Cristiano Malgioglio - Pelame (Sbucciami) - Remix Spanish Version - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Cristiano Malgioglio - Pelame (Sbucciami) - Remix Spanish Version

Pelame (Sbucciami) - Remix Spanish Version
Peel Me (Skin Me) - Remix Spanish Version
Pelame, pelame, pelame, pelame
Peel me, peel me, peel me, peel me
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Entrastes en mi vida inesperadamente
You entered my life unexpectedly
Tu cuerpo se movìa entre toda la gente
Your body moved among all the people
Ipnotizando mis sentidos te apoderaste de mi mente
Hypnotizing my senses, you took over my mind
Nunca pensè que una mirada tuya pudiera ser tàn caliente
I never thought a look from you could be so hot
Como una flecha de Cupìdo el corazòn me attraversaste
Like an arrow from Cupid, you pierced my heart
Mira mi amor que lo que quiero es amarte
Look, my love, all I want to do is love you
Al pan al pan, al vino al vino
To the point, to the point
Quiero que me escuches en radio Taino
I want you to listen to me on Taino radio
Te canto esta canciòn de nuestro destino
I sing you this song of our destiny
Con Cristiano juntos en este camino
With Cristiano together on this path
Pelame pelame, completamente
Peel me, peel me, completely
Porquè te de cuenta cuanto puedo quererte
Because you realize how much I can love you
Besarte, amarte, sentirte, quererte
To kiss you, to love you, to feel you, to desire you
Erès tu mi vida yo no quiero perderte
You are my life, I don't want to lose you
Pelame (ah)
Peel me (ah)
Fruto fresco tuo seràs (que rico mami)
You will be my fresh fruit (how yummy, baby)
Comeme (esbucciame!)
Eat me (peel me!)
Hasta què te saziaras (sabroso)
Until you're satisfied (delicious)
Deriteme es un veneno como el mio
Melt me, it's a poison like mine
Desame como si fuese un beso mio (ah, què rico mami)
Love me as if it were a kiss from me (ah, how yummy, baby)
Pelame (esbuciami)
Peel me (peel me)
Pelame (sbuciami)
Peel me (peel me)
Pelame (sbuciami)
Peel me (peel me)
Pelame (sbuciami)
Peel me (peel me)
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Quiero besarte de la cabeza a los pie
I want to kiss you from head to toe
Desirte tantas cosas que te quiero mujer
To tell you so many things that I love you, woman
Tu eres como el aire que me hace respirar
You are like the air that makes me breathe
Muevete mami que te quiero gozar
Move, baby, because I want to enjoy you
Beveme, y tu sed yo saciarè
Drink me, and I will quench your thirst
Llevame, donde te esconderè
Take me, wherever you hide me
Amame, como no has sabido amar
Love me, like you've never known love
Pelame, y asì tu boca mojarè
Peel me, and so I will wet your mouth
Y tu sin mi, y tu sin mi no te orientas
And without me, without me, you're lost
Te romperè, te apartarè, te olvidarè
I'll break you, I'll push you away, I'll forget you
Te salvarè, almenos algo te darè
I'll save you, at least I'll give you something
Y tu sabràs que solo yo soy un amor un grande amor
And you'll know that only I am a love, a great love
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)
Pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame), pelame (pelame)
Peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me), peel me (peel me)

Writer(s): Lynda Aguirre Thomas, Karen Sokoloff

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