Cosmin 13 - Singura Religie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Cosmin 13 - Singura Religie

Singura Religie
The One True Religion
Exista o singura credinta adevarata,
There is only one true faith,
Un singur dumnezeu, il poti vedea pe bancnote
One god, you can see him on banknotes,
La un leu sau un milion,
One leu or one million,
Dumnezeu intervine doar daca suma-i mare batalion
God only intervenes if the amount is a large battalion.
Intre oameni, dumnezeu il poti vedea in conturi bancare
Among men, God can be seen in bank accounts,
Prin neputiinta unor copii ce mor de foame
In the helplessness of children who die of hunger.
Il vezi pe dumnezeu intr-un plic
You see God in an envelope
Cand iti dicteaza sansele la viata si la un mic proiect
When it dictates your chances at life and at a small project.
O singura religie printre mase se raspandeste
One religion spreads among the masses,
Cand fratele-ti intoarce spatele si se gandeste
When your brother turns his back and thinks
Cum sa scoata totul, de la avere la interes
How to take everything, from wealth to interest.
Cand dumnezeu tace, inca un zerou s-a sters
When God is silent, another zero has been erased.
Devine complex faptu' ca multe depind doar de el
It becomes complex, the fact that so much depends on him alone.
Dumnezeu te lasa mort intr-un spital
God leaves you dead in a hospital,
Daca nu-l obtii si nu-l ierti
If you don't get it and forgive it
Si nu optezi pentru o structura in comert
And don't opt for a structure in commerce.
O singura religie sarbatorita zilnic
One religion celebrated daily,
Ora dupa ora, minut dupa minut
Hour after hour, minute after minute.
Inima imi bate incet in piept
My heart beats slowly in my chest
Si incep sa reinteleg acest divin grotesc
And I begin to understand this grotesque divine.
Un dumnezeu care straluceste
A god who shines
Si picteaza teritorii de sange si reuseste sa
And paints territories of blood and manages to
Creeze bariere cu bunele maniere
Create barriers with good manners
Printre straturi de pamant pe campiile pamantene
Among layers of earth on the earthly plains
Religia adevarata are ziua de plata, are caini si stapani
The true religion has payday, it has dogs and masters,
Si chiar daca se poate desface totul
And even if everything can be undone,
Iar apare dumnezeu
God reappears,
Cu chestiile sale de adevarat rateu
With his true failure.
Adevarata credinta are un buget
True faith has a budget
Si difera de celelalte farse
And differs from other farces,
De celelalte religii false
From other false religions.
Dumnezeu are un pret si un capital
God has a price and a capital.
Dumnezeu e o putere in mana unui tiran canibal
God is a power in the hands of a cannibal tyrant.

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