Cosculluela - Tic Toc (Version Reggeaton) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cosculluela - Tic Toc (Version Reggeaton)

Tic Toc (Version Reggeaton)
Tic Toc (Version Reggeaton)
Que me abran los canales pa' grabar esta peste
Open the channels for me to record this plague
Y que me arresten porque voy a desenterrar al muerto éste
And get arrested because I'm going to dig up the dead this
Demasiao' de mucho tiempo pa' escribir una canción
It's been too long to write a song
Si Puertorro' fuera Miami 'tas guerreando con Lebron
If Puertorro 'were Miami' tas warring with Lebron
Agarra el lápiz cabrón que vo'a darte hasta que te apague
Grab the fucking pencil I'm gonna give you until I turn you off
No quiero mas excusa pa' arreglar ni que te cague
I don't want no more excuse to fix or fuck you
Y pára de llamar a Jaime para arreglar en el concierto
And stop calling Jaime to arrange at the concert
El dinero no es mi problema en ese lado yo estoy resuelto
Money is not my problem on that side I am solved
Free Tempo! Que mucho lloraste porque te saquen
Free Tempo! That you cried a lot because they take you out
Reunan toda la firma de la gente y las empaten,
Gather all the people's signature and tie them up,
Va a salir igual roncando de críos y de Bugatti
It's going to come out the same snoring of kids and Bugatti
Puerto Rico te sacó, pues hazle el concierto gratis sin queja
Puerto Rico got you out, then do the concert for free without complaint
Mexicano está detrás de las reja,
Mexican is behind the bars,
No quieras estar cogiendo a la gente de pendeja
You don't want to be fucking the asshole people
Que fuiste pa Manatí a buscarte unas capella vieja
That you went to Manatee to look for some old capella
Y la estrenaste como si hubieran grabado todo en pareja
And you premiered it as if they had recorded everything as a couple
Así cualquiera cabrón si el tiempo te da la razón
So any bastard if time gives you the reason
Pues el tiempo sigue pasando y sigues en el mismo avión
Well time keeps passing and you're still on the same plane
Ya no hables de eso como si tu voz tuviera peso
Don't talk about it like your voice has weight anymore
En to los temas es la misma mierda:
On to the topics it's the same shit:
"El que salió de preso"
"The one who got out of prison"
A nadie le importa cuanto tiempo tu hiciste
No one cares how long you made
Puedes hacerle 30 años sigue siendo el mismo chiste
You can make him 30 years it's still the same joke
Narcoanpon de los temas pa que la gente se asuste
Narco-Anpon of the topics for people to be scared
Te fuiste a ajuste y dijiste que todo era de embuste
You went to adjustment and said it was all a lie
Y en la corte hiciste un show de striper
And in court you did a striper show
Pa' que el juez, el fiscal te bajen el zipper
For the judge, the prosecutor to take down your zipper
Le bajaste el zipper a todo los fiscales federales
You pulled down the zipper on all the federal prosecutors
Para que te bajen los años y el caso se desinstale
To get your years down and the case is uninstalled
You know the take The Cos to be to Boss
You know the take The Cos to be to Boss
Is the on the street to boy, to flowless
Is the on the street to boy, to flowless
El Princii...
The Princii...
Uno dos dos uno dos tres probando
One two two one two three testing
Alguien que me explique bien que lo que esta pasando
Someone to explain to me well that what is happening
Llame a Elías si mañana me arresta lo policía
Call Elias if the police arrest me tomorrow
Yo hago una año y salgo con 10 discos en el mismo dia
I do a year and I come out with 10 albums in the same day
Cabrón Tuviste tiempo pa' pensar y pa' escribir
You bastard had time to 'think and to' write
Pa' borrar lo que no te gusta, pa' editar y pa' seguir
To 'delete what you don't like, to' edit and to' follow
El tiempo es irrecuperable no le puedes dar pa atrás
Time is irretrievable you can't turn it back
Ya lo botaste en la celda haciendo buchon y yon pillas
You already dumped him in the cell doing buchon and yon catches
Ahora es modelo así que nadie me le toque el pelo
She's a model now so no one touches my hair
Rifando Jordan pero no manda ni las Carmelo
Raffando Jordan but he doesn't even send them Carmelo
Le pone el disco Free Music, claro, tiene que ser Free
He plays the album Free Music, of course, it has to be...
Si los tema son una mierda y mas mierda son to' los beat
If the songs are shit and more shit are to' the beat
Estás mariado, echo dime que nos ha pasado
You're married, echo tell me what happened to us
Si yo fui quien aprobé tus hipotecas en dorado
If I was the one who approved your mortgages in golden
Si yo te di la mano cuando nadie te la ha dado
If I shook your hand when no one has given it to you
Te moriste en la orilla después de todo lo que has nadado
You died on the shore after all you've swum
Les converso vivo la película en reverso
I live the movie in reverse
Mi mujer era striper y mi chilla miss universo
My wife was a stripper and my squeal miss universe
Las coronas de belleza toas' encima de mi cabeza
The crowns of beauty toas' above my head
Y las mujeres que son de la calle nunca se enderezan
And the women who are from the street never straighten up
You Tempo! Descanse en paz y aprende de humildad
You Tempo! Rest in peace and learn from humility
Dices que a ti te recibieron como a Tito Trinidad
You say that you were received like Tito Trinidad
Y no me concuerda porque esa gente te han dado de izquierda
And it doesn't agree with me because those people have given you left
O se te han ido to's de lado por que los tratas como mierda
Or they've gone to your side to's because you treat them like shit
Quien ere' cabrón? A verda' el bichote
Who are you, you bastard? A verda' el bichote
Los jefes no lloran detrás delo' barrote
The bosses don't cry behind the bar
Taba loco que salga pa' que esta mierda explote
I'm crazy to get out so this shit explodes
La tuya quedó di show, yo nunca la escuché en Coyote
Yours was left di show, I never heard it in Coyote
Ni en coyote ni en la calle ni en las margaritas ni en ningún lao' porque tu no suenas cabrón, tu estas apagaoo'
Neither in coyote nor in the street nor in las margaritas nor in any Lao 'because you don't sound like a bastard, you're turning off...'
Yo me hice implante de pelo
I got a hair implant
Me hice el botox y también me hice la lipo
I had the botox and I also had the lipo
Por eso tu estas viejo y yo parezco un chamaquito,
That's why you're old and I look like a little boy,
Por eso pasa un año y siento que yo resucito
That's why a year passes and I feel that I resurrect
El Bhudda me lo dijo, "no pueden tumbarte ni en equipo"
The Bhudda told me, "They can't knock you down even as a team"
Yo estoy duro cabrón y es que conmigo nadie sale
I'm hard bastard and nobody goes out with me
Me enjabonan el piso y no hay forma de que me resbale
They lather my floor and there's no way I'm gonna slip
No te acueste, le debe 5 mil pesos a Dexter
I didn't put you to bed, he owes Dexter 5 thousand pesos
Y lo llamas, "voy a hacerte un party para que me lo restes"
And you call him, "I'm going to make you a party so you can subtract it from me"
Orientao' tenemos tus datos coge to' fiao'
Orientao' we have your data take to'fiao'
Y para no sonar pendejo dices que estas opisao'
And in order not to sound like an asshole you say that you are opisao'
Yo no te acuso, Tempo se sabe que esto es un abuso
I'm not accusing you, Tempo it's known that this is an abuse
Rafaelo no me llama, es mas yo brego con el ruso
Rafaelo doesn't call me, it's more I deal with the Russian
Un sapo sapo sapo
A toad toad toad
Cuando yo estaba matando en el estudio
When I was killing in the studio
Tu estabas pasando mapo
You were passing mapo
No me ronques de maliante y de que eres el capo
Don't snore at me for being a badass and that you're the boss
Porque donde te vea te la engrapo, grapo
Because wherever I see you I'll staple it to you, I'll staple
Demasiado de mucho flow para esta era
Too much of a lot of flow for this era
Tienes que volver a subir toas' las escaleras
You have to go back up all the stairs
No hables de lo que no sabes, no ronques de bregadera
Don't talk about what you don't know, don't snore bregadera
Porque tu tiempo paso hace una década entera
Because your time passed a whole decade ago
Estas viejo y ya no puedes dar ni consejo
You're old and you can't even give advice anymore
Todo el mundo sabe que el mas duro en Ponce es Ñejo
Everyone knows that the hardest in Ponce is Ñejo
Mudate pa vega bajo vera con quien trabajo
Move to vega bajo vera with whom I work
Porque tu seguir rapeando después de esto no me encaja
Because your still rapping after this doesn't fit me
Toy cagao' Coscu tu no sale de Humacao
Toy cagao' Coscu you don't leave Humacao
Pa' que voa' salir si to' ustedes me hacen los mandaos'
Pa'que voa' salir si to 'you guys make the orders to me'
Y no pretendo que tu entiendas todo lo que entiendo
And I don't pretend that you understand everything that I understand
La radio estoy explotando, en la calle ya tengo a Kendo, yiah!
The radio is blowing up, I already have Kendo on the street, yiah!
"Y le hice 11 años y 6 meses! Y saben que? No chotie"
"And I made him 11 years and 6 months! And you know what? No chotie"
Búsquenle un trofeo
Find him a trophy
Búsquenle un bizcocho
Find him a cake
Que el hombre no chotio, waooou
That the man did not chotio, waooou
Little motherfucker Wizard
Little motherfucker Wizard
Young Hollywood
Young Hollywood
El cere-bro-bro-bro, El Muekea, that's my men nigga
El cere-bro-bro-bro, El Muekea, that's my men nigga
El princi, White Lion
The Prince, White Lion
See you now, i see you on the back estudio
See you now, I see you on the back studio
Do you little a money this
Do you little a money this
Y no te compare conmigo cabrón
And don't compare yourself to me bastard
Que tu sabe que a mi se me hace demasiao' fácil, demasiao'
That you know that it becomes too 'easy, too' for me
Eso busca lo en la pista, búscalo en la voce
That look for it on the track, look for it in the voice

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