Corina feat. Junior High - Miss Boboc - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Corina feat. Junior High - Miss Boboc

Miss Boboc
Miss Boboc
Eu mi-s. divina!
I'm divine!
Langa tine ma simt mereu, ca o regina
Next to you, I feel like a queen
Si ti-am zis, tu esti de vina
And I told you, you are to blame
Ca de cand ma iubesti tu ma simt sublima
Because since you love me, I feel sublime
Vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vino-ncoace
Come, come, come, come, come, come, come closer
Cu tine ma simt mereu, mereu ca-n liceu!
With you, I always feel like I'm in high school!
Stiu ca-s pe primul loc
I know I'm in first place
Premianta la iubire
The winner in love
Ma simt ca miss boboc
I feel like Miss Boboc
Cea mai frumoasa langa tine
The most beautiful next to you
Cea mai frumoasa langa tine
The most beautiful next to you
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Eu mi-s frumoasa
I'm beautiful
Si daca-mi cumperi un ceas stii ca voi fi si devreme acasa
And if you buy me a watch, you know I'll be home early
Sau poate un inel
Or maybe a ring
Sunt pregatita sa te iubesc o viata-ntreaga tu ai acel ceva
I'm ready to love you for a lifetime, you have that something
Vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vino-ncoace
Come, come, come, come, come, come, come closer
Cu tine ma simt mereu, mereu ca-n liceu!
With you, I always feel like I'm in high school!
Stiu ca-s pe primul loc
I know I'm in first place
Premianta la iubire
The winner in love
Ma simt ca miss boboc
I feel like Miss Boboc
Cea mai frumoasa langa tine
The most beautiful next to you
Cea mai frumoasa langa tine
The most beautiful next to you
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss boboc nu vrei sa ma porti la chei ca pe-un breloc
Hey miss, hey miss boboc, wouldn't you like to carry me on your keys like a keychain?
Esti mai sexy decat toate misele la un loc
You're sexier than all the misses combined
Esti deasupra in top e clar ca am noroc
You're at the top, it's clear that I'm lucky
Si in ce hal, ca daca mergem la bal
And how, because if we go to the ball
O sa faca ochii mari ca esti cea mai pe val
Their eyes will widen because you're the most popular
Cea mai cea mai cautata
The most, the most sought after
Te gasesc prin satelit cand te ascunzi pe harta
I can find you via satellite when you hide on the map
Si inca n-am sfarsit
And I'm not done yet
Miss boboc, ce ti-as mai pune coronita!
Miss boboc, what else should I put a crown on you!
Vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vino-ncoace
Come, come, come, come, come, come, come closer
Cu tine ma simt mereu, mereu ca-n liceu!
With you, I always feel like I'm in high school!
Stiu ca-s pe primul loc
I know I'm in first place
Premianta la iubire,
The winner in love,
Ma simt ca miss boboc!
I feel like Miss Boboc!
Cea mai frumoasa langa tine
The most beautiful next to you
Cea mai frumoasa langa tine
The most beautiful next to you
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey miss boboc
Hey miss, hey miss, hey mïss boboc!
Hey miss, hey miss, hey mïss boboc!

Writer(s): Marius Ioan Moga, Marius Mirica, Ionut Marius Vasilache, Mircea Pavilcu, Robert Ionut Toma

Corina feat. Junior High - Miss Boboc (feat. Junior High) - Single
Miss Boboc (feat. Junior High) - Single
date de sortie

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