Fu n′attim e waglion attuorn /gess biank n'terr e l′uocchij mai chius /ward confus e vis mbus e st'uommne/ancor no sapev quant è dens o sang p'nnanz/n′terr e pier e ki er viv a ier/mo chied sul acqua sant comm piogg p sti ser/nda ll′arij o nomm alluccat/affollat e balcun re vokk chien/vir
I was in a crowd of boys, around /white chalk on the ground and my eyes never closed /confused and saw my confusion and this man
/ I still didn't know how thick blood is before /on the ground and stone and who lives yesterday
/ now just asks for holy water like rain for these evenings /in the air the cursed name /crowded and voice balconies barking dogs /worm
Sti prievt fier ra messa nov/addo è prmess parlà e scol comm foss na parol e salvezz7ij song n'osses
These proud priests of the new Mass /where it is permitted to speak and listen as if it were a prayer and save them /are nothing
E spiss nu song ij/appriess e sbaglij astip e fras p′ fa crur e pur e figlij mij/ a prsenz ro stat è cumm a st'alber spugliat e cavr/primm s lavn e po pavn e po/restn e primm ke rispost pa mort/ e penn scrivn
And often they are not /after and I am sick of mistakes and phrases p′ to make you believe and my children /in the presence of the state are like this naked and weak tree /first they wash and then they are afraid and then /they rest and before they respond to death /and with a pen they write
Tutt kell ke pe lengue è assai fort/o iuok è spuork e po o′ssapon sap buon e scorr for/e rint ancor gelosij unit a invidij.
All those who are very strong in language /play is dirty and then the ′sponge soap tastes good and runs away /and still in jealousy and envy united.
Rit.O' spuork e tutt e iuorn ij o chiamm o putrid/
Chorus: O' dirt and all day I call him rotten
Ki è pur sur e sput, chi nu salut è pcchè nun è mai carut/
Who is also deaf and spits, who does not greet is because he has never fallen
E nuij ke figlij mbracc astrignut e ke bracc dignut/
And we who have our children in our arms and who have dignified arms
Wardamm arind a ll′uocchij e ki nun s'illud
We look around our eyes and who is not deluded
Si astrign o fierr nu vai nter, nisciun cia mai krrut
If you pull the iron you don't go in, nobody ever believed
Marianell simm crsciut,
Marianell we have grown up,
E zingr nann mai r'rut/fann e milizij p mantenr e vizij/e sold a llor/e
And gypsy never ′r′ rut /do the militia p to maintain the vices /and the soldiers for them /and
Pietr przios pe z′zzos anzion ke dicn: ancor!!!/p chest natu padr mor/ s fa viern rind e cas e bell e buon/o suon re disk, o sient o vient sisk arind e rient?/p dint a ll′uocchhij e guard arind e vir nient/prettament ki 'c′sent regn e tribunal/ben o mal viv vit normal/condizionat a na condizional cur pok e mod e dorm ku una nov/proprij comm a ki è gentil e rir e mov e fil/ij scriv o schif e si nu capisc po 'm′ cumpiadisc/tu ka nu si nisciun, ka nu 't′ scit, ka nu vir/pann pulit ngopp a carn spork/
Precious stones for the old ancestors who say: again!!!
/ for this my father died /he becomes Friday in the house and handsome and good
/ the sound of the records, do you feel it, does it wind sisk around and laughing? /through the eyes and look around and see nothing /precisely who 'c′sent reigns and court/ good or bad lives normal life
/ conditioned to a conditional run for a little while and sleep with a new one /just like someone who is kind and laughs and moves and fil
/ he writes filth and if I don't understand then I feel sorry for ′m′ /you're nobody, who doesn't know ′t′, who doesn't see /clean rags over dirty flesh
O contraffatt contr a ll'art pur/e finkè a mort nu 'm′ cokk ij parl e pens crur
The counterfeit against pure art /and until death I do not ′m′ lie, I speak and think of myself
Cuorp spuork e anim brillant; cumm a luc e nu diamant/quant e llor kin r′or cumm e sant s lavn e mman co'sang e ancor/piezz e me rind a ll′uocchij e ki mè nemik/kill ke mmen na vita nterr sott o fuok spuork ra vokk ro fierr/pierdt e scuordt e sta 'lot′/iuok a mill, piglij 'l′ mman stu mmal/figlij e puttan ka si iok'n' ogni iuorn o riman/illus ra lucia spork ro sol ngopp a lam/amor cumm a′ rragg,
Dirty body and brilliant soul; like light and a diamond /how they wash like saints with gold and with hands with blood and still /pieces of me in the eyes and who is my enemy /killers who in a life under the dirty fire escape from the mouth to the iron /lose and forget and this ′lot′ /play a thousand, take ′l′ in this evil /children and whores who if I 'ok'n' every day or remain /dull from the light to dirty the sun over the mud /love like the ′rragi,
Ij tagg vist nvacc, e si l′annascunn, stu spuork esc ancor kiu for/cumm a na malatij ka fa scaglì
I notched back seen, and if they hide it, this dirty one comes out even more /like a disease that makes you scratch
Ngopp o' rlor/s mor e s nasc, hascish rind e′ mman e sti wagliun/ke guardann o'mar annanz a lun,
On the ′rlor /he dies and is born, hashish in the ′hands and these boys /who look at the sea in front of the moon,
Cerkn o ′ppuli rint a ll'uocchij roc e na criatur/e mo chiur ku nu pnzier sta strof: p chi ha iukat spuork e mank aropp muort arrpos...
They are looking for the ′ppuli in the rock and a creature /and now cries with a thought this verse: for who has drawn dirty and also after death has no rest...
Rit.O′ spuork e tutt e iuorn ij o chiamm o putrid/
Chorus: O' dirt and all day I call him rotten
Ki è pur sur e sput, chi nu salut è pcchè nun è mai carut/
Who is also deaf and spits, who does not greet is because he has never fallen
E nuij ke figlij mbracc astrignut e ke bracc dignut/
And we who have our children in our arms and who have dignified arms
Wardamm arind a ll'uocchij e ki nun s'illud
We look around our eyes and who is not deluded
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