Sei arrivata, tu sei arrivata, sei arrivata
/ cazzo se sei arrivata!
/ Sei arrivata sulla fine dell'estate piegando parafulmini
/ seguendo linee chiare primo autunno quello dei colori rossi
/ portata al mare, monti a Sauvignon e sei arrivata
/ sei arrivata su un aereo incompatibile senza ritorno
/ Sei arrivata dalle idee naviganti dimenticato cane
/ ovulando per diletto sul disastro di questo caldo
/ fumandoti soldi, vittoria in placido relax
/ gi
You've arrived, you've arrived, you've arrived
/ damn if you've arrived!
/ You've arrived at the end of summer bending lightning rods
/ following clear lines early autumn that of red colors
/ brought to the sea, mountains of Sauvignon and you've arrived
/ you've arrived on an incompatible plane with no return
/ You've arrived from navigating ideas forgotten dog
/ ovulating for fun on the disaster of this heat
/ smoking your money, victory in placid relaxation
/ gi
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