Connect - Privatni Video - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect - Privatni Video

Privatni Video
Private Video
Rekla je, ucinit cu te poznatim
She said, "I'll make you famous"
Ja nisam im'o pojma sta to znaci
I had no clue what that meant
Slusaj ovo
Listen to this
Sorry kaj prekidam, prica od neki dan
Sorry to interrupt, a story from the other day
Bila je subota, sunce i lijepi dan
It was Saturday, a sunny and beautiful day
Palili smo rostilj by na terasi
We were grilling out on the terrace
Mnogo je bagre, i cevapa, i kobasi
Lots of people, cevapi, and sausages
By na terasi, doma kod Debelog
Out on the terrace, at Debeli's place
Sa puno pica i puno zelenog
With lots of drinks and lots of green
Jelo se i pilo, cool, super roba
We ate and drank, cool, great stuff
A kad stigle zene, to je bilo bomba
And when the women arrived, it was a bomb
Ovdje je super, zaboravi na to
It's great here, forget about it
Jedna me gleda, al' vidim da je gabor
One is looking at me, but I see she's a gabor
Ali njena frendica, ta egzoticna
But her friend, that exotic one
Ravno za spot, rek'o bih, spoticna
Straight for a music video, I'd say, a stunner
Spika je ocita, vidim da me snima
The flirting is obvious, I see she's checking me out
Razgovor pocima i pita kaj ima
The conversation starts and she asks what's up
Mala je dobra, jos sama se namece
The girl is good, she's even offering herself
Pita me di cu i sto radim navecer
She asks me where I'm going and what I'm doing tonight
Sama je doma, otis'o joj Rista
She's home alone, Rista left her
Cuva privatnost, zvat cemo je Sisa
She's keeping her privacy, we'll call her Sisa
Izgleda dobro, valjda je cista
She looks good, I guess she's clean
Zna i pricat' a fizicki blista
She knows how to talk and she physically shines
Noge, sise, krasne usne
Legs, breasts, beautiful lips
Vadi telefon da broj mi uzme
She takes out her phone to get my number
Pita je l' okej, je l' moze u devet
She asks if it's okay, can she come at nine
Da dodjem do nje, pospremit ce krevet
To come to her place, she'll make the bed
Vjerovatno se pitate
You're probably wondering
Sta je cudno u ovoj prici
What's strange about this story
Ostatak cete doznati u nastavku
You'll find out the rest in the sequel
A sada prelazimo na slucaj broj dva
And now we move on to case number two
Ne sjecam se tocno kod kog smo bili
I don't remember exactly whose place we were at
Sam znam da je bilo fini
I just know it was nice
Hrpa ljudi, na pola zivi
A bunch of people, half alive
A kaj mi se desilo, neces bolivit'
And what happened to me, you won't believe
To nisi video dugo
You haven't seen this in a long time
Ja sam se tak' jako nacug'o
I got so drunk
Meni sve trebe bile su predivne
All the girls seemed beautiful to me
Sve bi ih zenio osim jedine
I would have married them all except for the one
Mrtav pijan, sve ih upozn'o
Dead drunk, I met them all
Pric'o svasta, uzas, grozno
Talked nonsense, awful, terrible
Ja napaljen, ono, sto posto
I was horny, like, one hundred percent
U sobi solo s jednom trebom ost'o
I was left alone in a room with one girl
Svjetla nema, ne radi zarulja
There's no light, the bulb doesn't work
To mi je rekla i odmah navalila
She told me that and immediately went for it
Osjetio sam da je dosta jaka
I felt that she was quite strong
Legla na mene, ja sam ost'o bez zraka
She lay on me, I was left breathless
Covjece, nemas pojma
Man, you have no idea
Dlakave noge i tako znojna
Hairy legs and so sweaty
Mislim si, ono, pa di su joj grudi
I'm thinking, like, where are her breasts
Ja hocu pobec' kaze, imam grudi
I want to run away, she says, I have breasts
U tom trenu neko uletava
At that moment someone bursts in
Pali svjetlo, ja velim hvala
Turns on the light, I say thank you
Snimim, ekipa ima fotic i kameru
I record, the crew has a camera and a video camera
Pogledam nju i stiltam se frajeru
I look at her and pretend to be cool
A, pa kad si se ustala
Oh, so you got up
Izgledas kao Gospodar Prstena
You look like the Lord of the Rings
Odmah sam promijenio boju i ton
I immediately changed my color and tone
I skuzio u biti da je ona on
And realized in essence that she is a he
Oprostite, dame i gospodo
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen
Salu na stranu
Jokes aside
Vratimo se nasem prvom slucaju
Let's return to our first case
Tocno u devet dos'o sam na vrata
Exactly at nine I came to the door
Usao u haustor i popeo do kata
Entered the hallway and climbed to the floor
Stisnuo sam zvono, zvonilo je dvaput
I pressed the bell, it rang twice
Otvorila je Sisa ogrnuta u kaput
Sisa opened the door wrapped in a coat
Rekla je, udji, meni je zima
She said, "Come in, I'm cold"
Ispod sam gola, dodji do stola
I'm naked underneath, come to the table
Ona je legla na neku lezaljku
She lay down on some kind of lounger
Nisam ni slutio njenu namjestaljku
I had no idea about her setup
A sve je jos cool i sve je okej
And everything is still cool and everything is okay
Je l' ima kaj za pit', veli, ima Freshine
Is there anything to drink, she says, there's Freshine
Uglavnom, dalje necu u detalje
Anyway, I won't go into details
Seksa se ludo, al' nesto mi je cudno
The sex is crazy, but something is strange to me
Trazi da gol pjevam becarac
She wants me to sing a becarac naked
Nisam ti ja becki djecarac
I'm not a Viennese boy
I dobro da nisam jer imala je namjeru
And it's good that I'm not because she had the intention
Snimila je sve na video kameru
She recorded everything on a video camera
Bar je bila zenska
At least she was a woman
Ali prave grozote cut ce te u nastavku
But you'll hear the real horrors in the sequel
A sada slucaj broj tri
And now case number three
Cujem da se prica o nekom videu
I hear there's talk about some video
Imam i ja nes' rec' za kameru
I have something to say to the camera too
Bio sam pijan u nekom stanu tu
I was drunk in some apartment here
Kod nekih cura u Novom Zagrebu
At some girls' place in Novi Zagreb
Neke dve tam stoje, fancy, cool
Two girls standing there, fancy, cool
Pricaju nes' na svome jeziku
Talking something in their language
Nije mi bed, pa stanem izmedju njih
I'm not bothered, so I stand between them
A onda sta mislim, vidjet cu
And then what do I think, I'll see
Dosla je na ljeto ovdje
She came here for the summer
Bit ce par dana pa pice dolje
She'll be here for a few days then down south
Cule su da nam je lijepo more
They heard that we have a beautiful sea
A one se u moru vole kupat' gole
And they like to swim naked in the sea
Obadve su full mi zgodne
Both of them are totally hot to me
Pitam ju od kud su i kak se zove
I ask her where they're from and what their names are
Jedna je Jenny, druga je Liza
One is Jenny, the other is Liza
Dosla jucer busom iz Pariza
She came yesterday by bus from Paris
Zovu me u sobu iza
They call me into the room behind
Jenny odmah svu svoju robu skida
Jenny immediately takes off all her clothes
Liza je ludo pocela me dirat'
Liza started touching me like crazy
Vadi bic van, kaze, hocu se igrat'
She takes out a whip, says, I want to play
Jesi normalna, to me boli
Are you crazy, that hurts
Kaze, to je bit svega i to boli
She says, that's the point of it all and it hurts
Hoce me snimat' kako me bicuje
She wants to film me getting whipped
Grabim stvari, bjezim, vice kud ces, ej
I grab my things, I run away, she shouts where are you going, hey
Izletavam gol na cestu
I run out naked onto the street
Bjezim od njih posto lude jesu
I'm running away from them because they are crazy
Hvata me panika samo malo
I'm panicking just a little
Pa ne volim ti ja taj sado-mazo
Because I don't like that sado-maso stuff
Ovo je bio izvanserijski primjer
This was an extraordinary example
Istraumatiziranog muskarca
Of a traumatized man
Koji nije mogao izac'
Who couldn't cope
Na kraj sa dvije djevojke
With two girls
A za kraj slusajmo razrjesenje
And finally, let's hear the resolution
Naseg prvog slucaja
Of our first case
Stao sam u cudu, gledao u djanu
I stood in shock, looking at the chick
Kako li se riba pretvara u piranu
How the fish turns into a piranha
Veli, hoce pare i nije za salu
She says, she wants money and it's not a joke
Ili su snimke sutra na portalu
Or the videos will be on the portal tomorrow
Rek'o sam, 'ajde, ostvari naum
I said, come on, fulfill your intention
Samo te molim, pomakni datum
Just please, move the date
Do ploce u jesen neka me odaju
Let them expose me in the fall before the album release
Jer takve stvari dignut ce prodaju
Because such things will boost sales
Poslusali ste nase primjere
You have listened to our examples
Sada znate kako je meni
Now you know how it is for me
Biti psihijatar
To be a psychiatrist
Kako, kako da ja ostanem normalan
How, how can I stay normal
Kako, kako
How, how

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