Crisler feat. Turko & Jforce TDH - No morí - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Crisler feat. Turko & Jforce TDH - No morí

No morí
I Didn't Die
De verdad no sabes cuánto me alegra el volver a encontrarme contigo
You truly don't know how happy I am to see you again,
Solo que esta vez mis sentimientos ya no te pertenecen yeaa
It's just that this time my feelings no longer belong to you, yeah.
Viste que estoy vivo sin ti
See, I'm alive without you,
No me mató el desamor
Heartbreak didn't kill me,
Pero debo a admitir
But I must admit,
Que dolistes que me heriste pero no morí
That you hurt me, you wounded me, but I didn't die.
Hoy te veo y sonrió por todo lo que pase
Today I see you and I smile because of everything I went through,
Ya que aunque no fue fácil por fin ya te superé
Since, although it wasn't easy, I finally got over you.
Y tu pensaste que si te irías yo me moría
And you thought that if you left, I would die,
Yo también me vi muerto pero resucite yeal
I also saw myself dead, but I resurrected, yeah.
Yo que todo era bonito pero no se que después te paso
I know everything was beautiful, but I don't know what happened to you afterwards,
Con todos los planes que teníamos
With all the plans we had,
Juntos que inesperadamente todo cambió
Together, that unexpectedly everything changed.
Empezaste a verme como si el de todo los problemas solo fuera yo
You started seeing me as if I were the only one with problems,
Permítame decirle creo que usted se equivocó
Allow me to tell you, I think you were wrong.
Y ahora sin prisa y con calma
And now, without haste and calmly,
Intentas robarte La Paz de mi alma
You try to steal the peace of my soul,
Pero para ti ya no hay excusa que valga
But for you there are no more excuses that are valid,
Le pido simplemente que se levante y salga
I simply ask you to get up and leave.
Nena me superé porque ya no estoy contigo
Baby, I got over it because I'm no longer with you,
No sabes el orgullo que siento cuando me miro
You don't know the pride I feel when I look at myself.
En el espejo veo mi reflejo
In the mirror I see my reflection,
Me llevé de los consejos ya no soy pendejo
I took the advice, I'm no longer a fool.
Tu te creíste la gran cosa y mírate ahora
You thought you were a big deal, and look at you now,
Dime que te paso que llamas a toa' las horas
Tell me what happened that you call at all hours.
Me dijistes muchas cosas que me quiere y que me adora que me extraña
You told me many things, that you love me and adore me, that you miss me,
Siempre con tus malas maña
Always with your bad habits.
Pero contigo no pienso volver
But I don't plan on going back with you,
Porque sin ti me siento bien
Because without you I feel good.
Si el pasado me llama no atiendo porque no tiene nada para ofrecer
If the past calls me, I don't answer because it has nothing to offer,
Ahora vivo mi vida tranquilo no me preocupo por ninguna mujer
Now I live my life calmly, I don't worry about any woman.
Siempre hay una que quiere y me llama pero yo solo quiero darle placer
There's always one who wants me and calls me, but I only want to give her pleasure.
Fueron dos alma que fallaron soluciones nunca hallaron
There were two souls that failed, they never found solutions,
Que lo malo se callaron y ambos nos tocó perder
They silenced the bad and we both had to lose.
Tantos chismes que contaron entre cupido
So many gossips that were told between cupids,
Mataron y no me mató el guayabo y menos a ti mujer
They killed and the heartbreak didn't kill me, and even less you, woman.
Ahora te la vives perdiendo siguiendo los pasos de tus amigas
Now you live losing yourself, following in the footsteps of your friends,
Toco vivir un infierno ya la rutina paso ser un ritmo
I had to live through hell, the routine became a rhythm.
No podemos seguirnos mintiendo que ellas no te enseñaran buena vida
We can't keep lying to ourselves that they wouldn't teach you a good life,
Y no se le puede seguir un consejo a quien en su vida nunca fue feliz
And you can't follow the advice of someone who was never happy in their life.
De amor nadie se muere y me toco sufrir lo admito
Nobody dies from love, and I had to suffer, I admit it,
Mi llanto lo borraba seguro con otro tipo
I'm sure you erased my tears with another guy.
Por el bien de cada uno a esto le pusimos fin
For the good of each of us, we put an end to this,
Y me toco resucitar pero de amor no me morí
And I had to resurrect, but I didn't die from love.
El turko, J force, TDH estudios
El Turko, J Force, TDH studios
Gedeon producción
Gedeon production
Flores treze, scar y Luis Lega en el foking beat
Flores Trece, Scar and Luis Lega on the foking beat

Writer(s): Erving Torres

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