Amico delle nuvole
/ perduto in questo mondo
/ in mezzo a gente illustre
/ in mezzo a macchine
/ non so più a cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più a cosa credere
/ amore. Uomini della nebbia
/ travestiti di azzurro: vendono spine ad ogni angolo
/ per un
My cloudy friend
/ lost in this world
/ amidst renowned folk
/ amidst machines
/ I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling. Foggy men
/ dressed in blue: they sell thorns on every corner
/ for a
Dio dei numeri
/ e dello scrigno. non so più a cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più a cosa credere
God of numbers
/ and of the vault. I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe in
Magari magari
/ andare via
/ magari magari solo io e te
/ magari magari
/ scappare via magari magari solo io e te.
/ Stupidi doganieri di questa terra
/ solo parole sapete offrirci
/ piccoli cuori di madreperla
Maybe, maybe
/ to go away
/ maybe, maybe, just you and me
/ maybe, maybe
/ to run away
/ maybe, maybe just you and me.
/ Stupid customs officers of this land
/ you have only words to offer us
/ little mother-of-pearl hearts
Non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più in cosa credere amore
/ non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
/ non so più in cosa credere
/ amore
I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling/ I no longer know what to believe in
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe
/ darling
/ I no longer know what to believe
/ darling
Magari magari
/ andare via
/ magari magari
/ solo io e te
/ magari magari
/ scappare via
/ magari magari
/ solo io e te.
Maybe, maybe
/ to go away
/ maybe, maybe
/ just you and me
/ maybe, maybe
/ to run away
/ maybe, maybe
/ just you and me.
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