Cosmin 13 feat. Ones - Vise Pierdute - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cosmin 13 feat. Ones - Vise Pierdute

Vise Pierdute
Lost Dreams
Dau cu genele pe spate sa n-am dioctrii de cal
I bat my eyelashes not to get myopia
Cu vederea impartita ca o moarte inamicala
With my vision split like a hostile death
Atatea fete isi lasa fata
So many girls leave their face
Ochii altor fete (?)
For other girls' eyes
Ca un chip de zmoala naster ceara
Like a smudged mask, I mold the wax
Teatru pentru bani
Theater for money
Vad secrete in orizonturi ce se pierd in vertical
I see secrets on horizons that vanish into verticality
Un deliciu muzical de urlete ca de sacal
A musical delight of howls like a jackal
Ploi de plumb pe suflete de sticla
A rain of lead on souls of glass
Totul e formal
Everything is formal
Inteles ca viata nu-i mai mult decat un test banal
I understood that life is no more than a banal test
Icarus a cazut in apa pentru tine
Icarus fell into the water for you
Iisus ar fi fost bombardat in multime
Jesus would have been bombed in a crowd
Treispe in jungla
Treispe in the jungle
Nu stie unde o sa ajunga
He doesn't know where he's going
Cad in abis in Atlantis, lasa apa sa curga
I fall into the abyss in Atlantis, let the water flow
Azi noapte m-am trezit in auditoriu
Last night I woke up in the auditorium
Lucifer m-a audiat
Lucifer auditioned me
Dar Lucifer nu exista, eu sunt vinovat
But Lucifer doesn't exist, I'm guilty
Imi vand sufletu', strategie de marketing
I'm selling my soul, a marketing strategy
Un pumn peste realitate
A fist in the face of reality
Un punct pentru dreptate caci
A point for justice because
Treispe se trezeste in miez de noapte
Treispe wakes up in the middle of the night
Gandindu-se la fapte, scriind multe rime
Thinking about his actions, writing many rhymes

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