Cosmin 13 - Rest in Poem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cosmin 13 - Rest in Poem

Rest in Poem
Rest in Poem
In noaptea asta apare diavolu' pe ecrane
In this night the devil appears on the screens
Vampiri insetati in catedrale
Vampires thirsty in cathedrals
Ierusalim e departe
Jerusalem is far away
Mori toti insetati si apa se gaseste pe Marte
All the thirsty die and water is found on Mars
Frumusetea e pentru orbi
Beauty is for the blind
Constiinta n-are ochi, constiinta mea are porti
Conscience has no eyes, my conscience has doors
Constiinta e un asasin, baiete fugi departe
Conscience is a murderer, boy run away
Ascunde-te de monstrii, ai cutite infipte in spate
Hide from the monsters, you have knives stuck in your back
Fugi departe, lumea asta nu te cere
Run away, this world doesn't ask for you
Nu te vede, nu te crede
He doesn't see you, he doesn't believe you
Renasc din ruine,
I am reborn from ruins,
Zbor ca Icarus, la un moment cad dar realizez ca am aripi de inger
I fly like Icarus, at one moment I fall but I realize I have wings of an angel
Adevarul, un cutit
The truth, a knife
Am taiat o linie, am mintit
I cut a line, I lied
Munciuna, un creion ascutit
A lie, a sharp pencil
Cu gluga pe cap decid sa-l ucid
With a hood on my head, I decide to kill him
Ma sacrific in direct si regizoru' inchide ochii, e ceva concret
I sacrifice myself live and the director closes his eyes, it's something concrete
Joc cele trei carti in abis, ma gasesc la jumate
I play the three cards in abyss, I find myself in half
Ori pierd ori castig, lasa-ma sa dorm
Either I lose or win, let me sleep
Noaptea asta e uciderea din culpa
Tonight is killing out of guilt
A cugetarii si simt veninu' cum se urca
Of thought and I feel the poison rising
Fugi departe, chiar daca lumea te-a oprit
Run away, even if the world has stopped you
Te-a lovit, e ultima statie inainte de infinit
He hit you, it's the last station before infinity
Pare un film, am regizat totul si am improvizat
It looks like a movie, I directed everything and improvised
Si ma simt un actor infalibil, de definit
And I feel like an infallible actor, to be defined
Odata cu timpul, am ascultat 13 si nu i-am inteles tripul
Over time, I listened to 13 and I didn't understand his trip
Visele mele au un pret
My dreams have a price
Inainte ca diavolu' sa afle ca m-am renascut
Before the devil finds out that I was reborn
Ieri, ieri, ieri, ieri, trecutul foc aprins
Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, the past is a burning fire
Viitorul bombardament
The future is bombing
Bine ai venit frica,
Welcome, fear,
An dupa an locuiesti in mine ascunsa ca un Trojan
Year after year you live in me, hidden like a Trojan
Un ban se invarte pe o tabla
A coin spins on a board
Isi citeste destinul si stie ca o sa piarda
He reads his destiny and knows that he will lose
Dar o sa decida pentru o viata
But it will decide for a lifetime
Pe oras fumuri, nu ceata
On city smokes, not fog
Destinul meu e scris pe o piatra
My destiny is written on a stone
Sculptat de mine, devine gheata, ma ingheata (smin)
Carved by me, it becomes ice, freezes me (smiles)
Simt o noapte fara stele, un razboi fara arme
I feel a night without stars, a war without weapons
O crima fara pace interzisa
A forbidden crime without peace
Mii de cuvinte mistice pe o revista
Thousands of mystical words on a magazine
Baiete, uite-te in spate, ce combinatie trista
Boy, look behind you, what a sad combination
Indragostit de intuneric, ai ochi inchisi
In love with darkness, you have closed eyes
Impinsi la limita, greseli devin taituri
Driven to the limit, mistakes become cuts
Curge multa cerneala
Much ink flows
Ochii vor o lume ideala
Eyes want an ideal world
Treispe ermetic
Thirteen hermetic
Noaptea asta e prea grea
Tonight is too hard
Vise devin cosmaruri
Dreams become nightmares
Zeci de zaruri aruncate
Dozens of dice thrown
Aveam 2 aripi, am visat
I had 2 wings, I dreamed
Joc sah, vreau sa-mi descopar viitorul
I play chess, I want to discover my future
Tatal altundeva
Father somewhere else
Nu e acolo nicidecum, orfani
He's not there at all, orphans
Caut raspunsuri printre umani
I seek answers among humans
Dumnezeu a murit
God is dead
Si noi suntem bolnavi de capitalism
And we are sick with capitalism
Treispe profet, fara intelect
Thirteen prophet, without intellect
Adevarul e mama ratiunii
The truth is the mother of reason
Perfecta-n esenta, drept e ca
Perfect in essence, it is right that
Filozofia e abstractia pentru tot ce-i concret
Philosophy is the abstraction for everything that is concrete
Visele mele au un pret
My dreams have a price
Platit cu un plan maret
Paid with a great plan
Dar ma simt ca Icarus,
But I feel like Icarus,
O sa pierd, dar pana la capat de drum
I will lose, but until the end of the road
Raman lucid in bezna, ma prezint, Treispe
I remain lucid in the darkness, I introduce myself, Thirteen

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