Crossing - On Ha Anat - traduction des paroles en anglais

On Ha Anat - Crossingtraduction en anglais

On Ha Anat
Where She Went
On ha Anat
Where she went
Quarts de tres és tard
A quarter past three in the morning
Arribo a casa
I arrive home
Ella dorm al llit
She's asleep in bed
Entro i em ve al cap
I walk in, and it crosses my mind
Aquella imatge
That image
Com si fos ahir
As if it were yesterday
Jugant a la platja els tres
The three of us playing on the beach
Vestits de verd
Dressed in green
Passant les hores
Spending hours
Sense cap preocupació
Without a care in the world
Jugant al sol
Playing in the sun
On ha anat
Where did she go
Aquella nena que mirava el mar
That girl who looked out at the sea
Mirava enrera
She looked back
I no vol, no vol tornar
And she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to go back
On ha anat
Where did she go
Aquella nena que mirava el mar
That girl who looked out at the sea
Mirava enrera
She looked back
I no vol, no vol, tornar
And she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to, go back
Ja se'ns ha fet gran
She's all grown up now
Ja no porta mai
She doesn't carry them anymore
Aquelles nines
Those dolls
Era tan feliç
She was so happy
Ja no vol jugar
She doesn't want to play anymore
A jocs de taula
Board games
Ara surt de nit
Now she goes out at night
Però a la seva habitació
But in her room
Encara hi dorm
She still falls asleep with
Aquell titella
That puppet
Que buscava grans tresors i rèiem molt
Who searched for great treasures, and we would laugh
On ha anat
Where did she go
Aquella nena que mirava el mar
That girl who looked out at the sea
Mirava enrera
She looked back
I no vol, no vol tornar
And she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to go back
On ha anat
Where did she go
Aquella nena que mirava el mar
That girl who looked out at the sea
Mirava enrera
She looked back
I no vol, no vol, tornar
And she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to, go back
Ja se'ns ha fet gran
She's all grown up now
On ha anat
Where did she go
On ha anat
Where did she go
Aquella nena que mirava el mar
That girl who looked out at the sea
Mirava enrera
She looked back
I no vol, no vol tornar (no vol)
And she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to go back (she doesn't want to)
On ha anat
Where did she go
Aquella nena que mirava el mar
That girl who looked out at the sea
Mirava enrera
She looked back
I no vol, no vol, tornar
And she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to, go back
Ja se'ns ha fet gran
She's all grown up now

Writer(s): Ernest Pratcorona Subirana, Joel Riu Llavanera

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