Coruja Bc1 feat. Emanero - Minhas Razões - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Coruja Bc1 feat. Emanero - Minhas Razões

Minhas Razões
My Reasons
Luchar por mi palabra es, luchar por lo que creo
To fight for my word is to fight for what I believe
Y alzo el puño, en repudio de aquello que no tolero
And I raise my fist, in rejection of what I don't tolerate
Yo prefiero ser rebelde, mi causa y fundamento no se venden
I prefer to be a rebel, my cause and foundation are not for sale
Cada letra que escribo me defiende
Each letter I write defends me
Conectei meu coração com a mente
I connected my heart with my mind
Pois sentimento com a razão, combustível pra seguir em frente
For feeling with reason, fuel to move forward
O amor pelo que fazemos nos mantém conectados
The love for what we do keeps us connected
Igual tradado do mercosul depois de ser assinado
Like the Mercosur treaty after being signed
Acionado por emanero eu vim de primeira
Activated by Emanero, I came first
Avisa a tim, que pro rap sim não tem fronteira
Tell Tim, that for rap there are no borders
E o poder do criador sobre a criatura resume
And the power of the creator over the creature sums up
Até o que o futebol separa a música sincera une
Even what football separates, sincere music unites
É o começo de uma nova história sim
It's the beginning of a new story, yes
O rap é igual meu pai, nunca morre pois vive dentro de mim
Rap is like my father, it never dies because it lives inside me
De cada irmã e cada irmão que acredita nisso
From every sister and every brother who believes in this
Daria a vida pela causa pra provar que é compromisso
I would give my life for the cause to prove it's a commitment
Me pego pensando nisso e falo, ó nóiz de
I find myself thinking about it and I say, oh us standing tall
Enquanto os pela saco cai por ter entrado de embalo
While the bandwagoners fall for having jumped on the bandwagon
Eu canto como fosse, minha quebrada que escreveu
I sing as if it were my hood that wrote it
E o resultado é minha quebrada cantar como fosse eu
And the result is my hood singing as if it were me
E viramos um só, na energia dessa fusão
And we become one, in the energy of this fusion
Do que adianta luz e câmera se não houver ação
What good are lights and camera if there is no action
Deus me deu o rap pra dar sentido a minha vida
God gave me rap to give meaning to my life
É isso que eu vim plantar em cima de cada batida
This is what I came to plant on top of every beat
Se acredita então ande, um sábio a visão expande
If you believe then walk, a wise man expands his vision
Sou uma mistura de sun tzu com mahatma gandhi
I am a mixture of Sun Tzu and Mahatma Gandhi
Das minhas fraquezas fiz minhas forças, ressurgi
From my weaknesses I made my strengths, I rose again
Se o interior tem voz o mundo vai ter que ouvir
If the interior has a voice, the world will have to listen
Luchar por mi palabra es, luchar por lo que creo
To fight for my word is to fight for what I believe
Y alzo el puño, en repudio de aquello que no tolero
And I raise my fist, in rejection of what I don't tolerate
Yo prefiero ser rebelde, mi causa y fundamento no se venden
I prefer to be a rebel, my cause and foundation are not for sale
Cada letra que escribo me defiende
Each letter I write defends me
Inmerso en este mundo gris, de malos tratos
Immersed in this gray world, of ill-treatment
Miro al cielo en busca de respuestas y me caen chubascos
I look at the sky in search of answers and downpours fall on me
Desde mi ciudad del odio yo, te traigo paz
From my city of hate, I bring you peace
Y es lógico que a veces sienta que no puedo más
And it's logical that sometimes I feel like I can't take it anymore
Voy a estar rapeando cuando, las modas mueran
I'm going to be rapping when the fashions die
Voy a, dejar en claro que lo hago porque me llena
I'm going to make it clear that I do it because it fills me
Y tengo miles de ideales perdidos en los cajones
And I have thousands of ideals lost in the drawers
Preguntándome cuando los voy a poner en canciones
Wondering when I'm going to put them in songs
Salto la frontera al norte ya, tengo mi visa
I jump the border to the north, I already have my visa
Para andar por el planeta entero pintando sonrisas
To walk the entire planet painting smiles
Ya, tengo mi balsa lista para naufragar
I already have my raft ready to shipwreck
Siete océanos y ningún puerto al que quiera llegar
Seven oceans and no port I want to reach
Superhombre, combato al mal atrás de un sobrenombre
Superman, I fight evil behind a nickname
Soldado, pidiendo que hoy la muerte no me nombre
Soldier, asking that death not name me today
Y cuando todo esté al revés voy a ponerme de cabeza
And when everything is upside down, I'm going to stand on my head
Ya aprendi que al golpe siempre lo acompaña una esperanza
I've already learned that hope always accompanies the blow
Luchar por mi palabra es, luchar por lo que creo
To fight for my word is to fight for what I believe
Y alzo el puño, en repudio de aquello que no tolero
And I raise my fist, in rejection of what I don't tolerate
Yo prefiero ser rebelde, mi causa y fundamento no se venden
I prefer to be a rebel, my cause and foundation are not for sale
Cada letra que escribo me defiende
Each letter I write defends me


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