Connect - Šta Me Čeka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Connect - Šta Me Čeka

Šta Me Čeka
What Awaits Me
I onda kad sam tuzan ja sam sretan
Even when I'm feeling down, I find a way to smile
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what the future holds, for quite a while
Zanima me dal cu kad ostarim imat bore al od smijeha
I wonder, when I'm older, will my wrinkles tell of laughter?
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, hereafter?
Ako krene prema dole neka
If life takes a downturn, I won't despair
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, it's only fair
Zato molim boga da sjeti me se nekad
So I pray to God, that He remembers me, someday
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what awaits, come what may
Imam tolko pitanja
So many questions fill my head
Pa ako neko zna da pitam ga
If someone knows the answers, I wish they'd be said
Kako zavrsava kraj moje price
How does my story end, what's the final page?
Da li je uredu ili malo izoblicen
Is it a happy ending, or a twisted stage?
Zanima me dal cu zivit s nekim ili sam
Will I find someone to share my life, or be alone?
Da li cu imat kucu ili stan
Will I have a house, an apartment of my own?
Ili necu imat nista jer ova drzava je bolesna
Or will I have nothing, in this country that's unwell?
Nigdje nema ljeka
No cure in sight, it's hard to tell
Zato ko zna sta sve me ceka
So who knows what awaits, only time will reveal
Od sada samo ozbiljno bez kerefeka
From now on, I'm serious, what I feel is real
Znam da mogu bolje
I know I can do better, I have the strength inside
Trudim se al opet steka onda ponekad
I try, but sometimes I stumble, my efforts I hide
Pomislim da bolje krenem iz pocetka
I think of starting over, a fresh new way
Jer sada znam odgovor na pitanje za milju kuna
Because now I know the answer, worth a million, I'd say
Za milju kuna da, sudbina je lukava
For a million, yes, fate can be sly and deceive
A di je ona sad? U tvojim rukama
And where is it now? It's in your hands, believe
I onda kad sam tuzan ja sam sretan
Even when I'm feeling down, I find a way to smile
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what the future holds, for quite a while
Zanima me dal cu kad ostarim imat bore al od smijeha
I wonder, when I'm older, will my wrinkles tell of laughter?
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, hereafter?
Ako krene prema dole neka
If life takes a downturn, I won't despair
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, it's only fair
Zato molim boga da sjeti me se nekad
So I pray to God, that He remembers me, someday
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what awaits, come what may
Za nekih 5 il 10 godina
In five or ten years, who can say
Koja ce nas lica gledati iz novina
Whose faces will we see in the news of the day?
Dal cu imat djece il ponasat se ko dijete
Will I have children, or act like a child myself?
I dalje biti debel nakon 101 dijete
Still overweight after a hundred diets on the shelf?
U Evropi svijetu dal smo blizi
Are we closer to Europe, to the world as a whole?
Dali ce i onda drustvo bit u krizi
Will society still be in crisis, losing its soul?
Dodje mi u glavu i upitam se nekad
These thoughts come to mind, and I sometimes ask
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, behind life's mask?
Pa se onda sjetim brejka i onih dana smijeha
Then I remember the breakbeats, the days filled with laughter
I kako vratio bi sve na pocetak
And how I'd rewind time, if I could, and start after
Smeta me sto nekad zivot bude jeftin
It bothers me that life can be cheap and unkind
Tu svako hoce jebat ali opet ispast nevin
Everyone wants to play, but leave innocence behind
Losiji il gori, lijevi, centar, desni
Worse or better, left, center, right, we're all the same
Ne spominjem imena, al svako nadje se u pjesmi
I won't name names, but everyone finds their place in this game
Nadam se da sada bit ce vremena da dovrsi se slika
I hope there's time now, to finish the picture I see
Znam da negdje ceka me dobitak.
I know a win awaits me, somewhere it will be
I onda kad sam tuzan ja sam sretan
Even when I'm feeling down, I find a way to smile
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what the future holds, for quite a while
Zanima me dal cu kad ostarim imat bore al od smijeha
I wonder, when I'm older, will my wrinkles tell of laughter?
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, hereafter?
Ako krene prema dole neka
If life takes a downturn, I won't despair
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, it's only fair
Zato molim boga da sjeti me se nekad
So I pray to God, that He remembers me, someday
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what awaits, come what may
Ja se nadam da bi zivot mogo biti barem malo bolji
I hope that life could be just a little bit better
Pa da svoju glavu vucem van iz ovog dreka
So I can pull my head out of this muck and this fetter
Sta me ceka reci kog da pitam bolje da ne znam
What awaits me, who should I ask, better not to know
To me ne zanima al soma stvari smeta
It doesn't concern me, but some things still show
Kao da se borim za sutra mozda puno me kosta
Like I'm fighting for tomorrow, at a heavy cost
Ali volim ta jutra kad okupa me rosa znam
But I love those mornings, when the dew is embossed
Da bi mogo imat jos i malo vise
I know I could have a little bit more, it's true
Da bude laksi ovaj zrak sto ga disem
To lighten this air that I breathe, see it through
Idem dalje pa upijem neke stvari kao spuzva
I move on, absorbing things like a sponge, I believe
Ja se drzim onog sta mi zivot pruza
I hold on to what life gives, I receive
I bas me briga ako pored mene snovi lete
And I don't care if dreams fly by, out of reach
Ja bit cu sretan kao dijete...
I'll be happy as a child, on life's beach...
I onda kad sam tuzan ja sam sretan
Even when I'm feeling down, I find a way to smile
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what the future holds, for quite a while
Zanima me dal cu kad ostarim imat bore al od smijeha
I wonder, when I'm older, will my wrinkles tell of laughter?
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, hereafter?
Ako krene prema dole neka
If life takes a downturn, I won't despair
Ko zna sta sve me ceka
Who knows what awaits, it's only fair
Zato molim boga da sjeti me se nekad
So I pray to God, that He remembers me, someday
Jer ko zna sta sve me ceka
Because who knows what awaits, come what may

Writer(s): Bojan Salamon, Ivan Dražić, Jura Blazevic, Natko Smoljan, Selmir Mujagić, Zdeslav Klaric

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