Corvus Corax feat. Ingeborg Schöpf & Klaus Lothar Peters - Quid Agam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Corvus Corax feat. Ingeborg Schöpf & Klaus Lothar Peters - Quid Agam

Quid Agam
What Should I Do
Mundi delecatio dulcis est et grata,
The world's delight is sweet and pleasant,
Eius conversatio suavis et ornata
Its conversation is gentle and graceful
Ecce merces optime conspice nitorem!
Behold, the best reward, see its splendor!
Hec tibi conveniunt ad vultus decorum
It is fitting for your alluring countenance
Mundi sunt delicie, quibus estuare
The world's delights are to be yearned for
Volo nec lasciviam eius devitare
Nor do I wish to shun its pleasures
Hec sunt odorifere quas si comprobaris,
If you would prove these fragrant essences,
Corporis flagrantiam omnem superabis.
You will surpass all bodily fragrance.
Heu, vita preterita, vita plena malis,
Alas, my past life, a life full of evils,
Luxus turpitudinis, fons exitialis,
Luxury of shame, a source of ruin,
Heu, quid agam misera, plena peccatorum,
Alas, what shall I do, wretched one, full of sins,
Que polluta palleo sorde vitiorum!
Who grows pale, polluted by the filth of vice!
Pro mundan gaudio vitam terminabo,
For worldly joy I will end my life,
Bonis temporalibus ego militabo.
With temporal goods I will wage war.
Hoc ungentum si multum cupitis,
If you greatly desire this unguent,
Unum auri talentum dabitus.
You shall give a talent of gold.
Nil curans de ceteris corpus procurabo,
Caring nothing for the rest, I will care for my body,
Variis coloribus illud perornabo.
I will adorn it with various colors.
Aliter nusquam portabitis.
You will not bear it otherwise.
! Optimum est! -! Optimum est!
! It is the best! -! It is the best!

Writer(s): Carmina Burana, K. Liehm, Norri Drescher, Patrick, Teufel, Wim Dobbrisch

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