvenkapica a ja cu biti vukic
You are Little Red Riding Hood and I will be the wolf
Dali si za jedan slatki prijateljski fukic
Are you up for a sweet, friendly fuck?
Znam da voliš igrice i igrat cemo piksneri
I know you like games, and we'll play pixel games
Ja cu drzat konce igre ti čes drzat diksneri
I'll hold the game threads, you'll hold the dixneri
Ako si za javi do 6 slavi se mojih 26
If you're up for it, let me know by 6, my 26th birthday is being celebrated
A to vec znas to je stara vijest
And you already know that, that's old news
I zato bar bi mogli negdje sjest
And that's why we could at least sit somewhere
Jest pa pricaj o sebi jer ovako dobru ko te nebi
Eat and talk about yourself because someone as good as you wouldn't
Ja kezem to cisto frendovsi svjestan tvojih vrijednosti
I'm saying this purely as a friend, aware of your values
Jer znamo se oduvjek jos kad smo bili djeca plus
Because we've known each other forever, since we were kids, plus
Cuo sam i price da si nasla nekog novog decka
I've also heard stories that you've found a new boyfriend
A take price mi na licu stave smjesak
And such stories put a smile on my face
Zato sta se bojis dodi k meni idemo se zezat zezat
Because you're scared, come to me, let's have fun, have fun
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love
Stoput kazem budi moja cjeli svjet u mom kutu
I say a hundred times, be mine, the whole world in my corner
I onda pitam dal bi htjela biti ljepi cvjet u mom vrtu
And then I ask if you would like to be a beautiful flower in my garden
Znas da bice bomba i pridi blize
You know it will be a bomb, and come closer
Dan se pozna po jutru a ti si bombon kao bronhi 505 sa crtom
The day is known by the morning, and you are a candy like Bronhi 505 with a line
Jer su meke ljepe te tvoje usne med i mljeko to mi dah oduzme
Because your lips are soft, beautiful, honey and milk, it takes my breath away
Kada vidim te moram priznat da si ti iza te moje maste drske
When I see you, I have to admit that you are beyond my bold imagination
Koji me to vrag obuzme da u sve to umijesam prste
What devil possesses me to get my fingers involved in all of this
Nebi dao nasu ljubav da ko balon od sapuna prsne
I wouldn't let our love burst like a soap bubble
Nema sanse da odustanem od tebe jer je duga noc
There's no way I'm giving up on you because the night is long
Ti znas da tvoj sam supermen zato beba samo zovi upomoc
You know I'm your superman, so baby just call for help
Ej oci ti ko zvijezde sjaje volim osmjeh sta mi dajes
Hey, your eyes shine like stars, I love the smile you give me
Pusti kolko treba nasu ljubav neka traje
Let our love last as long as it takes
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love
Ova ljubav
This love
Ova ljubav
This love
Ova ljubav
This love
Ova ljubav
This love
Ova ljubav
This love
Ova ljubav
This love
Samo pusti neka traje traje
Just let it last, last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Samo pusti neka traje
Just let it last
Ova ljubav bejbe sto ti dajem ova ljubav
This love baby that I give you, this love

Writer(s): Bojan Salamon, Ivan Dražić, Jura Blazevic, Matko Sasek, Natko Smoljan, Selmir Mujagić, Zdeslav Klaric

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