Cortés feat. Andreea Balan - Uita-Ma - Extended Version - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cortés feat. Andreea Balan - Uita-Ma - Extended Version

Uita-Ma - Extended Version
Forget Me - Extended Version
Stiu ca doare
I know it hurts
Tot mai tare
More and more
Dar mai am ceva sa-ti cer
But I have something to ask you
Doar o favoare
Just a favor
E cea mai mare
It's the biggest
Forget me
Stiu ca-ti pasa
I know you care
Si nu te lasa
And don't let yourself
Amintirile de ieri
Memories of yesterday
Mai e o incercare
It's another test
E cea mai mare
It's the biggest
Uita-ma, hai, uita-ma.
Forget me, come on, forget me.
Acum e totul dat uitarii
Now everything is forgotten
Las in urma ce-a fost
I leave behind what was
N-am mai vorbit de mult
I haven't spoken for a long time
Stiu ca n-avea niciun rost
I know it was pointless
Numele tau e
Your name is
Mi s-a zis ca acum e altul
I was told that now there's another
Eu le-am raspuns ca nu sunt curios sa-l aflu
I told them I'm not curious to find out
Cu cine-mparti patul, e treaba ta
Who you share the bed with, it's your business
La fel si cine crezi ca iti ofera linistea
And who you think gives you peace
Dar oricat ai incerca, tu nu ma poti uita
But no matter how hard you try, you can't forget me
Fiindca mintea mea a ramas in mintea ta
Because my mind has stayed in your mind
Adu-ti minte
Ne impacam si ne certam iar
We reconcile and argue again
Seara de seara, zi de zi
Night after night, day after day
Acelasi tipar
The same pattern
Tu ma scoteai din minti
You drove me crazy
Ma faceai sa tip iar
You made me scream again
Eu te-ntrebam ce simti
I asked you what you feel
Tu imi ziceai sa dispar
You told me to disappear
Am disparut definitv
I disappeared definitively
Nu ma mai intorc
I'm not coming back
Degeaba cauti un motiv
It's no use looking for a reason
Sa mai vorbim
To talk again
Nu mai stiu nimic de tine
I don't know anything about you anymore
Acum tu pentru mine
Now you for me
Esti doar una din multime.
You're just one of the crowd.
Stiu ca doare
I know it hurts
Tot mai tare
More and more
Dar mai am ceva sa-ti cer
But I have something to ask you
Doar o favoare
Just a favor
E cea mai mare
It's the biggest
Forget me
Stiu ca-ti pasa
I know you care
Si nu te lasa
And don't let yourself
Amintirile de ieri
Memories of yesterday
Mai e o incercare
It's another test
E cea mai mare
It's the biggest
Uita-ma, hai, uita-ma
Forget me, come on, forget me
Daca ma iubesti cu adevarat, lasa-ma
If you really love me, let me go
Daca iti pasa cu adevarat, uita-ma
If you really care, forget me
Daca ma iubesti cu adevarat, lasa-ma
If you really love me, let me go
Daca iti pasa cu adevarat, uita-ma.
If you really care, forget me.
Nu ma intreba, ca am uitat
Don't ask me, I forgot
Care a fost momentul in care ne-am indepartat
What was the moment when we drifted apart
Cum s-a intamplat si cine te-a schimbat
How it happened and who changed you
Sau cand ai incercat sa ma schimbi si tu pe mine, fara rezultat
Or when you tried to change me and you too, to no avail
Dar n-am uitat ca ne iubeam
But I haven't forgotten that we loved each other
De fapt, realitatea e ca nu ne potriveam
In fact, the reality is that we weren't compatible
Stii si n-am uitat ca ne minteam
You know and I haven't forgotten that we lied to each other
Si ne inselam timpul
And we were deceiving time
In timp ce il pierdeam
While we were losing it
Ca dupa ce povestea se termina
Because after the story ends
Nu mai are nicio importanta cine-a fost de vina
It doesn't matter anymore who was to blame
Sau cine a facut-o sa devina trista
Or who made it sad
Tu ai vrut sa pleci
You wanted to leave
Eu am tinut usa deschisa
I kept the door open
Nu putem fi judecati in lipsa
We can't be judged in absentia
Ca e tarziu
Because it's late
S-a dus si ultima repriza
The last inning is gone
Lumina-i stinsa deja de mult
The light has been off for a long time
Tu degeaba tipi
You're yelling in vain
Eu sunt prea departe sa te aud.
I'm too far away to hear you.
Stiu ca doare
I know it hurts
Tot mai tare
More and more
Dar mai am ceva sa-ti cer
But I have something to ask you
Doar o favoare
Just a favor
E cea mai mare
It's the biggest
Forget me
Stiu ca-ti pasa
I know you care
Si nu te lasa
And don't let yourself
Amintirile de ieri
Memories of yesterday
Mai e o incercare
It's another test
E cea mai mare
It's the biggest
Uita-ma, hai, uita-ma
Forget me, come on, forget me
Daca ma iubesti cu adevarat, lasa-ma
If you really love me, let me go
Daca iti pasa cu adevarat, uita-ma
If you really care, forget me
Daca ma iubesti cu adevarat, lasa-ma
If you really love me, let me go
Daca iti pasa cu adevarat, uita-ma
If you really care, forget me

Writer(s): Cristian Maier, Cosmin George Dobrescu, Adrian Cristescu, Adi Cristian Colceru

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